#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # Ruby internal require 'pp' # Project internal require 'haiti' # External require 'docopt' require 'paint' doc = <<~DOCOPT HAITI (HAsh IdenTifIer) Usage: haiti [options] haiti -h | --help haiti --version Options: --no-color Disable colorized output -e, --extended List all possible hash algorithms including ones using salt --short Display in a short format: do not display hashcat and john the ripper references --hashcat-only Show only hashcat references --john-only Show only john the ripper references --debug Display arguments -h, --help Show this screen --version Show version Examples: haiti -e d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e haiti --no-color --short d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e DOCOPT begin args = Docopt.docopt(doc, version: HashIdentifier::VERSION) Paint.mode = 0 if args['--no-color'] pp args if args['--debug'] # use case 1, using the tool if args[''] hi = HashIdentifier.new(args['']) if hi.type.empty? puts 'Unknown hash type' exit(0) end hi.type.each do |type| next if type.extended && !args['--extended'] print Paint[type.name, :bold] print Paint[" [HC: #{type.hashcat}]", :blue] unless type.hashcat.nil? || args['--short'] || args['--john-only'] print Paint[" [JtR: #{type.john}]", :green] unless type.john.nil? || args['--short'] || args['--hashcat-only'] puts end end # use case 2, help: already handled by docopt # use case 3, version: already handled by docopt rescue Docopt::Exit => e puts e.message end