# frozen_string_literal: true

# This file is part of the ruby-dbus project
# Copyright (C) 2007 Arnaud Cornet and Paul van Tilburg
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.

require_relative "core_ext/class/attribute"

module DBus
  PROPERTY_INTERFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"

  # Exported object type
  # = Exportable D-Bus object class
  # Objects that are going to be exported by a D-Bus service
  # should inherit from this class. At the client side, use {ProxyObject}.
  class Object
    # @return [ObjectPath] The path of the object.
    attr_reader :path

    # The interfaces that the object supports. Hash: String => Interface
    my_class_attribute :intfs
    self.intfs = {}

    @@cur_intf = nil # Interface
    @@intfs_mutex = Mutex.new

    # Create a new object with a given _path_.
    # Use ObjectServer#export to export it.
    # @param path [ObjectPath] The path of the object.
    def initialize(path)
      @path = path
      # TODO: what parts of our API are supposed to work before we're exported?
      self.object_server = nil

    # @return [ObjectServer] the server the object is exported by
    def object_server
      # tests may mock the old ivar
      @object_server || @service

    # @param server [ObjectServer] the server the object is exported by
    # @note only the server itself should call this in its #export/#unexport
    def object_server=(server)
      # until v0.22.1 there was attr_writer :service
      # so subclasses only could use @service
      @object_server = @service = server

    # Dispatch a message _msg_ to call exported methods
    # @param msg [Message] only METHOD_CALLS do something
    # @api private
    def dispatch(msg)
      case msg.message_type
      when Message::METHOD_CALL
        reply = nil
          iface = intfs[msg.interface]
          if !iface
            raise DBus.error("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod"),
                  "Interface \"#{msg.interface}\" of object \"#{msg.path}\" doesn't exist"
          member_sym = msg.member.to_sym
          meth = iface.methods[member_sym]
          if !meth
            raise DBus.error("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod"),
                  "Method \"#{msg.member}\" on interface \"#{msg.interface}\" of object \"#{msg.path}\" doesn't exist"
          methname = Object.make_method_name(msg.interface, msg.member)
          retdata = method(methname).call(*msg.params)
          retdata = [*retdata]

          reply = Message.method_return(msg)
          rsigs = meth.rets.map(&:type)
          rsigs.zip(retdata).each do |rsig, rdata|
            reply.add_param(rsig, rdata)
        rescue StandardError => e
          dbus_msg_exc = msg.annotate_exception(e)
          reply = ErrorMessage.from_exception(dbus_msg_exc).reply_to(msg)
        # TODO: this method chain is too long,
        # we should probably just return reply [Message] like we get a [Message]

    # Select (and create) the interface that the following defined methods
    # belong to.
    # @param name [String] interface name like "org.example.ManagerManager"
    # @see https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-protocol-names-interface
    def self.dbus_interface(name)
      @@intfs_mutex.synchronize do
        @@cur_intf = intfs[name]
        if !@@cur_intf
          @@cur_intf = Interface.new(name) # validates the name
          # As this is a mutable class_attr, we cannot use
          #   self.intfs[name] = @@cur_intf                      # Hash#[]=
          # as that would modify parent class attr in place.
          # Using the setter lets a subclass have the new value
          # while the superclass keeps the old one.
          self.intfs = intfs.merge(name => @@cur_intf)
          @@cur_intf = nil

    # Forgetting to declare the interface for a method/signal/property
    # is a ScriptError.
    class UndefinedInterface < ScriptError # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException
      def initialize(sym)
        super "No interface specified for #{sym}. Enclose it in dbus_interface."

    # Declare the behavior of PropertiesChanged signal,
    # common for all properties in this interface
    # (individual properties may override it)
    # @example
    #   self.emits_changed_signal = :invalidates
    # @param [true,false,:const,:invalidates] value
    def self.emits_changed_signal=(value)
      raise UndefinedInterface, :emits_changed_signal if @@cur_intf.nil?

      @@cur_intf.emits_changed_signal = EmitsChangedSignal.new(value)

    # A read-write property accessing an instance variable.
    # A combination of `attr_accessor` and {.dbus_accessor}.
    # PropertiesChanged signal will be emitted whenever `foo_bar=` is used
    # but not when @foo_bar is written directly.
    # @param ruby_name [Symbol] :foo_bar is exposed as FooBar;
    #   use dbus_name to override
    # @param type [Type,SingleCompleteType]
    #   a signature like "s" or "a(uus)" or Type::STRING
    # @param dbus_name [String] if not given it is made
    #   by CamelCasing the ruby_name. foo_bar becomes FooBar
    #   to convert the Ruby convention to the DBus convention.
    # @param emits_changed_signal [true,false,:const,:invalidates]
    #   see {EmitsChangedSignal}; if unspecified, ask the interface.
    # @return [void]
    def self.dbus_attr_accessor(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: nil, emits_changed_signal: nil)

      dbus_accessor(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: dbus_name, emits_changed_signal: emits_changed_signal)

    # A read-only property accessing a read-write instance variable.
    # A combination of `attr_accessor` and {.dbus_reader}.
    # @param  (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    # @return (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    def self.dbus_reader_attr_accessor(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: nil, emits_changed_signal: nil)

      dbus_reader(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: dbus_name, emits_changed_signal: emits_changed_signal)

    # A read-only property accessing an instance variable.
    # A combination of `attr_reader` and {.dbus_reader}.
    # You may be instead looking for a variant which is read-write from the Ruby side:
    # {.dbus_reader_attr_accessor}.
    # Whenever the property value gets changed from "inside" the object,
    # you should emit the `PropertiesChanged` signal by calling
    # {#dbus_properties_changed}.
    #     dbus_properties_changed(interface_name, {dbus_name.to_s => value}, [])
    # or, omitting the value in the signal,
    #     dbus_properties_changed(interface_name, {}, [dbus_name.to_s])
    # @param  (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    # @return (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    def self.dbus_attr_reader(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: nil, emits_changed_signal: nil)

      dbus_reader(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: dbus_name, emits_changed_signal: emits_changed_signal)

    # A write-only property accessing an instance variable.
    # A combination of `attr_writer` and {.dbus_writer}.
    # @param  (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    # @return (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    def self.dbus_attr_writer(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: nil, emits_changed_signal: nil)

      dbus_writer(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: dbus_name, emits_changed_signal: emits_changed_signal)

    # A read-write property using a pair of reader/writer methods
    # (which must already exist).
    # (To directly access an instance variable, use {.dbus_attr_accessor} instead)
    # Uses {.dbus_watcher} to set up the PropertiesChanged signal.
    # @param  (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    # @return (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    def self.dbus_accessor(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: nil, emits_changed_signal: nil)
      raise UndefinedInterface, ruby_name if @@cur_intf.nil?

      dbus_name = make_dbus_name(ruby_name, dbus_name: dbus_name)
      property = Property.new(dbus_name, type, :readwrite, ruby_name: ruby_name)

      dbus_watcher(ruby_name, dbus_name: dbus_name, emits_changed_signal: emits_changed_signal)

    # A read-only property accessing a reader method (which must already exist).
    # (To directly access an instance variable, use {.dbus_attr_reader} instead)
    # At the D-Bus side the property is read only but it makes perfect sense to
    # implement it with a read-write attr_accessor. In that case this method
    # uses {.dbus_watcher} to set up the PropertiesChanged signal.
    #     attr_accessor :foo_bar
    #     dbus_reader :foo_bar, "s"
    # The above two declarations have a shorthand:
    #     dbus_reader_attr_accessor :foo_bar, "s"
    # If the property value should change by other means than its attr_writer,
    # you should emit the `PropertiesChanged` signal by calling
    # {#dbus_properties_changed}.
    #     dbus_properties_changed(interface_name, {dbus_name.to_s => value}, [])
    # or, omitting the value in the signal,
    #     dbus_properties_changed(interface_name, {}, [dbus_name.to_s])
    # @param  (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    # @return (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    def self.dbus_reader(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: nil, emits_changed_signal: nil)
      raise UndefinedInterface, ruby_name if @@cur_intf.nil?

      dbus_name = make_dbus_name(ruby_name, dbus_name: dbus_name)
      property = Property.new(dbus_name, type, :read, ruby_name: ruby_name)

      ruby_name_eq = "#{ruby_name}=".to_sym
      return unless method_defined?(ruby_name_eq)

      dbus_watcher(ruby_name, dbus_name: dbus_name, emits_changed_signal: emits_changed_signal)

    # A write-only property accessing a writer method (which must already exist).
    # (To directly access an instance variable, use {.dbus_attr_writer} instead)
    # Uses {.dbus_watcher} to set up the PropertiesChanged signal.
    # @param  (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    # @return (see .dbus_attr_accessor)
    def self.dbus_writer(ruby_name, type, dbus_name: nil, emits_changed_signal: nil)
      raise UndefinedInterface, ruby_name if @@cur_intf.nil?

      dbus_name = make_dbus_name(ruby_name, dbus_name: dbus_name)
      property = Property.new(dbus_name, type, :write, ruby_name: ruby_name)

      dbus_watcher(ruby_name, dbus_name: dbus_name, emits_changed_signal: emits_changed_signal)

    # Enables automatic sending of the PropertiesChanged signal.
    # For *ruby_name* `foo_bar`, wrap `foo_bar=` so that it sends
    # the signal for FooBar.
    # The original version remains as `_original_foo_bar=`.
    # @param ruby_name [Symbol] :foo_bar and :foo_bar= both mean the same thing
    # @param dbus_name [String] if not given it is made
    #   by CamelCasing the ruby_name. foo_bar becomes FooBar
    #   to convert the Ruby convention to the DBus convention.
    # @param emits_changed_signal [true,false,:const,:invalidates]
    #   see {EmitsChangedSignal}; if unspecified, ask the interface.
    # @return [void]
    def self.dbus_watcher(ruby_name, dbus_name: nil, emits_changed_signal: nil)
      raise UndefinedInterface, ruby_name if @@cur_intf.nil?

      interface_name = @@cur_intf.name

      ruby_name = ruby_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, "").to_sym
      ruby_name_eq = "#{ruby_name}=".to_sym
      original_ruby_name_eq = "_original_#{ruby_name_eq}"

      dbus_name = make_dbus_name(ruby_name, dbus_name: dbus_name)

      emits_changed_signal = EmitsChangedSignal.new(emits_changed_signal, interface: @@cur_intf)

      # the argument order is alias_method(new_name, existing_name)
      alias_method original_ruby_name_eq, ruby_name_eq
      define_method ruby_name_eq do |value|
        result = public_send(original_ruby_name_eq, value)

        case emits_changed_signal.value
        when true
          # signature: "interface:s, changed_props:a{sv}, invalidated_props:as"
          dbus_properties_changed(interface_name, { dbus_name.to_s => value }, [])
        when :invalidates
          dbus_properties_changed(interface_name, {}, [dbus_name.to_s])
        when :const
          # Oh my, seeing a value change of a supposedly constant property.
          # Maybe should have raised at declaration time, don't make a fuss now.
        when false
          # Do nothing


    # Defines an exportable method on the object with the given name _sym_,
    # _prototype_ and the code in a block.
    # @param prototype [Prototype]
    def self.dbus_method(sym, prototype = "", &block)
      raise UndefinedInterface, sym if @@cur_intf.nil?


      ruby_name = Object.make_method_name(@@cur_intf.name, sym.to_s)
      # ::Module#define_method(name) { body }
      define_method(ruby_name, &block)

    # Emits a signal from the object with the given _interface_, signal
    # _sig_ and arguments _args_.
    # @param intf [Interface]
    # @param sig [Signal]
    # @param args arguments for the signal
    def emit(intf, sig, *args)
      raise "Cannot emit signal #{intf.name}.#{sig.name} before #{path} is exported" if object_server.nil?

      object_server.connection.emit(nil, self, intf, sig, *args)

    # Defines a signal for the object with a given name _sym_ and _prototype_.
    def self.dbus_signal(sym, prototype = "")
      raise UndefinedInterface, sym if @@cur_intf.nil?

      cur_intf = @@cur_intf
      signal = Signal.new(sym.to_s).from_prototype(prototype)

      # ::Module#define_method(name) { body }
      define_method(sym.to_s) do |*args|
        emit(cur_intf, signal, *args)

    # Helper method that returns a method name generated from the interface
    # name _intfname_ and method name _methname_.
    # @api private
    def self.make_method_name(intfname, methname)

    # TODO: borrow a proven implementation
    # @param str [String]
    # @return [String]
    # @api private
    def self.camelize(str)

    # Make a D-Bus conventional name, CamelCased.
    # @param ruby_name [String,Symbol] eg :do_something
    # @param dbus_name [String,Symbol,nil] use this if given
    # @return [Symbol] eg DoSomething
    def self.make_dbus_name(ruby_name, dbus_name: nil)
      dbus_name ||= camelize(ruby_name.to_s)

    # Use this instead of calling PropertiesChanged directly. This one
    # considers not only the PC signature (which says that all property values
    # are variants) but also the specific property type.
    # @param interface_name [String] interface name like "org.example.ManagerManager"
    # @param changed_props [Hash{String => ::Object}]
    #   changed properties (D-Bus names) and their values.
    # @param invalidated_props [Array<String>]
    #   names of properties whose changed value is not specified
    def dbus_properties_changed(interface_name, changed_props, invalidated_props)
      typed_changed_props = changed_props.map do |dbus_name, value|
        property = dbus_lookup_property(interface_name, dbus_name)
        type = property.type
        typed_value = Data.make_typed(type, value)
        variant = Data::Variant.new(typed_value, member_type: type)
        [dbus_name, variant]
      PropertiesChanged(interface_name, typed_changed_props, invalidated_props)

    # @param interface_name [String]
    # @param property_name [String]
    # @return [Property]
    # @raise [DBus::Error]
    # @api private
    def dbus_lookup_property(interface_name, property_name)
      # what should happen for unknown properties
      # plasma: InvalidArgs (propname), UnknownInterface (interface)
      # systemd: UnknownProperty
      interface = intfs[interface_name]
      if !interface
        raise DBus.error("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty"),
              "Property '#{interface_name}.#{property_name}' (on object '#{@path}') not found: no such interface"

      property = interface.properties[property_name.to_sym]
      if !property
        raise DBus.error("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty"),
              "Property '#{interface_name}.#{property_name}' (on object '#{@path}') not found"


    # Generates information about interfaces and properties of the object
    # Returns a hash containing interfaces names as keys. Each value is the
    # same hash that would be returned by the
    # org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll() method for that combination of
    # object path and interface. If an interface has no properties, the empty
    # hash is returned.
    # @return [Hash{String => Hash{String => Data::Base}}] interface -> property -> value
    def interfaces_and_properties
      get_all_method = self.class.make_method_name("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", :GetAll)

      intfs.keys.each_with_object({}) do |interface, hash|
        hash[interface] = public_send(get_all_method, interface).first


    # use the above defined methods to declare the property-handling
    # interfaces and methods

    dbus_interface PROPERTY_INTERFACE do
      dbus_method :Get, "in interface_name:s, in property_name:s, out value:v" do |interface_name, property_name|
        property = dbus_lookup_property(interface_name, property_name)

        if property.readable?
          ruby_name = property.ruby_name
          value = public_send(ruby_name)
          # may raise, DBus.error or https://ruby-doc.com/core-3.1.0/TypeError.html
          typed_value = Data.make_typed(property.type, value)
          raise DBus.error("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.PropertyWriteOnly"),
                "Property '#{interface_name}.#{property_name}' (on object '#{@path}') is not readable"

      dbus_method :Set, "in interface_name:s, in property_name:s, in val:v" do |interface_name, property_name, value|
        property = dbus_lookup_property(interface_name, property_name)

        if property.writable?
          ruby_name_eq = "#{property.ruby_name}="
          # TODO: declare dbus_method :Set to take :exact argument
          # and type check it here before passing its :plain value
          # to the implementation
          public_send(ruby_name_eq, value)
          raise DBus.error("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.PropertyReadOnly"),
                "Property '#{interface_name}.#{property_name}' (on object '#{@path}') is not writable"

      dbus_method :GetAll, "in interface_name:s, out value:a{sv}" do |interface_name|
        interface = intfs[interface_name]
        if !interface
          raise DBus.error("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty"),
                "Properties '#{interface_name}.*' (on object '#{@path}') not found: no such interface"

        p_hash = {}
        interface.properties.each do |p_name, property|
          next unless property.readable?

          ruby_name = property.ruby_name
            # D-Bus spec says:
            # > If GetAll is called with a valid interface name for which some
            # > properties are not accessible to the caller (for example, due
            # > to per-property access control implemented in the service),
            # > those properties should be silently omitted from the result
            # > array.
            # so we will silently omit properties that fail to read.
            # Get'ting them individually will send DBus.Error
            value = public_send(ruby_name)
            # may raise, DBus.error or https://ruby-doc.com/core-3.1.0/TypeError.html
            typed_value = Data.make_typed(property.type, value)
            p_hash[p_name.to_s] = typed_value
          rescue StandardError
            DBus.logger.debug "Property '#{interface_name}.#{p_name}' (on object '#{@path}')" \
                              " has raised during GetAll, omitting it"


      dbus_signal :PropertiesChanged, "interface:s, changed_properties:a{sv}, invalidated_properties:as"

    dbus_interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" do
      dbus_method :Introspect, "out xml_data:s" do
        # The body is not used, Connection#process handles it instead
        # which is more efficient and handles paths without objects.