= render "layouts/manage/page_title", title: @bus_list.name, subtitle: "Bus List" do .btn-group = link_to 'Edit', edit_manage_bus_list_path(@bus_list), class: 'btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary' = link_to 'Delete', manage_bus_list_path(@bus_list), method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure? The bus list \"#{@bus_list.name}\" will be permanently erased. This action is irreversible." }, class: 'btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary' .btn-group{role: "group"} %button.btn.btn-sm.btn-outline-secondary.dropdown-toggle#title-actions{"aria-expanded" => "false", "aria-haspopup" => "true", "data-toggle" => "dropdown", type: "button"} .fa.fa-envelope-o.pr-1 Send email .dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right{"aria-labelledby" => "title-actions"} = link_to 'Send Bus Notes Update', send_update_email_manage_bus_list_path(@bus_list), method: :patch, data: { confirm: "Are you sure? All passengers for \"#{@bus_list.name}\" will be immediatley emailed the current bus notes." }, class: 'dropdown-item' = link_to 'Create message (signed up passengers)', new_manage_message_path(type: 'bulk', recipients: ["bus-list::#{@bus_list.id}"]), class: 'dropdown-item' .row .col-lg-6 %h4.border-bottom.pb-2.mb-3 Details %dl.row %dt.col-md-5 Name %dd.col-md-7= @bus_list.name %dt.col-md-5 Capacity %dd.col-md-7= @bus_list.capacity %dt.col-md-5 Needs bus captain? %dd.col-md-7= @bus_list.needs_bus_captain ? "Yes" : "No" %h4.border-bottom.pb-2.mb-3 Schools %ul - @bus_list.schools.each do |school| %li.pb-2 = link_to(school.name, manage_school_path(school)) %br %small.text-muted - accepted = school.questionnaires.where(acc_status: 'accepted').count - no_bus = school.questionnaires.where(acc_status: 'rsvp_confirmed', bus_list_id: nil).count #{accepted} yet to RSVP, #{no_bus} attending but not using bus .col-lg-6 %h4.border-bottom.pb-2.mb-3 Bus Notes .card.mb-2 .card-body = render partial: 'bus_list_info', locals: { bus_list: @bus_list } %p.small.text-muted %span.fa.fa-info-circle.icon-space-l.icon-space-r-half These notes are provided to applicants, and included in email updates. .row.mt-2 .col %h4.pb-2 Passengers %small.text-muted (#{@bus_list.passengers.count} total, #{@bus_list.boarded_passengers.count} boarded, #{@bus_list.checked_in_passengers.count} checked in) %table.table %thead %tr %th %th First Name %th Last Name %th Email %th Phone Number %th School %th Boarded bus? %th Checked in? %th Bus Captain %tbody - @bus_list.passengers.each do |p| %tr %td= link_to ''.html_safe, manage_questionnaire_path(p) %td= p.first_name %td= p.last_name %td= p.email %td= phone_link_to p.phone %td= link_to p.school.name, manage_school_path(p.school) %td= p.boarded_bus? ? 'Yes'.html_safe : 'No' %td= p.checked_in? ? 'Yes'.html_safe : 'No' - if current_user.admin? %td - if p.is_bus_captain? = link_to "Remove", toggle_bus_captain_manage_bus_list_path(@bus_list, questionnaire_id: p.id, bus_captain: '0'), method: 'post', class: 'text-danger' - else = link_to "Promote", toggle_bus_captain_manage_bus_list_path(@bus_list, questionnaire_id: p.id, bus_captain: '1'), method: 'post', data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to make #{p.full_name} a bus captain? They will receive a confirmation email." } - else %td= p.is_bus_captain? ? "Yes" : "No" - if @bus_list.needs_bus_captain %h4.mt-4.pb-2 Possible Bus Captains %table.table %thead %tr %th %th First Name %th Last Name %th Email %th Phone Number %th School - if current_user.admin? %th Actions %tbody - @bus_list.passengers.select { |q| q.bus_captain_interest }.each do |p| %tr %td= link_to ''.html_safe, manage_questionnaire_path(p) %td= p.first_name %td= p.last_name %td= p.email %td= phone_link_to p.phone %td= link_to p.school.name, manage_school_path(p.school) - if current_user.admin? %td - if p.is_bus_captain? = link_to "Remove Bus Captain", toggle_bus_captain_manage_bus_list_path(@bus_list, questionnaire_id: p.id, bus_captain: '0'), method: 'post', class: 'text-danger' - else = link_to "Make Bus Captain", toggle_bus_captain_manage_bus_list_path(@bus_list, questionnaire_id: p.id, bus_captain: '1'), method: 'post', data: { confirm: 'Are you sure? This will send a confirmation email to the bus captain.' } .row.mt-2.mb-4 .col %h4.border-bottom.pb-2.mb-4 Passenger Distribution = render partial: 'bus_list_stats', locals: { bus_list: @bus_list }