module Seedy module AttributeMethods # Wrapper around attributes hash def read_attribute(key) @attributes[key] end # Wrapper around attributes hash def write_attribute(key, value) @attributes[key] = value end def table_name self.class.to_s.tableize.split(/\//)[-1] end def table_columns#:nodoc: sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #{table_name}" columns = [] result = execute(sql) result.each { |field| columns << field[0]} columns end # Adds a row to a join table def join(table, hash) sql = <<-EOF INSERT INTO #{table} (#{hash.keys.join(",")}) VALUES (#{quote(hash.values).join(",")}); EOF sql.gsub!(/^\s{6}/, '') execute(sql) end def quote(object) case object when String: return "'#{object}'" when Fixnum: return object when Array: objs = [] object.each do |o| objs << quote(o) end return objs else return "'#{object}'" end end def execute(sql) puts sql Seedy.connection.query(sql) end # Checks to see if we have all the neccessary attributes def valid? clear_errors valid = true self.class.columns.keys.each do |attribute| if @attributes[attribute].blank? @errors.add "#{attribute} cannot be blank" valid = false end end valid end def errors @errors.to_a.join(", ") end def clear_errors @errors = end # Generates get/set methods for keys in the attributes hash def define_attribute_methods return if self.class.attribute_methods_generated table_columns.each do |k| self.class.module_eval %Q? def #{k} read_attribute :#{k} end def #{k}=(value) write_attribute :#{k},value end ? end self.class.attribute_methods_generated = true end def generate_attributes_for(columns) columns.each_pair do |column, generator| case generator when Symbol: next if generator == :association write_attribute(column, Seedy::Random.send(generator)) else write_attribute(column, generator) end end end def attribute_for_inspect(attr_name) value = read_attribute(attr_name) if value.is_a?(String) && value.length > 50 "#{value[0..50]}...".inspect elsif value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(Time) %("#{value.to_s}") else value.inspect end end end end