/* RSence * Copyright 2006 Riassence Inc. * http://riassence.com/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com */ /*** = Description ** HTextControl is a control unit that represents an editable input ** line of text. Commonly, textcontrol is used as a single text field in ** the request forms. HTextControl view or theme can be changed; the ** default_theme is used by default. ** ** = Instance variables ** +type+:: '[HTextControl]' ** +value+:: The string that is currently held by this object. ***/ var//RSence.Controls HTextControl = HControl.extend({ componentName: "textcontrol", defaultEvents: { textEnter: true, contextMenu: true }, controlDefaults: (HControlDefaults.extend({ refreshOnBlur: true, refreshOnInput: true })), /** = Description * The contextMenu event for text input components is not prevented by default. **/ contextMenu: function(){ return true; }, /** = Description * The refreshLabel method sets the title property of the text * field, essentially creating a tooltip using the label. * **/ refreshLabel: function(){ if(this['markupElemIds']!==undefined){ if(this.markupElemIds['label']!==undefined){ ELEM.setAttr(this.markupElemIds.label,'title',this.label); } } }, setStyle: function(_name, _value, _cacheOverride) { if (!this['markupElemIds']||!this.markupElemIds['value']) { return; } this.setStyleOfPart('value', _name, _value, _cacheOverride); }, setEnabled: function(_flag) { this.base(_flag); if(this['markupElemIds'] && this.markupElemIds.value) { ELEM.get(this.markupElemIds.value).disabled = !this.enabled; } }, /** This flag is true, when the text input field has focus. **/ hasTextFocus: false, _getChangeEventFn: function(){ var _this = this; return function(e){ if(_this._clipboardEventTimer){ clearTimeout( this._clipboardEventTimer ); } _this._clipboardEventTimer = setTimeout( function(){_this.clipboardEvent();}, 200 ); return true; }; }, _updateValueFromField: function(){ this.setValue( this.validateText( this.getTextFieldValue() ) ); }, _clipboardEventTimer: null, clipboardEvent: function(){ this._updateValueFromField(); clearTimeout( this._clipboardEventTimer ); this._clipboardEventTimer = null; }, _changeEventFn: null, _clearChangeEventFn: function(){ if( this._changeEventFn ){ Event.stopObserving( ELEM.get(this.markupElemIds.value), 'paste', this._changeEventFn ); Event.stopObserving( ELEM.get(this.markupElemIds.value), 'cut', this._changeEventFn ); this._changeEventFn = null; } }, _setChangeEventFn: function(){ if( this._changeEventFn ){ this._clearChangeEventFn(); } this._changeEventFn = this._getChangeEventFn(); Event.observe( ELEM.get(this.markupElemIds.value), 'paste', this._changeEventFn ); Event.observe( ELEM.get(this.markupElemIds.value), 'cut', this._changeEventFn ); }, /** = Description * Special event for text entry components. * Called when the input field gains focus. * **/ textFocus: function(){ this.hasTextFocus = true; this._setChangeEventFn(); return true; }, /** = Description * Special event for text entry components. * Called when the input field loses focus. * **/ textBlur: function(){ this.hasTextFocus = false; this._clearChangeEventFn(); this._updateValueFromField(); if(this.options.refreshOnBlur){ this.refreshValue(); } return true; }, onIdle: function(){ this.hasTextFocus && this._updateValueFromField(); this.base(); }, /** = Description * refreshValue function * * **/ refreshValue: function(){ this.setTextFieldValue( this.value ); }, /** = Description * Placeholder method for validation of the value. * **/ validateText: function(_value){ return _value; }, /** = Description * Returns the input element or null, if no input element created (yet). * **/ getInputElement: function(){ if( this.markupElemIds && this.markupElemIds.value ){ return ELEM.get(this.markupElemIds.value); } return null; }, /** = Description * Returns the value of the input element. * **/ getTextFieldValue: function(){ var _inputElement = this.getInputElement(); if( _inputElement === null ){ return ''; } return _inputElement.value; }, /** = Description * Sets the value of the input element. * * = Parameters * +_value+:: The value to set. * **/ setTextFieldValue: function(_value){ var _inputElement = this.getInputElement(), _selectionRange = this.getSelectionRange(); if( _inputElement === null ){ return; } if( _inputElement.value !== String(_value) ){ _inputElement.value = _value; } this.setSelectionRange( _selectionRange[0], _selectionRange[1] ); }, // returns a random number prefixed and suffixed with '---' _randomMarker: function(){ return '---'+Math.round((1+Math.random())*10000)+'---'; }, die: function(){ this._clearChangeEventFn(); this.base(); }, /** = Description * Returns the selection (or text cursor position) of the input element * as an +Array+ like +[ startOffset, endOffset ]+. * **/ getSelectionRange: function(){ var _inputElement = this.getInputElement(); if( _inputElement === null || this.hasTextFocus === false ){ return [ 0, 0 ]; } if(document.selection){ // Internet Explorer var // create a range object _range = document.selection.createRange(), // original range text _rangeText = _range.text, _rangeLength = _rangeText.length, // make a copy of the text and replace \r\n with \n _origValue = _inputElement.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"), _markerValue, _markerLength, _markerIndex, // create random marker to replace the text with _marker = this._randomMarker(); // re-generate marker if it's found in the text. while( _origValue.indexOf( _marker ) !== -1){ _marker = this._randomMarker(); } _markerLength = _marker.length; // temporarily set the text of the selection to the unique marker _range.text = _marker; _markerValue = _inputElement.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); _range.text = _rangeText; _markerIndex = _markerValue.indexOf( _marker ); return [ _markerIndex, _markerIndex + _rangeLength ]; } else if (_inputElement.selectionStart){ // Mozilla - Gecko return [ _inputElement.selectionStart, _inputElement.selectionEnd ]; } else { // no support return [ 0, 0 ]; } }, /** = Description * Sets the selection (or text cursor position) of the input element. * * = Parameters * +_selectionStart+:: The start of the selection (or an Array containing * both start and end offset, see below). * +_selectionEnd+:: The end offset of the selection. * * = Note * - +_selectionStart+ can also be given as an +Array+ * like +[ startOffset, endOffset ]+. * - If the +_selectionEnd+ is omitted, no selection is made; the text * cursor is positioned at the startOffset instead. **/ setSelectionRange: function( _selectionStart, _selectionEnd ){ if( _selectionStart instanceof Array ){ _selectionEnd = _selectionStart[1]; _selectionStart = _selectionStart[0]; } if( _selectionEnd === undefined ){ _selectionEnd = _selectionStart; } var _inputElement = this.getInputElement(); if( _inputElement === null || this.hasTextFocus === false ){ return; } if(_inputElement.createTextRange){ // Internet Explorer var _range = _inputElement.createTextRange(); _range.move( 'character', _selectionStart, _selectionEnd ); _range.select(); } else if (_inputElement.selectionStart){ // Mozilla - Gecko _inputElement.setSelectionRange( _selectionStart, _selectionEnd ); } }, /** = Description * Receives the +textEnter+ event to update the value * based on what's (potentially) entered in the text input field. * **/ textEnter: function(){ this.setValue( this.validateText( this.getTextFieldValue() ) ); if(this.options.refreshOnInput){ this.refreshValue(); } return false; } }); /** = Description * HNumericTextControl is an extension of HTextControl that * validates the input as a number. It supports value ranges. * * If you need decimal numbers (floating-point), pass the * decimalNumber: true option to the constructor. **/ var//RSence.Controls HNumericTextControl = HTextControl.extend({ defaultEvents: { mouseWheel: true, textEnter: true, contextMenu: true }, /** Uses the mouseWheel event to step up/down the value. **/ mouseWheel: function(_delta){ var _value = this.value; _value = _value-((_delta<0)?1:-1); this.setValue(Math.round(this.validateText(_value))); }, /** = Description * Extends the validateText method to ensure the * input is a number. * **/ validateText: function(_value){ if(this.options.decimalNumber){ _value = parseFloat(_value); } else{ _value = parseInt(_value,10); } if(isNaN(_value)){ _value = this.value; } if(_value>this.options.maxValue){ _value = this.options.maxValue; } else if(_value