module GAlreadyGrid module ViewHelpers # GUIlded element. This is a grid that is utilizing the already grid jQuery plugin. It is # a progressively enhanced table. # # *parameters* # ar_col:: (required) An ActiveRecord collection. # options:: As follows. # # *options* # id:: (required) The id of the element. Must be unique on the page. # cols:: (required) An array of column names to include in the table. Each position of # the array can be a symbol, string, or hash with 1 entry. The hash entry is the # database field name as a key and the name to use in the gird as the value. Each # key and value in the hash can be a symbol or string. # skin:: The name of the skin to use for this Guilded element. Defaults to default => which is default.css. # exclude_css:: A boolean indicating if Guilded should create a stylesheet inlcude tag for # this element. Defaults to false. # empty_msg:: a message to display when the ar_col is empty or nil. Defaults to 'No matching recrods'. # actions:: Action links to include in the action column of grid. A boolean or Array of symbols. When # boolean, if true, add show, edit and delete actions. When boolean, if false, hide actions column. # When Array of symbols, add only actions present in array. # paginate:: A boolean indicating whether to output pagination controls. Defaults to # true. Utilizes will_paginate plugin features. # polymorphic_type:: The type of this polymorphic record. Should be a string representing the class name. # polymorphic_as:: The as used for the polymorphic type. Can be a symbol or string. # def g_already_grid( ar_col, *args ) options = args.extract_options! raise ArgumentError, "'cols' option required" unless options.include?( :cols ) raise ArgumentError, "'cols' option must be an array of columns" unless options[:cols].is_a? Array Guilded::Guilder.instance.add( :already_grid, options, [ 'jquery/jquery-already_grid-0.1.min.js' ] ) return "#{options[:empty_msg] || 'No matching records'}" if ar_col.nil? || ar_col.empty? plural_ar_type = ar_col[0].class.to_s.tableize singular_ar_type = plural_ar_type.singularize polymorphic_as = options[:polymorphic_as] polymorphic_type = options[:polymorphic_type] plural_polymorphic_type = polymorphic_type.to_s.tableize if polymorphic_type singular_polymorphic_type = plural_polymorphic_type.singularize if polymorphic_type options[:checkbox_class] = "chk" options[:check_all_class] = "checkAll" date_format = options[:date_format] || :default scoped_by = options.delete( :scoped_by ) if scoped_by shallow = options.delete( :shallow ) || false else shallow = true end # Resolve sorting if options[:sort] if options[:sort].is_a?( Array ) sort_by = options[:sort].map { |a| a.to_sym } elsif options[:sort].is_a?( Symbol ) || options[:sort].is_a?( String ) sort_by = << options[:sort].to_sym else throw "Option 'sort' must be a string, symbol or an array of strings or symbols." end end sort_by = unless sort_by # Set up the options booleans we need to decide on output HTML no_actions = !(options[:actions] == true || options[:actions] == 'true') no_actions ||= true if no_actions options[:actions] = [ :show ] elsif !options[:actions].is_a?( Array ) options[:actions] = [ :show, :edit, :delete ] end controller_name_parts = @controller.class.to_s.underscore.split( '/' ) controller_name_parts.pop pre = controller_name_parts.join( '_' ) unless ar_col.empty? if options.has_key?( :index_path_helper ) index_rest_method = options[:index_path_helper].to_s elsif scoped_by if pre.empty? index_rest_method = "#{scoped_by.class.to_s.underscore}_#{plural_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 else index_rest_method = "#{pre}_#{scoped_by.class.to_s.underscore}_#{plural_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 end elsif pre.empty? index_rest_method = "#{plural_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 index_rest_method.gsub!( /#{plural_ar_type}/, "#{plural_polymorphic_type}") if plural_polymorphic_type else index_rest_method = "#{pre}_#{plural_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 index_rest_method.gsub!( /#{plural_ar_type}/, "#{plural_polymorphic_type}") if plural_polymorphic_type end if options.has_key?( :show_path_helper ) show_rest_method = options[:show_path_helper].to_s elsif scoped_by && !shallow if pre.empty? show_rest_method = "#{scoped_by.class.to_s.underscore}_#{singular_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 else show_rest_method = "#{pre}_#{scoped_by.class.to_s.underscore}_#{singular_ar_type }_path" if ar_col.size > 0 end elsif pre.empty? show_rest_method = "#{singular_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 show_rest_method.gsub!( /#{singular_ar_type}/, "#{singular_polymorphic_type}") if singular_polymorphic_type else show_rest_method = "#{pre}_#{singular_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 show_rest_method.gsub!( /#{singular_ar_type}/, "#{singular_polymorphic_type}") if singular_polymorphic_type end unless no_actions # Build the name of the REST path helper methods if options.has_key?( :edit_path_helper ) edit_rest_method = options[:edit_path_helper].to_s elsif scoped_by && !shallow if pre.empty? edit_rest_method = "edit_#{scoped_by.class.to_s.underscore}_#{singular_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 else edit_rest_method = "edit_#{pre}_#{scoped_by.class.to_s.underscore}_#{singular_ar_type }_path" if ar_col.size > 0 end elsif pre.empty? edit_rest_method = "edit_#{singular_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 else edit_rest_method = "edit_#{pre}_#{singular_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 end if options.has_key?( :delete_path_helper ) delete_rest_method = options[:delete_path_helper].to_s elsif pre.empty? delete_rest_method = "#{singular_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 else delete_rest_method = "#{pre}_#{singular_ar_type}_path" if ar_col.size > 0 end end end cols, col_titles = Guilded::Rails::Helpers.resolve_field_methods_and_titles( options[:cols], ar_col[0] ) do_paginate = true begin if options[:paginate] == false || options[:paginate] == 'false' #ar_col.total_pages <= 1 do_paginate = false end rescue => e if e.is_a? NoMethodError # This just means no will_paginate methods are present. do_paginate = false else throw e end end do_checkboxes = true do_checkboxes = false if options[:checkboxes] == false || options[:checkboxes] == 'false' options[:checkboxes] = do_checkboxes unless options[:checkboxes] total_columns = cols.size total_columns = total_columns + 1 if do_checkboxes total_columns = total_columns + 1 unless no_actions options[:total_columns] = total_columns vars = { :no_actions => no_actions, :actions => options[:actions], :do_checkboxes => do_checkboxes, :total_columns => total_columns, :del_confirmation => 'Are you sure you would like to delete this record?', :col_titles => col_titles, :cols => cols, :grid_class => 'already-grid', :checkbox_class => options[:checkbox_class], :check_all_class => options[:check_all_class], :grid_id => options[:id], :ar_col => ar_col, :do_paginate => do_paginate, :date_format => date_format, :polymorphic_type => polymorphic_type, :polymorphic_as => polymorphic_as, :sort_by => sort_by, :index_rest_method => index_rest_method, :shallow => shallow, :scoped_by => scoped_by } if ( !options[:actions].nil? && options[:actions].include?( :show ) ) || options[:actions].nil? vars.merge!( :show_rest_method => show_rest_method ) else vars.merge!( :show_rest_method => nil ) end if ( !options[:actions].nil? && options[:actions].include?( :edit ) ) || options[:actions].nil? vars.merge!( :edit_rest_method => edit_rest_method ) else vars.merge!( :edit_rest_method => nil ) end if ( !options[:actions].nil? && options[:actions].include?( :delete ) ) || options[:actions].nil? vars.merge!( :delete_rest_method => delete_rest_method ) else vars.merge!( :delete_rest_method => nil ) end path = File.dirname(__FILE__) full_path = "#{path}/templates/guilded.already_grid.html.erb" self.render( :file => full_path, :use_full_path => false, :locals => vars ) end private # Creates a link to sort this column of a table. Utilizes the link_to helper, # but resolves sort by, direction and adds correct CSS classes for UI elements to # be displayed. # # *parameters* # name:: The text to use for the link # method:: The actual name of this column's field. # path:: (Symbol) The name of the path method to call from routing. # options:: see link_to helper. # def sortable_header( name, method, path, options={} ) is_sorted_link = ( method.to_s == params[:order].to_s ) if is_sorted_link if params[:direction] == "ASC" options.merge! :class => "sort-asc" elsif params[:direction] == "DESC" options.merge! :class => "sort-desc" end end direction = "ASC" direction = "DESC" if params[:direction] == "ASC" sort_options = { :order => method, :direction => direction } sort_options.merge!( :filter => params[:filter] ) if params[:filter] unsorted_options = { :order => method, :direction => 'ASC' } # always sort ascending on first sort unsorted_options.merge!( :filter => params[:filter] ) if params[:filter] path = path.to_sym unless path.is_a?( Symbol ) if is_sorted_link # Handle the currently sorted by link path = @controller.send( path, sort_options ) else # Handle the the other currently unsorted by links (we will always sort in # an ASC direction the first time) path = @controller.send( path, unsorted_options ) end #end # Load the params to an args array to send to the link_to helper args = args << name << path << options link_to( *args ) end end end