<div class="hd">
  <h1>SKYNET STATUS</h1>
  <span>Last updated: <%= @last_updated || 'N/A' %></span>
  <br />
  <br />

<% if @stats %>

<h2>Overall Stats</h2>
<table class="admin_table">
      <th>Active Workers<BR>(Masters / Tasks / Either)</th>
      <th>Idle Workers<BR>(Masters / Tasks / Either)</th>
        <th>Untaken Tasks<BR>(Master / Task) Future</th>
      <th>Taken Tasks<BR>(Master / Task)</th>
      <th>Processed <br />(by active workers)</th>
      <th>Process Time</th>
      <td class="numeric"><%= @stats[:hosts] %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= @stats[:number_of_workers] %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><b><%= @stats[:active_workers] %></b> (<%= @stats[:active_masters] %> / <%= @stats[:active_taskworkers] %> / <%= @stats[:active_master_or_task_workers] %>)</td>
      <td class="numeric"><b><%= @stats[:idle_workers] %></b> (<%= @stats[:idle_masters] %> / <%= @stats[:idle_taskworkers] %> / <%= @stats[:idle_master_or_task_workers] %>)</td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= @stats[:untaken_tasks] %> (<b><%= @stats[:untaken_master_tasks] %></b> / <%= @stats[:untaken_task_tasks] %>) <%= @stats[:untaken_future_tasks] %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><b><%= @stats[:taken_tasks] %></b> (<%= @stats[:taken_master_tasks] %> / <%= @stats[:taken_task_tasks] %>)</td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= @stats[:results] %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= @stats[:processed] %> (<%= @stats[:processed_by_active_workers] %>)</td>
      <td><%= @stats[:processed_time] %></td>

<table class="admin_table">
    <col span="1" width="3%" />
    <col span="1" width="10%" />
    <col span="1" width="5%" />
    <col span="1" width="5%" />
    <col span="1" width="5%" />
    <col span="1" width="5%" />
      <th class="numeric">#</th>
      <th>Number of Workers</th>
      <th>Active Workers<BR>Masters / Tasks / Either</th>
      <th>Idle Workers<BR>Masters / Tasks / Either</th>
      <th>Processed <br />(by active workers)</th>

    <% if @stats[:servers] %>
      <% @stats[:servers].keys.sort.each do |hostname| %>
        <% server = @stats[:servers][hostname] %>
        <%   i = 1 %>
          <td class="numeric"><%= i %></td>
          <td><%= server[:hostname] %></td>
          <td class="numeric"><%= server[:number_of_workers] %></td>
          <td class="numeric"><%= server[:active_workers] %>  (<%= server[:active_masters] %> / <%= server[:active_taskworkers] %> / <%= server[:active_master_or_task_workers] %>) </td>
          <td class="numeric"><%= server[:idle_workers] %>  (<%= server[:idle_masters] %> / <%= server[:idle_taskworkers] %> / <%= server[:idle_master_or_task_workers] %>) </td>
          <td class="numeric"><%= server[:processed] %> (<%= server[:processed_by_active_workers] %>)</td>
        <%     i += 1 %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>


  <% end %>

<!-- <table class="admin_table">
    <col span="1" width="5%" />
    <col span="1" width="8%" />
    <col span="1" width="10%" />
    <col span="1" width="10%" />
    <col span="1" width="5%" />
    <col span="1" width="5%" />
      <th class="numeric">#</th>
      <th>Worker ID</th>
      <th>Job ID</th>
      <th>Task ID</th>
  <% if false and @servers %>
    <% @servers.each do |server| %>
      <td colspan="10"><%= server[:manager] %></td>
    <%   i = 1 %>
    <%   server[:workers].each do |w| %>
      <td class="numeric"><%= i %></td>
      <td><%= w.worker_id %></td>
      <td><%= w.hostname %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= w.process_id %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= w.job_id %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= w.task_id %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= w.version %></td>
      <td class="numeric"><%= w.processed %></td>
      <td><%= w.map_or_reduce || '-' %></td>
      <td><%= w.name %></td>
    <%     i += 1 %>
    <%   end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
</table>   -->