#= Migrations # This file is required in script/migrate. It loads the specified migration from the project/db directory and runs the migration with the specified direction. # Navigate to your project root and run it with the following commands. # # script/migrate # -V version:direction (example: 1:up || 1:down) # -E environment (default: development || deployment) # -h Hellllpppp!!! # #== Examples # # Suppose you have this file db/001_initial_schema.rb # #== Example for ActiveRecord # # class InitialSchema < ActiveRecord::Migration # def self.up # end # def self.down # end # end # # #== Example for DataMapper # # require 'dm-more' # class CreateUser # def self.up # end # def self.down # end # end # #== Example for Sequel # # class InitialSchema # def self.db # Doozer::Configs.db # end # def self.up # db.create_table :examples do # end # end # def self.down # db.drop_table :examples # end # end require 'optparse' @env = :development @version = nil @direction = nil opts = OptionParser.new("", 24, ' ') { |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: script/migrate -V number:direction -E (default: development || deployment)" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Command options:" opts.on("-E", "--env ENVIRONMENT", "use ENVIRONMENT for defaults (default: development || deployment)") { |e| @env = e.to_sym } opts.on("-V", "--version VERSION", "use VERSION to upgrade or downgrade to the correct version number") { | v | if v.index(":up") @direction = :up elsif v.index(":down") @direction = :down else raise "Missing direction. Must be -V (num:up || num:down)" end @version = v.split(":")[0].to_i } opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end opts.parse! ARGV } raise "Missing Version and Direction in form of version:direction" if @version.nil? or @direction.nil? #--boot it up Doozer::Initializer.boot(@env) # need to grab all the current migrations. assumes there isn't a migration with 000_*_.rb migrations = [nil].concat( Dir.glob(File.join(APP_PATH,'db/*_*.rb')) ) p "Loading migration files" p "Version: #{@version}" p "Direction: #{@direction}" if @version > 0 file = migrations[@version] raise "Can't find file for this migration" if file.nil? require file p "Migrating #{file}" klass = file.split("/").last.gsub(/\.rb/,"").split('_') klass = Doozer::Lib.classify(klass.slice(1, klass.length).join('_')) obj = Object.const_get(klass) case @direction when :up obj.up when :down obj.down end end