class InformWriter DIRECTIONS = [ 'n_to', 'ne_to', 'e_to', 'se_to', 's_to', 'sw_to', 'w_to', 'nw_to', ] OTHERDIRS = [ '', 'u_to', 'd_to', 'in_to', 'out_to', ] def get_door_tag(e) dirA = e.roomA.exits.index(e) dirB = e.roomB.exits.rindex(e) name = Room::DIRECTIONS[dirA] + "_" + Room::DIRECTIONS[dirB] name << "_door" get_tag(e, name) end def new_tag(elem, str) tag = str.dup if RUBY_VERSION < 1.9 utf = 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-8' ) tag = utf.iconv( tag ) else tag = tag.encode( 'utf-8', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '' ) end # Invalid tag characters, replaced with _ tag.gsub!(/[\s"'\/\\\-&#\,.:;!\?\n\(\)]/,'_') tag.gsub!(/__/, '') # remove reduntant __ repetitions tag.sub!(/^([\d]+)_?(.*)/, '\2\1') # No numbers allowed at start of tag tag.downcase! # All tags are lowercase tag = tag[0..31] # Max. 32 chars. in tag (inform limit) # tag cannot be keyword (Doorway, Room, Class, etc) if tag =~ @keyword tag << '1' end if @tags.values.include?(tag) idx = 2 root = tag[0..29] # to leave room for number while @tags.values.include?(tag) tag = "#{root}#{idx}" idx += 1 end end if elem.kind_of?(String) @tags[tag] = tag else @tags[elem] = tag end return tag end def get_tag(elem, name = return @tags[elem] if @tags[elem] return new_tag(elem, name) end def wrap_text(text, width = 65, indent = 79 - width) return 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION' unless text str = inform_quote( text ) if text.size > width r = '' while str if str.size >= width idx = str.rindex(/[ -]/, width) idx = str.size unless idx else idx = str.size end r << str[0..idx] str = str[idx+1..-1] r << "\n" << ' ' * indent if str end return r else return str end end # # Take a text and quote it for inform's double-quote text areas. # def inform_quote(text) str = text.dup # Take text from Unicode utf-8 to iso-8859-1 if RUBY_VERSION < 1.9 utf = 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-8' ) str = utf.iconv( str ) else str = str.encode( 'utf-8', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '' ) end # Quote special characters str.gsub!(/@/, '@@64') str.gsub!(/"/, '@@34') str.gsub!(/~/, '@@126') str.gsub!(/\\/, '@@92') str.gsub!(/\^/, '@@94') return str end def objects(r) room = get_tag(r) objs = r.objects.split("\n") objs.each { |o| tag = new_tag(o, o) names = o.dup names.gsub!(/"/, '') # remove any quotes names.gsub!(/'/, '^') # change ' to ^ (inform convention) names.gsub!(/\b\w\b/, '') # remove single letter words names = names.split(' ') names = "'" + names.join("' '") + "'" name = inform_quote(o) classname = 'Object' # If name begins with uppercase, assume it is an NPC if name =~ /[A-Z]/ classname = 'NPC' end @f.print <<"EOF" #{classname} #{tag} "#{name}" #{room} with name #{names}, description "#{name} is UNDER CONSTRUCTION."; EOF } end def door(e) tag = get_door_tag(e) roomA = get_tag(e.roomA) roomB = get_tag(e.roomB) dirA = e.roomA.exits.index(e) dirB = e.roomB.exits.rindex(e) dirA = Room::DIRECTIONS[dirA] dirB = Room::DIRECTIONS[dirB] props = '' if e.type == Connection::LOCKED_DOOR props = "\n has lockable locked" elsif e.type == Connection::CLOSED_DOOR props = "\n has ~open" end if e.dir == Connection::BOTH found_in = "#{roomA} #{roomB}" elsif e.dir == Connection::AtoB found_in = roomA elsif e.dir == Connection::BtoA found_in = roomB end @f.puts <<"EOF" ! Door connecting #{e} Doorway #{tag} "door" with name 'door', side1_to #{roomA}, side1_dir #{dirA}_to, side2_to #{roomB}, side2_dir #{dirB}_to, found_in #{found_in}#{props}; EOF end def room(r) tag = get_tag(r) name = inform_quote( @f.puts <<-"EOF" !-------------------- #{} Room #{tag} "#{name}" EOF @f.puts " with description" @f.print " \"#{wrap_text(r.desc)}\"" # Now, handle exits... r.exits.each_with_index { |e, dir| next if (not e) or e.stub? or e.type == Connection::SPECIAL if e.loop? text = e.exitAtext b = e.roomB else if e.roomB == r next if e.dir == Connection::AtoB text = e.exitBtext b = e.roomA else next if e.dir == Connection::BtoA text = e.exitAtext b = e.roomB end end @f.puts ',' @f.print ' ' if text == 0 @f.print "#{DIRECTIONS[dir]} " else @f.print "#{OTHERDIRS[text]} " end if e.type == Connection::CLOSED_DOOR or e.type == Connection::LOCKED_DOOR @f.print get_door_tag(e) else @f.print get_tag(b) end } if r.darkness @f.print " has ~light" end @f.puts ";" objects(r) end def section(sect, idx) @f ="#@root-#{idx}.inf", "w") @f.puts '!' + '=' * 78 @f.puts "! Section: #{} " @f.puts '!' + '=' * 78 sect.rooms.each { |r| room(r) } @f.puts '!' + '-' * 78 @f.puts '! Doorways' @f.puts '!' + '-' * 78 sect.connections.each { |e| next if (e.type != Connection::LOCKED_DOOR and e.type != Connection::CLOSED_DOOR) door(e) } @f.close end def start @f ="#@root.inf", "w") @f.puts '!' + '=' * 78 story = story = 'Untitled' if story == '' today = serial = today.strftime("%y%m%d") @f.puts <<"EOF" Constant Story "#{story}"; Constant Headline "^A game map done with IFMapper ^by #{@map.creator}.^"; Release 1; Serial "#{serial}"; ! #{} ! These constants are to make the game also potentially Glulx compatible #ifndef WORDSIZE; Constant TARGET_ZCODE; Constant WORDSIZE 2; #endif; !Constant ZDEBUG; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; EOF @f.puts '!' + '=' * 78 @f.puts "! Object classes" @f.puts <<"EOF" ! We use Andrew MacKinnon's EasyDoors for our doors. Include "easydoors"; ! We define a class for NPC (non-player characters) class NPC has animate; EOF @f.puts '!' + '=' * 78 @f.puts "! Map sections" @map.sections.each_index { |idx| @f.puts "#include \"#@base-#{idx}.inf\";" } start_location = '' if @map.sections.size > 0 and @map.sections[0].rooms[0] r = @map.sections[0].rooms[0] tag = get_tag(r) start_location = "location = #{tag}" end @f.puts <<"EOF"; !============================================================================ ! Entry point routines [ Initialise; #{start_location}; lookmode = 2; ! verbose inventory_style = FULLINV_BIT + ENGLISH_BIT + RECURSE_BIT; ! wide ]; EOF @f.puts <<"EOF" !============================================================================ ! Standard and extended grammar Include "Grammar"; EOF @f.close @map.sections.each_with_index { |sect, idx| section(sect, idx) } end def initialize(map, fileroot) @tags = {} @root = fileroot @base = File.basename(@root) @map = map keywords = [ 'doorway', 'class', 'include', 'room', 'has', 'with', 'description', ] + DIRECTIONS @keyword = /^(?:#{keywords.join('|')})$/i start end end