$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless
$:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)))
require 'digest/md5'
require 'cgi'
# = Gravtastic - Easily add Gravatars to your Ruby objects.
# Copyright (C) 2008 mailto:christopher.lloyd@gmail.com
# == Example
# Somewhere in your application you need to require 'gravtastic'. In Rails >= 2.1 you can forego this and just add a dependency gem dependency for Gravtastic.
# config.gem 'gravtastic'
# If you are using Merb & DataMapper you can add do the same by adding the following to your init.rb file:
# dependency 'gravtastic'
# Make sure you add this after either the use_orm :datamapper line or after a DataMapper extension. The next step is to give your model a Gravatar:
# class User
# is_gravtastic
# end
# If you are using a standard Ruby class you have to add the line include Gravtastic::Resource before is_gravtastic.
# This defaults to looking for the gravatar ID on the email method. So, if your User has an email then it will send that to Gravatar to get their picture. You can change the default gravatar source like this:
# is_gravtastic :with => :author_email
# Now, you can access your object's gravatar with the gravatar_url method:
# current_user.gravatar_url
# => "http://gravatar.com/e9e719b44653a9300e1567f09f6b2e9e.png?r=PG"
# Note that it defaults to a PG rating. You can specify extra options with a hash:
# current_user.gravatar_url(:rating => 'R18', :size => 512)
# => "http://gravatar.com/e9e719b44653a9300e1567f09f6b2e9e.png?r=R18&s=512"
# current_user.gravatar_url(:secure => true)
# => "https://secure.gravatar.com/e9e719b44653a9300e1567f09f6b2e9e.png?r=PG"
# However, to DRY things up you can specify defaults in the class declaration.
# is_gravtastic :with => :author_email, :rating => 'R18', :size => 20
# Nice, now all the calls to gravatar_url will have the defaults you have specified. Any options that you pass when you use gravatar_url will over-ride these class-defaults.
module Gravtastic
module Resource
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
module ClassMethods
# Sets the gravatar_source. Basically starts this whole shindig.
# Examples:
# is_gravtastic
# is_gravtastic :with => :author_email
# is_gravtastic :with => :author_email, :rating => 'R18', :secure => true
def is_gravtastic(options={})
@gravatar_source = options[:with] || :email
options.delete_if {|key,_| ![:size, :rating, :default, :secure].include?(key) }
@gravatar_defaults = {:rating => 'PG', :secure => false}.merge(options)
alias :has_gravatar :is_gravtastic
# Returns a symbol of the instance method where the Gravatar is pulled from.
# For example, if your users email is returned by the method #gobagaldy_gook then it
# will return the symbol :gobagaldy_gook.
def gravatar_source
# Returns a hash of all the default gravtastic options.
def gravatar_defaults
# Returns true if the gravatar_source is set. false if not. Easy!
def has_gravatar?
# The raw MD5 hash used by Gravatar, generated from the ClassMethods#gravatar_source.
def gravatar_id
if self.class.gravatar_source && value = send(self.class.gravatar_source)
@gravatar_id = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(value.to_s.downcase)
# Returns a string with the URL for the instance's Gravatar.
# It defaults to :rating => 'PG' and :secure => false
# Examples:
# current_user.gravatar_url
# => "http://gravatar.com/e9e719b44653a9300e1567f09f6b2e9e.png?r=PG"
# current_user.gravatar_url(:rating => 'R18', :size => 512, :default => 'http://example.com/images/example.jpg')
# => "http://gravatar.com/e9e719b44653a9300e1567f09f6b2e9e.png?d=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fimages%2Fexample.jpg&r=R18&s=512"
# current_user.gravatar_url(:secure => true)
# => "https://secure.gravatar.com/e9e719b44653a9300e1567f09f6b2e9e.png?r=PG"
def gravatar_url(options={})
options = self.class.gravatar_defaults.merge(options)
@gravatar_url = gravatar_hostname(options[:secure]) + gravatar_filename + parse_url_options_hash(options)
# Parses a hash options for the image parameters. Returns a CGI escaped string.
def parse_url_options_hash(options)
options.delete_if { |key,_| ![:size, :rating, :default].include?(key) }
unless options.empty?
'?' + options.map do |pair|
pair[0] = pair[0].to_s[0,1] # Get the first character of the option
pair.map{|item| item = CGI::escape(item.to_s) }.join('=') # Join key & value together
end.sort.join('&') # Join options together
# Returns the Gravatar.com hostname
def gravatar_hostname(secure)
'http' + (secure ? 's://secure.' : '://') + 'gravatar.com/avatar/'
# Returns the filename of the gravatar image.
def gravatar_filename
if gravatar_id
gravatar_id + '.png'
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, Gravtastic::Resource) if defined?(ActiveRecord) # :nodoc:
if defined?(DataMapper) # :nodoc:
DataMapper::Resource.append_inclusions Gravtastic::Resource
DataMapper::Model.append_extensions Gravtastic::Resource::ClassMethods