# # Configuration of obsolete/deprecated cops used by `ConfigObsoletion`. # # See: https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/extensions.html#config-obsoletions # # Cop parameters that have been changed # Can be treated as a warning instead of a failure with `severity: warning` changed_parameters: - cops: - RSpec/VariableName parameters: IgnoredPatterns alternative: AllowedPatterns severity: warning split: RSpec/FilePath: alternatives: - RSpec/SpecFilePathFormat - RSpec/SpecFilePathSuffix removed: RSpec/Capybara/FeatureMethods: reason: > this cop has migrated to `RSpec/Dialect`. Please use `RSpec/Dialect` instead extracted: RSpec/Rails/*: rubocop-rspec_rails RSpec/FactoryBot/*: rubocop-factory_bot RSpec/Capybara/*: rubocop-capybara