You're a bus captain!

Hey <%= @user.first_name %>,

Thanks for volunteering to be a bus captain! We know most people just want to hop on & off the bus, but coordinating busses isn't that easy. Thanks to you, this bus to <%= Rails.configuration.hackathon['name'] %> can be a success!

We've provided a portal to view all bus passengers for your bus, as well as provide important information about being a captain. Please take a look!

Bus List »
Link not working? Go to

This will be the central source of truth for passengers & bus information, in addition to anything you hear from our travel director.

This also means your name, email, and phone number are visible to everyone riding the bus. This information is taken straight from your <%= Rails.configuration.hackathon['name'] %> application, so please make sure it is up to date! You can check this at

Again, thank you so much for being a bus captain! If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to We can't wait to see you at <%= Rails.configuration.hackathon['name'] %>!