/** * File Manager plugin for jWYSIWYG * * Yotam Bar-On, 2011 * * The file manager ui uses the Silk icon set from FAMFAMFAM * */ (function ($) { "use strict"; if (undefined === $.wysiwyg) { throw "wysiwyg.fileManager.js depends on $.wysiwyg"; } /* * Wysiwyg namespace: public properties and methods */ // Only for show var fileManager = { name: "fileManager", version: "0.98", // Same as jwysiwyg ajaxHandler: "", selected: null, setAjaxHandler: function (_handler) { this.ajaxHandler = _handler; this.ready = true; return this; }, ready: false, init: function (callback) { if (this.ready) { var manager = new fileManagerObj(this.ajaxHandler); manager.load(callback); } else { console.log("$.wysiwyg.fileManager: Must set ajax handler first, using $.wysiwyg.fileManager.setAjaxHandler()"); return false; } } }; // Register: $.wysiwyg.plugin.register(fileManager); // Private object: function fileManagerObj(_handler) { this.handler = _handler; this.loaded = false; this.move = false; this.rename = false; this.remove = false; this.upload = false; this.mkdir = false; this.selectedFile = ""; this.curDir = "/"; this.curListHtml = ""; this.dialog = null; /** * Methods */ var console = $.wysiwyg.console; console.log("handler: " + this.handler); this.load = function (callback) { var self = this; self.loaded = true; self.authenticate(function (response) { if (response !== "success") { var dialog = new $.wysiwyg.dialog(null, { "title" : "Error", "content" : response }); dialog.open(); return false; } // Wrap the file list: var uiHtml = '
' + '' + '
'; // If handler does not support upload, icon will not appear: if (self.upload.enabled) { uiHtml += '
'; } // If handler does not support mkdir, icon will not appear: if (self.mkdir.enabled) { uiHtml += '
'; } uiHtml += '' + '
'; uiHtml = self.i18n(uiHtml); if ($.wysiwyg.dialog) { // Support for native $.wysiwyg.dialog() var _title = self.i18n("{{file_manager}}"); var fileManagerUI = new $.wysiwyg.dialog(_handler, { "title": _title, "content": uiHtml, "close": function (e, dialog) { self.dialog = null; }, "open": function (e, dialog) { self.dialog = dialog; self.loadDir(); self.bindHover(); self.bindBrowse(); // Select file bindings dialog.find("input[name=submit]").bind("click", function () { var file = dialog.find("input[name=url]").val(); fileManagerUI.close(); self.loaded = false; callback(file); }); // Create Directory $(".wysiwyg-files-action-mkdir").bind("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var uiHtml = '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
'; uiHtml = self.i18n(uiHtml); var _mkdirTitle = self.i18n("{{mkdir_title}}"); var mkdirDialog = new $.wysiwyg.dialog(null, { "title": _mkdirTitle, "content": uiHtml, "close": function () { }, "open": function (e, _dialog) { _dialog.find("input[name=create]").bind("click", function () { self.mkDir(_dialog.find("input[name=newName]").val(), function (response) { self.loadDir(); mkdirDialog.close(); }); }); _dialog.find("input[name=cancel]").bind("click", function () { mkdirDialog.close(); }); } }); mkdirDialog.open(); }); // Upload File $(".wysiwyg-files-action-upload").bind("click", function (e) { self.loadUploadUI(); }); }, "modal": false // "theme": "jqueryui" }); fileManagerUI.open(); } else { // If $.wysiwyg.dialog() does not work.. console.error("$.wysiwyg.fileManager: This plugin uses the native dialog system of jWYSIWYG. Make sure you are using version > 0.98"); } }); }; this.authenticate = function (callback) { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } var self = this; $.getJSON(self.handler, { "action": "auth", "auth": "jwysiwyg" }, function (json, textStatus) { if (json.success) { self.move = json.data.move; self.rename = json.data.rename; self.remove = json.data.remove; self.mkdir = json.data.mkdir; self.upload = json.data.upload; callback("success"); } else { callback(json.error + "\n
$.wysiwyg.fileManager: Unable to authenticate handler."); } }); }; this.loadDir = function () { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } var self = this; self.curDir = self.curDir.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/'; // Retreives list of files inside a certain directory: $.getJSON(self.handler, { "dir": self.curDir, "action": "list" }, function (json) { if (json.success) { self.dialog.find("#wysiwyg-files-list-wrapper").removeClass("wysiwyg-files-ajax").html(self.listDir(json)); self.bindHover(); self.bindBrowse(); } else { alert(json.error); } }); }; /** * Ajax Methods. */ // List Directory this.listDir = function (json) { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } var self = this; var treeHtml = ''; return self.i18n(treeHtml); }; /** * Should be remembered for future implementation: * If handler does not support certain actions - do not show their icons/button. * Only action a handler MUST support is "list" (list directory). * * Implemented: 28-May-2011, Yotam Bar-On */ // Remove File Method: this.removeFile = function (type, callback) { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } if (!this.remove.enabled) { console.log("$.wysiwyg.fileManager: handler: remove is disabled."); return false; } var self = this; $.getJSON(self.remove.handler, { "action": "remove", "type": type, "dir": self.curDir, "file": self.selectedFile }, function (json) { if (json.success) { alert(json.data); } else { alert(json.error); } callback(json); }); }; // Rename File Method this.renameFile = function (type, newName, callback) { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } if (!this.rename.enabled) { console.log("$.wysiwyg.fileManager: handler: rename is disabled."); return false; } var self = this; $.getJSON(self.rename.handler, { "action": "rename", "type": type, "dir": self.curDir, "file": self.selectedFile, "newName": newName }, function (json) { if (json.success) { alert(json.data); } else { alert(json.error); } callback(json); }); }; // Make Directory Method this.mkDir = function (newName, callback) { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } if (!this.mkdir.enabled) { console.log("$.wysiwyg.fileManager: handler: mkdir is disabled."); return false; } var self = this; $.getJSON(self.mkdir.handler, { "action": "mkdir", "dir": self.curDir, "newName": newName }, function (json) { if (json.success) { alert(json.data); } else { alert(json.error); } callback(json); }); }; /** * Currently we will not support moving of files. This will be supported only when a more interactive interface will be introduced. */ this.moveFile = function () { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } if (!this.move.enabled) { console.log("$.wysiwyg.fileManager: handler: move is disabled."); return false; } var self = this; return false; }; // Upload: this.loadUploadUI = function () { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } if (!this.upload.enabled) { console.log("$.wysiwyg.fileManager: handler: move is disabled."); return false; } var self = this; var uiHtml = '
' + '

' + '
' + '

' + '

' + '' + '
'; uiHtml = self.i18n(uiHtml); var _uploadTitle = self.i18n("{{upload_title}}"); var dialog = new $.wysiwyg.dialog(null, { "title": _uploadTitle, "content": "", "open": function (e, _dialog) { $("