# cocoapods-xcremotecache The CocoaPods plugin that integrates XCRemoteCache with the project. ## Installation Build & install the plugin ```bash gem build cocoapods-xcremotecache.gemspec gem install cocoapods-xcremotecache-{CurrentGemVersion}.gem # e.g. gem install cocoapods-xcremotecache-0.0.1.gem ``` ## Usage 1. Add plugin reference to your project `Podfile`: ``` plugin 'cocoapods-xcremotecache' ``` 2. Configure XCRemoteCache at the top of your `Podfile` definition: ```ruby xcremotecache({ 'cache_addresses' => ['http://localhost:8080/cache/pods'], 'primary_repo' => 'https://your.primary.repo.git', 'mode' => 'consumer' }) ``` 3. (Optional) Unzip all XCRemoteCache binaries to the `xcrc_location` directory (defaults to `XCRC` placed next to the `Podfile`). If you don't provide all binaries in the location, the plugin will try to download the latest XCRemoteCache artifact from the public GitHub page. 4. Call `pod install` and verify that `[XCRC] XCRemoteCache enabled` has been printed to the console. ### Configuration parameters An object that is passed to the `xcremotecache` can contain all properties supported natively in the XCRemoteCache. In addition to that, there are extra parameters that are unique to the `cocoapods-xcremotecache`: | Parameter | Description | Default | Required | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | `enabled` | A Boolean value that enables XCRemoteCache integration to the project | `true` | ⬜️ | | `xcrc_location` | The location of all XCRemoteCache binaries | `{podfile_dir}/XCRC` | ⬜️ | | `exclude_targets` | Comma-separated list of targets that shouldn't use XCRemoteCache | `[]`| ⬜️ | | `exclude_build_configurations` | Comma-separated list of configurations that shouldn't use XCRemoteCache | `[]`| ⬜️ | | `final_target` | A target name that is build at the end of the build chain. Relevant only for a 'producer' mode to mark a given sha as ready to use from cache | `Debug` | ⬜️ | | `check_build_configuration` | A build configuration for which the remote cache availability is performed. Relevant only for a 'consumer' mode | `Debug` | ⬜️ | | `check_platform` | A platform for which the remote cache availability is performed. Relevant only for a 'consumer' mode | `iphonesimulator` | ⬜️ | `modify_lldb_init` | Controls if the pod integration should modify `~/.lldbinit` | `true` | ⬜️ | | `xccc_file` | The path where should be placed the `xccc` binary (in the pod installation phase) | `{podfile_dir}/.rc/xccc` | ⬜️ | | `remote_commit_file` | The path of the file with the remote commit sha (in the pod installation phase) | `{podfile_dir}/.rc/arc.rc`| ⬜️ | ## Uninstalling To fully uninstall the plugin, call: ```bash gem uninstall cocoapods-xcremotecache ```