require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/../spec_helper' require 'gorillib/hashlike' require 'gorillib/struct/acts_as_hash' require GORILLIB_ROOT_DIR('spec/support/hashlike_via_delegation') require GORILLIB_ROOT_DIR('spec/support/hashlike_helper') require GORILLIB_ROOT_DIR('spec/support/hashlike_fuzzing_helper') require GORILLIB_ROOT_DIR('spec/support/hashlike_struct_helper') require GORILLIB_ROOT_DIR('spec/hashlike/hashlike_behavior_spec') describe Gorillib::Struct::ActsAsHash do before do @hshlike = @empty_hshlike = @hshlike_with_array_vals = # @hshlike_subklass = @hshlike_subklass_inst = end # =========================================================================== # # Fundamental behavior describe '#[] and #[]= and #store' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_store_and_retrieve it_should_behave_like :references_string_and_symbol_keys_equivalently, ArgumentError it 'reject unknown keys' do lambda{ @hshlike[:fnord] = 69 }.should raise_error NameError, /no member 'fnord' in struct/ lambda{ @hshlike[:fnord] }.should raise_error NameError, /no member 'fnord' in struct/ @hshlike.delete(:fnord).should be_nil end it 'accepts defined but unset keys' do @hshlike[:new_key].should be_nil @hshlike[:new_key] = 69 @hshlike[:new_key].should == 69 end it 'does not allow nil, Object, and other non-stringy keys' do lambda{ @hshlike[300] = :i_haz_num }.should raise_error(IndexError, /offset 300 too large for struct/) lambda{ @hshlike[nil] = :i_haz_nil }.should raise_error(TypeError, "no implicit conversion from nil to integer") obj = lambda{ @hshlike[obj] = :i_haz_obj }.should raise_error(TypeError, "can't convert Object into Integer") def obj.to_sym() :c ; end lambda{ @hshlike[obj] = :i_haz_obj }.should raise_error(TypeError, "can't convert Object into Integer") end end describe '#delete' do it 'removes the key/value association and returns the value' do @hshlike.delete(:a).should == 100 @hshlike.delete(:is_missing).should be_nil @hshlike.delete(:false_val).should == false @hshlike.should be_hash_eql({ :b => 200, :c => 300, :nil_val => nil }) end describe 'with optional code block' do it 'returns the value of executing the block (passing in the key)' do set_in_block = nil ret_val = @hshlike.delete(:is_missing){|k| set_in_block = "got: #{k}" ; "hello!" } set_in_block.should == "got: is_missing" ret_val.should == "hello!" end end it 'will have a nil value but will still include? key after deleting' do @hshlike.should include(:a) @hshlike.delete(:a) @hshlike.should include(:a) @hshlike[:a].should be_nil end end describe '#keys' do it 'lists keys, even where values are nil' do @hshlike.keys.should be_array_eql([:a, :b, :c, :nil_val, :false_val, :new_key]) @hshlike[:nil_val].should be_nil end it 'is the full list of members, even when nothing has been set' do @empty_hshlike.keys.should be_array_eql([:a, :b, :c, :nil_val, :false_val, :new_key]) end it 'is the symbolized members list' do == end end # =========================================================================== # # Iteration describe '#each_pair' do describe 'with block' do it_should_behave_like :each_pair_on_stringlike_fixed_keys, :each_pair end it_should_behave_like :with_no_block_returns_enumerator, :each_pair end describe '#each' do describe 'with block' do it 'calls block once for each *val* in hsh !like array not hash!' do seen_arg1 = [] seen_arg2 = [] @hshlike.each{|arg1,arg2| seen_arg1 << arg1 ; seen_arg2 << arg2 } seen_arg1.should be_array_eql([100, 200, 300, nil, false, nil]) seen_arg2.should be_array_eql([nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]) end it 'with arity 1, returns keys only' do seen_args = [] @hshlike.each{|arg| seen_args << arg } seen_args.should be_array_eql([100, 200, 300, nil, false, nil]) end it 'handles array keys' do seen_args = [] @hshlike_with_array_vals.each{|arg1, arg2, arg3| seen_args << [arg1, arg2, arg3] } seen_args.should be_array_eql([[100, 111, nil], [200, nil, nil], [1, [2, 3, [4, 5, 6]], nil], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil]]) seen_args = [] @hshlike_with_array_vals.each{|(arg1, arg2), arg3| seen_args << [arg1, arg2, arg3] } seen_args.should be_array_eql([[100, nil, 111], [200, nil, nil], [1, nil, [2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil]]) end it 'returns self' do ret_val = @hshlike.each{|k,v| 3 } ret_val.should equal(@hshlike) end end it_should_behave_like :with_no_block_returns_enumerator, :each end describe '#each_key' do describe 'with block' do it_should_behave_like :each_key_on_stringlike_fixed_keys end it_should_behave_like :with_no_block_returns_enumerator, :each_key end describe '#each_value' do describe 'with block' do it_should_behave_like :each_value_on_stringlike_fixed_keys end it_should_behave_like :with_no_block_returns_enumerator, :each_value end # =========================================================================== # # Retrieval and Membership describe '#values' do it 'returns a new array populated with the values from hsh even when they were never set' do @hshlike.values.should be_array_eql([100, 200, 300, nil, false, nil]) end end describe '#values_at' do it 'takes positional, not symbol args' do @hshlike.values_at(1, 0, 3, 5).should == [200, 100, nil, nil] @hshlike.values_at(1, 1, 5, 3, 2, 5).should == [200, 200, nil, nil, 300, nil] end end describe '#values_of' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_values_at_or_of, :values_of end describe '#length' do it 'returns the number of key/value pairs in the hashlike' do @hshlike.length.should == 6 @hshlike.length.should == @hshlike.members.length @hshlike.delete(:a) @hshlike.delete(:b) @hshlike.length.should == 6 end it 'is always the length of #members, regardless of contents' do @empty_hshlike.length.should == 6 end end describe '#size' do it 'returns the number of key/value pairs in the hashlike' do @hshlike.size.should == 6 @hshlike.size.should == @hshlike.members.size @hshlike.delete(:a) @hshlike.delete(:b) @hshlike.size.should == 6 end it 'is always the length of #members, regardless of contents' do @empty_hshlike.size.should == 6 end end describe '#has_key?' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_key_predefined_always_present, :has_key? it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_key_string_and_symbol_equivalent, :has_key? end describe '#include?' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_key_predefined_always_present, :include? it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_key_string_and_symbol_equivalent, :include? end describe '#key?' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_key_predefined_always_present, :key? it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_key_string_and_symbol_equivalent, :key? end describe '#member?' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_key_predefined_always_present, :member? it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_key_string_and_symbol_equivalent, :member? end describe '#has_value?' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_value?, :has_value? end describe '#value?' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_has_value?, :value? end describe '#fetch' do it 'returns a value from the hashlike for the given key' do @hshlike.fetch(:a).should == 100 @hshlike.fetch(:c).should == 300 @hshlike.fetch(:nil_val).should == nil end describe 'on a missing key' do it 'with no other arguments, raises a +KeyError+ exception' do lambda{ @hshlike.fetch(:is_missing) }.should raise_error(KeyError, 'key not found: :is_missing') end it 'if block given, runs the block with the given key and returns its value' do set_in_block = nil ret_val = @hshlike.fetch(:is_missing){|k| set_in_block = "got: #{k}" ; "hello!" } ret_val.should == "hello!" set_in_block.should == "got: is_missing" end it 'if default given, returns the default arg' do ret_val = @hshlike.fetch(:is_missing, :returned_as_default) ret_val.should == :returned_as_default end it 'if block and default are both given, issues a warning and runs the block' do set_in_block = nil ret_val = @hshlike.fetch(:is_missing, :spurious_default){|k| set_in_block = "got: #{k}" ; "hello!" } ret_val.should == "hello!" set_in_block.should == "got: is_missing" end end it 'something something convert_key' end describe '#key' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_key end describe '#assoc' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_assoc end describe '#rassoc' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_rassoc end describe '#empty?' do it 'returns true if the hashlike contains only nil values, false otherwise' do @hshlike.empty?.should == false @empty_hshlike.empty?.should == true @empty_hshlike[:a] = false @empty_hshlike.empty?.should == false end end # =========================================================================== # # Update, merge!, merge describe 'update' do it_should_behave_like :merging_method, :update it_should_behave_like :merging_method_with_struct_keys, :update it_should_behave_like :merging_method_inplace, :update end describe '#merge!' do it_should_behave_like :merging_method, :merge! it_should_behave_like :merging_method_with_struct_keys, :merge! it_should_behave_like :merging_method_inplace, :merge! end describe '#merge' do it_should_behave_like :merging_method, :merge it_should_behave_like :merging_method_with_struct_keys, :merge it_should_behave_like :merging_method_returning_new, :merge end # =========================================================================== # # Filters shared_examples_for :hashlike_filter_fixed_keys do |method_to_test| it 'passes every key-value pair to block' do seen_args = [] ret_val = @hshlike.send(method_to_test){|key,val| seen_args << [key, val] ; val && (val.to_i > 150) } # seen_args.should be_array_eql([[:a, 100], [:b, 200], [:c, 300], [:nil_val, nil], [:false_val, false], [:new_key, nil]]) end it 'adapts to the arity of the block' do seen_args = [] ret_val = @hshlike.send(method_to_test){|arg| seen_args << [arg] ; @hshlike[arg] && (@hshlike[arg].to_i > 150) } # seen_args.should be_array_eql([[:a], [:b], [:c], [:nil_val], [:false_val], [:new_key]]) end describe 'with no block' do it('returns an enumerator'){ @hshlike.send(method_to_test).should enumerate_method(@hshlike, method_to_test) } end end describe '#reject!' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_filter_fixed_keys, :reject! it_should_behave_like :rejection_filter, :reject! it_should_behave_like :filter_modifies_self_returns_nil_if_unchanged, :reject!, false end describe '#select!' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_filter_fixed_keys, :select! it_should_behave_like :selection_filter, :select! it_should_behave_like :filter_modifies_self_returns_nil_if_unchanged, :select!, true end describe '#delete_if' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_filter_fixed_keys, :delete_if it_should_behave_like :rejection_filter, :delete_if it_should_behave_like :filter_modifies_self_returns_self, :delete_if, false end describe '#keep_if' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_filter_fixed_keys, :keep_if it_should_behave_like :selection_filter, :keep_if it_should_behave_like :filter_modifies_self_returns_self, :keep_if, true end # describe '#reject' do # it_should_behave_like :hashlike_filter_fixed_keys, :select # it_should_behave_like :selection_filter, :select # it_should_behave_like :filter_does_not_modify_self_returns_same_class, :reject, false # end # # describe '#select' do # it_should_behave_like :hashlike_filter_fixed_keys, :select # it_should_behave_like :selection_filter, :select # it_should_behave_like :filter_does_not_modify_self_returns_same_class, :select, true # end describe '#clear' do it_should_behave_like :hashlike_clear end # =========================================================================== # # Conversion describe '#to_hash' do it 'returns a new Hash with each key set to its associated value' do ret_val = @hshlike.to_hash ret_val.should be_an_instance_of(Hash) ret_val.should == {:a=>100, :b=>200, :c=>300, :nil_val=>nil, :false_val=>false, :new_key=>nil} end end if (RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9') describe '#invert' do it 'returns a new Hash using the values as keys, and the keys as values' do ret_val = @hshlike.invert ret_val.should == { 100 => :a, 200 => :b, 300 => :c, nil => :new_key, false => :false_val } end it 'with duplicate values, the result will contain only one of them as a key' do @hshlike[:a] = 999 @hshlike[:new_key] = 999 @hshlike.invert.should == { 999 => :new_key, 200 => :b, 300 => :c, nil => :nil_val, false => :false_val } end it 'returns a Hash, not a self.class' do ret_val = @hshlike.invert ret_val.should be_an_instance_of(Hash) end end describe '#flatten' do it 'with no arg returns a one-dimensional flattening' do ret_val = @hshlike_with_array_vals.flatten ret_val.should == [ :a, [100, 111], :b, 200, :c, [1, [2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]], :nil_val, nil, :false_val, nil, :new_key, nil ] end it 'with no arg is same as level = 1' do @hshlike_with_array_vals.flatten(1).should == @hshlike_with_array_vals.flatten end it 'with level == nil, returns a complete flattening' do ret_val = @hshlike_with_array_vals.flatten(nil) ret_val.should == [ :a, 100, 111, :b, 200, :c, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, :nil_val, nil, :false_val, nil, :new_key, nil ] end it 'with an arg, flattens to that level (0)' do ret_val = @hshlike_with_array_vals.flatten(0) ret_val.should == [ [:a, [100, 111]], [:b, 200], [:c, [1, [2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]]], [:nil_val, nil], [:false_val, nil], [:new_key, nil]] end it 'with an arg, flattens to that level (3)' do ret_val = @hshlike_with_array_vals.flatten(3) ret_val.should == [ :a, 100, 111, :b, 200, :c, 1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6], :nil_val, nil, :false_val, nil, :new_key, nil ] end it 'with an arg, flattens to that level (4)' do ret_val = @hshlike_with_array_vals.flatten(4) ret_val.should == [ :a, 100, 111, :b, 200, :c, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, :nil_val, nil, :false_val, nil, :new_key, nil ] ret_val.should == @hshlike_with_array_vals.flatten(999) end end end # =========================================================================== # # Sanity check it 'built test objects correctly' do @hshlike_subklass .should < @hshlike.class @hshlike_subklass .should_not == @hshlike.class @hshlike_subklass_inst .should be_a(StructUsingHashlike) @hshlike_subklass_inst .should be_a(@hshlike_subklass) @hshlike_subklass_inst .should_not be_an_instance_of(StructUsingHashlike) @hshlike .should_not be_a(@hshlike_subklass) @hshlike .should be_an_instance_of(StructUsingHashlike) end end