= v0.5.6
* Compatibility with latest netzke-core
* Compatibility with Ext JS v3.1
* Impr: Code reorganization
* Impr: Non-standard primary key support in GridPanel and FormPanel
* Impr: Search button in GridPanel indicates that records filtering is active
* Fix: by default, SearchPanel excludes boolean fields for now (until a 3-state checkbox is introduced)
* Impr: made it possible to create new AR records with assigned associations using double-underscore notation, e.g.: Clerk.new(:boss__last_name => "Aguraijuja ")
* Impr: specifying an item for Netzke::Window is now optional
* Fix: xtype field in FieldsConfigurator is now a combobox
* Fix: FieldsConfigurator was crashing when fired consequently for grid and form
* Depr: :data_class_name option is deprecated, use :model
* Impr: "gear" tool is now hidden on FieldsConfigurator
* Impr: Grid/FormPanel layouts are now not stored into the netzke_preferences table unless the defaults are modified (cleaner table)
= v0.5.5.1 - 2009-11-09
* Compatibility with latest netzke-core
= v0.5.5 - 2009-11-09
* Compatibility with latest netzke-core
* Regression: pressing "enter" was not submitting the form (FormPanel)
* Regression: "Restore defaults" button was not working in FieldsConfigurator and PropertyEditor
* Fix: excluding columns in FieldsConfigurator was causing inconsistent column behavior (move/hide/resize)
* Fix: resolving conflicts with Ext.form.FormPanel's submit and load methods
* New: rudimentary FileUploadField support in FormPanel (it will do a normal, non-AJAX, form submit)
* New: Netzke::Window widget, supports persistent moving/resizing.
* New: (experimental) GridPanel's "Add in form" button now opens the new Window widget. Later all other windows will be slowly rewritten to do the same.
= v0.5.4 - 2009-10-12
* Dependencies updated
= v0.5.3 - 2009-10-12
* Compatibility with Ext 3.0 (and dropping compatibility with 2.x).
* Compatibility with netzke-core v0.4.4.
* Impr: Form/GridPanel-based widgets: more consistent Ext.Action-related functionality and code, like (context) menu, bbar, etc.
* Impr: GridPanel: rows_reordering_available is now true by default.
* Impr: TreePanel now sets "leaf" attribute to true if the node has no children.
* Impr: Grid/TreePanel now have persistent config enabled by default.
* Impr: if persistent_config is disabled, a widget won't be talking to the server in vain any more.
* Fix: GridPanel didn't fire row editing when the first column was a "checkbox" column.
* Fix: the GridPanel's :scopes parameter now correctly processes named scopes as strings inside the array, e.g.
:scopes => ["current", [:id_gt, 100]]
* Fix: on deleting records from GridPanel, destroy method is being called instead of delete.
* Fix: FieldsConfigurator made a little bit more stable.
* Fix: patching Ext's bug that caused double firing of "columnmove" in GridPanel.
* Fix: moving columns around in GridPanel was causing erroneous mapping of data to columns after data reload.
= v0.5.2 - 2009-09-24
* Fix: combobox options for association columns didn't work properly.
* Fix: GridPanel's multi-edit functionality didn't work.
* Fix: gem dependencies are now correct.
= v0.5.1 - 2009-09-11
* Fix: crash when FormPanel has no data_class_name specified.
* New: DataAccessor widgets (Form/GridPanel) now let the underlying model know which widget (i.e. which instance) accesses its data. Can be useful in virtual attributes for generating widget-specific HTML.
* Fix: DataAccessor widgets (Form/GridPanel) now don't crash when calculating default columns/fields for the underlying model that has polymorphic columns.
* Fix: TabPanel was sending redundant "tabchange" event to server when initially instantiated.
* Fix: column filters were making GridPanel crash when the column editor was set to "textarea".
* Fix: dongling comma and "delete" object properties caused problems in IE and Safari.
* Fix: a stand-alone TabPanel would not render the active item.
* New: BasicApp: masquerading as "World". In this mode all the "touched" persistent preferences will be overwritten for all roles and users.
* Impr: configuration panel's header now shows the underlying model's name for convenience.
* Fix: MasqueradeSelector widget added.
= v0.5.0 - 2009-09-06
* Major refactoring and code reorganization.
* Compatibility with netzke-core v0.4.0.
* New: GridPanel now supports adding/editing records in a form and extended configurable search.
* New: GridPanel now can be loaded along with initial data (saves a request to the server).
* New: context menu in GridPanel
* New: "scopes" configuration option added to GridPanel to specify the searchlogic-compatible scope for the data.
* New: "strong_default_attrs" config option added to GridPanel to specify the attributes that will be assigned to each record that is created or modified by the grid.
* Usability: GridPanel's actions now get enabled/disabled according to the current selection.
* Configuration panel for grids and forms now works more consistently.
* New: some smart defaults for column/fields in Grid/FormPanel.
* New: BasicApp supports masquerading and application-wide AJAX activity indicator.
= v0.4.2 - 2009-05-07
* Fix: afterlayout event bind removed completely because of some tricky inconsistent behavior of Ext. BasicApp initializing code put directly into js_after_constructor.
= v0.4.1 - 2009-05-07
* Fix: afterlayout call moved to js_after_constructor in BasicApp
* Fix: cleaner persistent_config handling
* New: default's configuration enabled for FormPanel on class-level
* Fix: differently configured forms on the same page were showing the same columns
* Fix: TableEditor was showing config-tool by default (must be hidden)
= v0.4.0 - 2009-05-07
* Refactor: got rid of NetzkeFormPanelField and NetzkeGridPanelColumn classes along with their tables. The layout is now stored in netzke_preferences.
* New: dynamic hiding of columns from column menu in GridPanel.
* New: FormPanel now supports combo boxes.
* Fix: config[:bbar] set to 'false' now works in grids with pagination
* New: you can specify :preloaded => true in a tab config in TabPanel to preload the widget in that tab along with the TabPanel itself
* New: hideBusy added to Ext.StatusBar
* Fix: assigning association (a Boss to a Clerk) by virtual column (like boss__name) works now
* Fix: an old bug that made GridPanel misbehave after reordering the columns
= v0.3.10
* BasicApp-based widgets can now introduce arbitrary layout, following the convention of defining "main-panel" and "main-toolbar" panels with layout 'fit'.
= v0.3.9.1
* Bug fix: (regression) appLoaded() in BasicApp gets executed again
= v0.3.9
* AccordionPanel tests added
* TabPanel works now
* AccordionPanel replaced with more intuitive TabPanel in the configuration window
* Code clean-up by using "single" option to call appLoaded() on "afterlayout"
* Table editor bug fix
= v0.3.8
* Fixing Ext's EditableItem render problem.
* Filters by default enabled again in GridPanel.
* GridPanel enhancement: base_params get sent along with post_data.
= v0.3.7
* Netzke-core version sync.
* Rails 2.3.2 compatibility.
= v0.3.6
* Netzke-core v0.2.9 compatibility.
* Cleaner handling of custom renderers in GridPanel.
* New FormPanel-based PropertyEditor replaces PropertyGrid.
* Xcheckbox and check-column introduced.
* TODO file added.
* Bug fix: in TableEditor, the grid now responses on events also after being reconfigured.
* Bug fix: a couple of IE-related bugs.
* Significant code clean-up.
= v0.3.5
* Netzke-core v0.2.8 compatibility.
= v0.3.4
* Quick tips added to the "tools".
* Regression: the "General" configuration panel for GridPanel works again.
* GridPanel: rows_per_page configuration is now read from General config panel.
= v0.3.3.1
* Obviously using "new" as a property name in JavaScript isn't liked by Safari. Fixed.
= v0.3.3
* Bug fix: application not loading the widget specified in the URL (Ext.History-related).
* Some code refactoring and readability improvements.
* Ext.componentCache renamed into Ext.netzke.cache.
* New widget: TableEditor (a compound widget containing a grid and a form for editing table data).
* BorderLayoutPanel: a function getRegionWidget(region) added to access a widget in the specified region.
* Bug fix: BasicApp: FeedbackGhost now gets instantiated before BasicApp.
* Clearer handling of requests to non-existing aggregatees.
* Bug fix: now Ext 2.2.1 compatible.
* Column operations are now handled properly when :persistent_layout is set to false.
* Grid/Form fields configuration is extended with "ext_config" field which stores (in JSON-format) all the extra configuration, which gives extra flexibility to individual column/field configuration.
* :persistent_layout set to false now makes a widget ignore what's in the DB.
* Bug fix: AccordionPanel doesn't crash when no active item is specified.
* Bug fix: redundant flash messages for GridPanel.
* FeedbackGhost won't be showing anything if given an empty array.
* Cleaner handling of validations in GridPanel.
* FormPanel ready for the demo.
= v0.3.2
* Minor code restructuring.
* Working on FormPanel cont'd.
= v0.3.1
* Added the "conditions" configuration option to GridPanel to limit the search
* Basic column editor for grids has been replaced with FieldsConfigurator, which can do a bit more
* Added Checkbox column/form-field type for boolean fields
* "renderer" configuration option added for grid columns - any Ext.util.Format renderer can be specified there (thanks to Josh Holt for the initial idea)
= v0.3.0
* Added BasicApp widget - the base for a Ext.Viewport based ("application") widget with support for dynamic widget loading, browser history, authentification, and more. See the demo an http://netzke-demo.writelesscode.com
= v0.2.2
* Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency)
= v0.2.1
* Regression: BorderLayoutPanel now restores the region sizes from the database
= v0.2.0.1
* Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency)
= v0.2.0
* Some re-factoring and redesign along with netzke-core
* Panel widget added
* BorderLayoutPanel added
* AccordionPanel added
* Bug fix: column operations configuration misbehaving
* Renamed Grid into GridPanel
* Bug fix: exception was thrown at a column operation when no layout_manager was present
* Reworked permission handling in GridPanel.
= v0.1.4.1
* Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency)
= v0.1.4
* Grid#get_columns provides default columns even if none of layout_manager_class & column_manager_class are available
= v0.1.3.1
* Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency)
= v0.1.3
* Path to javascript for grid filters corrected
* Bug with creating new records in the grid fixed
* Optimized away redundant sql queries when calling Grid#get_columns (sort of memoization)
* README updated
= v0.1.2.1
* Meta: trying to succeed publishing on RubyForge
= v0.1.2
* Updated README with an example of stand-alone widget usage
* Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency)
= v0.1.1.2
* Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency)
= v0.1.1.1
* Meta: github gem naming convention
= v0.1.1
* Cleaner exception handling while loading data to grid
* Column resize & move functionality enabled by default
* Column filters added
= v0.1.0.1
* Meta work: replacing underscore with dash in the name
= v0.1.0 - 2008-12-20
* Initial release