require 'augeas' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../service/service.rb' class Sfp::Module::Mysql < Sfp::Module::Service include Sfp::Resource def update_state # call superclass update_state method self.class.superclass.instance_method(:update_state).bind(self).call # port data = (File.file?("/etc/mysql/my.cnf") ? `/bin/grep -e "^port" /etc/mysql/my.cnf` : "") @state['port'] = (data.length > 0 ? data.split('=')[1].strip.to_i : 3306) # root password if File.file?('/etc/mysql/nuri.cnf') @state["root_password"] = `cat /etc/mysql/nuri.cnf 2>/dev/null`.to_s.sub(/\n$/,'') else @state['root_password'] = 'mysql' end # can be accessed from outside? if @state['installed'] data = `grep '^bind-address' /etc/mysql/my.cnf 2>/dev/null` @state['public'] = (data.length <= 0) else @state['public'] = false end end def exec_seq(*commands) commands.each { |c| raise Exception, "Cannot execute: #{c}" if !system(c) } end def install(params={}) begin system('timeout 20s dpkg --configure -a') system('apt-get -y --purge autoremove') system('apt-get -y update') exec_seq 'echo mysql-server mysql-server/root_password select mysql | debconf-set-selections', 'echo mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again select mysql | debconf-set-selections', "apt-get -y install #{@model['package_name']}", 'echo "\n[mysqld]\nmax_connect_errors = 10000" >> /etc/mysql/my.cnf', 'service mysql stop', '/bin/echo mysql > /etc/mysql/nuri.cnf', '/bin/chmod 0400 /etc/mysql/nuri.cnf' return true rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "#{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end false end def uninstall(params={}) system('/bin/rm -f /etc/mysql/nuri.cnf') if File.exist?('/etc/mysql/nuri.cnf') system('timeout 20s dpkg --configure -a') exec_seq 'apt-get remove --purge -y mysql-server*', 'apt-get autoremove --purge -y', 'apt-get autoremove --purge -y' #if Sfp::Module::Package.uninstall('mysql-server*') #result = self.class.superclass.instance_method(:uninstall).bind(self).call #if result == false # system('apt-get remove -y mysql*; apt-get autoremove -y; apt-get autoremove -y') #end system('/bin/rm -rf /etc/mysql') if File.exist?('/etc/mysql') true #else # false #end #return result #false end def set_port(params={}) p = params['target'] Augeas::open do |aug| paths = aug.match("/files/etc/mysql/my.cnf/*/port") paths.each { |path| aug.set(path, p.to_s) } return end false end def set_public(params={}) if params['pub'] cmd = '/bin/sed -i "s/^bind\-address/#bind\-address/g" /etc/mysql/my.cnf' else cmd = '/bin/sed -i "s/^#bind\-address/bind\-address/g" /etc/mysql/my.cnf' end return false if not system(cmd) if Sfp::Module::Service.running?(@model['service_name']) return (self.stop and self.start) end true end def set_root_password(params={}) passwd = params['passwd'].to_s system('/bin/chmod 0600 /etc/mysql/nuri.cnf') oldpass = `cat /etc/mysql/nuri.cnf`.to_s.sub(/\n$/,'').sub(/"/,'\"') passwd.sub!(/"/,'\"') return (system("mysqladmin -u root -p\"#{oldpass}\" password \"#{passwd}\"") and system("/bin/echo \"#{passwd}\" > /etc/mysql/nuri.cnf") and system('/bin/chmod 0400 /etc/mysql/nuri.cnf')) end def set_service_name(p={}) true end def set_package_name(p={}) true end end