require 'faraday' # HTTP Client require 'faraday-cookie_jar' require 'faraday_middleware' require 'spaceship/globals' module Spaceship class ConnectAPI module FileUploader def self.upload(upload_operations, bytes) # { # "method": "PUT", # "url": "https://some-url-apple-gives-us", # "length": 57365, # "offset": 0, # "requestHeaders": [ # { # "name": "Content-Type", # "value": "image/png" # } # ] # } upload_operations.each_with_index do |upload_operation, index| headers = {} upload_operation["requestHeaders"].each do |hash| headers[hash["name"]] = hash["value"] end offset = upload_operation["offset"] length = upload_operation["length"] puts("Uploading file (part #{index + 1})...") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose? with_retry do client.send( upload_operation["method"].downcase, upload_operation["url"], bytes[offset, length], headers ) end end puts("Uploading complete!") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose? end def self.with_retry(tries = 5, &_block) tries = 1 if Object.const_defined?("SpecHelper") response = yield tries -= 1 unless (200...300).cover?(response.status) msg = "Received status of #{response.status}! Retrying after 3 seconds (remaining: #{tries})..." raise msg end return response rescue => error puts(error) if Spaceship::Globals.verbose? if raise "Failed to upload file after retries... Received #{response.status}" else retry end end def self.client options = { request: { timeout: (ENV["SPACESHIP_TIMEOUT"] || 300).to_i, open_timeout: (ENV["SPACESHIP_TIMEOUT"] || 300).to_i } } @client ||= do |c| c.response(:json, content_type: /\bjson$/) c.response(:xml, content_type: /\bxml$/) c.response(:plist, content_type: /\bplist$/) c.adapter(Faraday.default_adapter) if ENV['SPACESHIP_DEBUG'] # for debugging only # This enables tracking of networking requests using Charles Web Proxy c.proxy = "" c.ssl[:verify_mode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE elsif ENV["SPACESHIP_PROXY"] c.proxy = ENV["SPACESHIP_PROXY"] c.ssl[:verify_mode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if ENV["SPACESHIP_PROXY_SSL_VERIFY_NONE"] end if ENV["DEBUG"] puts("To run spaceship through a local proxy, use SPACESHIP_DEBUG") end end end end end end