module ActsAsIcontact module Rails module Callbacks protected # Called after a new record has been saved. Creates a new contact in iContact. def icontact_after_create c = self.class.icontact_mappings.each do |rails, iContact| if (value = self.send(rails)) ic = (iContact.to_s + '=').to_sym # Blah. This feels like it should be easier. c.send(ic, value) end end if # Update with iContact fields returned @icontact_in_progress = true self.class.icontact_mappings.each do |rails, iContact| unless (value = c.send(iContact)).blank? r = (rails.to_s + '=').to_sym # Blah. This feels like it should be easier. self.send(r, value) end end @icontact_in_progress = false # Very primitive loop prevention end end def icontact_after_update unless @icontact_in_progress # Avoid callback loops c = find_contact_by_identity self.class.icontact_mappings.each do |rails, iContact| if (value = self.send(rails)) ic = (iContact.to_s + '=').to_sym # Blah. This feels like it should be easier. c.send(ic, value) end end # No need to update the record this time; iContact field changes don't have side effects end end private def find_contact_by_identity im = self.class.icontact_identity_map if (im[1] == :contactId) ActsAsIcontact::Contact.find(self.send(im[0])) elsif (im[0] == :id) ActsAsIcontact::Contact.find(im[1] => id) else ActsAsIcontact::Contact.find(:email => self.send(im[0])) end rescue ActsAsIcontact::QueryError nil end end end end