# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rspec/core' require 'rspec/matchers' require 'rspec/matchers/built_in/eq' require 'rspec/matchers/built_in/count_expectation' require 'ruby_terraform/models/path' require 'ruby_terraform/models/path_set' module RSpec module Terraform module Matchers # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class IncludeResourceChange include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::CountExpectation attr_reader :definition, :attributes, :plan def initialize(definition = {}) @definition = definition @attributes = [] end def matches?(plan) @plan = plan matches = attribute_matches(plan) match_count = matches.count if has_expected_count? expected_count_matches?(match_count) else match_count.positive? end end def with_attribute_value(*args) stage, path, value = args.count == 3 ? args : [:after, *args] path = [path] if path.is_a?(Symbol) path = RubyTerraform::Models::Path.new(path) value = maybe_box_value(value) @attributes << { stage:, path:, value: } self end def failure_message "\nexpected: #{positive_expected_line}" \ "\n got: #{positive_got_line}" end private def definition_matches(plan) plan.resource_changes_matching(definition) end def attribute_matches(plan) definition_matches(plan).filter do |resource_change| change = resource_change.change after = change.after_object @attributes.all? do |attribute| matcher = attribute_matcher(attribute) value = attribute_value(after, attribute) matcher.matches?(value) end end end def maybe_box_value(value) if value.respond_to?(:matches?) value else RubyTerraform::Models::Objects.box(value) end end def attribute_matcher(attribute) expected = attribute[:value] return expected if expected.respond_to?(:matches?) RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eq.new(expected) end def attribute_value(object, attribute) expected = attribute[:value] actual = attribute[:path].read(object) return actual&.unbox if expected.respond_to?(:matches?) actual end def positive_expected_line maybe_with_expected_attributes( maybe_with_definition( positive_plan_line ) ) end def positive_plan_line cardinality = cardinality_fragment plurality = expected_count.nil? || expected_count == 1 ? '' : 's' "a plan including #{cardinality} resource change#{plurality}" end def maybe_with_definition(expected_line) unless @definition.empty? expected_line = "#{expected_line} matching definition:\n#{definition_lines}" end expected_line end def maybe_with_expected_attributes(expected_line) unless @attributes.empty? expected_line = "#{expected_line}\n with attribute values after " \ "the resource change is applied of:\n#{expected_attribute_lines}" end expected_line end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def positive_got_line if plan.resource_changes.empty? 'a plan including no resource changes.' else count = attribute_matches(plan).count amount = count.zero? ? 'no' : cardinality_amount(count) plurality = count == 1 ? '' : 's' got_line = "a plan including #{amount} matching " \ "resource change#{plurality}." with_available_resource_changes( maybe_with_relevant_resource_changes(got_line) ) end end def with_available_resource_changes(got_line) "#{got_line}\n available resource changes are:" \ "\n#{available_resource_change_lines}" end def maybe_with_relevant_resource_changes(got_line) unless attributes.empty? got_line = "#{got_line}\n relevant resource changes are:" \ "\n#{relevant_resource_change_lines}" end got_line end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def cardinality_fragment qualifier = cardinality_qualifier amount = cardinality_amount(expected_count) "#{qualifier} #{amount}" end def cardinality_qualifier case count_expectation_type when :<= then 'at most' when nil, :>= then 'at least' when :== then 'exactly' when :<=> then 'between' end end def cardinality_amount(count) case count when Range then "#{count.first} and #{count.last}" when nil, 1 then 'one' when 2 then 'two' when 3 then 'three' else count.to_s end end def definition_lines indent = ' ' definition .collect { |k, v| "#{indent}#{k} = #{v.inspect}" } .join("\n") end def expected_attribute_lines paths = attributes.collect { |attribute| attribute[:path] } path_set = RubyTerraform::Models::PathSet.new(paths) values = attributes.collect do |attribute| with_matcher_renderable(attribute[:value]) end object = RubyTerraform::Models::Objects.object(path_set, values) object.render(level: 6, bare: true) end def relevant_resource_change_lines relevant_lines = definition_matches(plan).collect do |rc| address = rc.address actions = rc.change.actions.join(', ') attributes = rc.change.after_object attribute_lines = attributes.render(level: 8, bare: true) " - #{address} (#{actions})\n#{attribute_lines}" end relevant_lines.join("\n") end def available_resource_change_lines available_lines = plan.resource_changes.collect do |rc| address = rc.address actions = rc.change.actions.join(', ') " - #{address} (#{actions})" end available_lines.join("\n") end def with_matcher_renderable(value) return value if value.respond_to?(:render) value.define_singleton_method(:render) do |_| "a value satisfying: #{value.description}" end value end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end end end