module Prawn::SVG::Loaders class File attr_reader :root_path def initialize(root_path) @root_path = ::File.expand_path(root_path) raise ArgumentError, "#{root_path} is not a directory" unless Dir.exist?(@root_path) end def from_url(url) uri = build_uri(url) if uri && uri.scheme.nil? && uri.path path = build_absolute_path(uri.path) load_file(path) elsif uri && uri.scheme == 'file' assert_valid_file_uri!(uri) load_file(uri.path) end end private def load_file(path) path = ::File.expand_path(path) assert_valid_path!(path) assert_file_exists!(path) end def build_uri(url) begin URI(url) rescue URI::InvalidURIError end end def assert_valid_path!(path) if !path.start_with?("#{root_path}/") raise Prawn::SVG::UrlLoader::Error, "file path is not inside the root path of #{root_path}" end end def build_absolute_path(path) if path[0] == "/" path else "#{root_path}/#{path}" end end def assert_valid_file_uri!(uri) if raise Prawn::SVG::UrlLoader::Error, "prawn-svg does not suport file: URLs with a host. Your URL probably doesn't start with three slashes, and it should." end end def assert_file_exists!(path) if !::File.exist?(path) raise Prawn::SVG::UrlLoader::Error, "File #{path} does not exist" end end end end