# passive_record * [Documentation](https://rubygems.org/gems/passive_record) * [Email](mailto:joe at deepc.io) [![Code Climate GPA](https://codeclimate.com/github/deepcerulean/passive_record/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/deepcerulean/passive_record) [![Codeship Status for deepcerulean/passive_record](https://www.codeship.io/projects/66bb2d90-ba61-0133-af95-025ac38368ea/status)](https://codeship.com/projects/128700) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/deepcerulean/passive_record/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/deepcerulean/passive_record/coverage) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/passive_record.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/passive_record) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/deepcerulean/passive_record](https://badges.gitter.im/deepcerulean/passive_record.svg)](https://gitter.im/deepcerulean/passive_record?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) ## Description PassiveRecord is an extremely lightweight in-memory pseudo-relational algebra. We implement a simplified subset of AR's interface in pure Ruby. ## Why? Do you need to track objects by ID and look them up again, or look them up based on attributes, or even utilize some relational semantics, but have no real need for persistence? PassiveRecord may be right for you! ## Features - Build relationships with belongs_to, has_one and has_many - Query on attributes and associations - Supports many-to-many and self-referential relationships - No database required! - Just `include PassiveRecord` to get started ## Examples ````ruby require 'passive_record' class Model include PassiveRecord end class Dog < Model belongs_to :child end class Child < Model has_one :dog belongs_to :parent end class Parent < Model has_many :children has_many :dogs, :through => :children end # Let's build some models! parent = Parent.create => Parent (id: 1, child_ids: [], dog_ids: []) child = parent.create_child => Child (id: 1, dog_id: nil, parent_id: 1) dog = child.create_dog => Dog (id: 1, child_id: 1) # Inverse relationships dog.child => Child (id: 1, dog_id: 1, parent_id: 1) Dog.find_by child: child => Dog (id: 1, child_id: 1) # Has many through parent.dogs => [ ...has_many :through relation... ] parent.dogs.all => [Dog (id: 1, child_id: 1)] # Nested queries Dog.find_all_by(child: { parent: parent }) => [Dog (id: 1, child_id: 1)] ```` ## PassiveRecord API A class including PassiveRecord will gain the following new instance and class methods. ### Instance Methods A class `Role` which is declared to `include PassiveRecord` will gain the following instance methods: - `role.update(attrs_hash)` - `role.destroy` - `role.to_h` - We override `role.inspect` to show ID and visible attributes ### Class Methods A class `User` which is declared to `include PassiveRecord` will gain the following class methods: - `User.all` and `User.each` - `User.create(attrs_hash)` - `User.descendants` - `User.destroy(id)` - `User.destroy_all` - `User.each` enumerates over `User.all`, giving `User.count`, `User.first`, etc. - `User.find(id_or_ids)` - `User.find_all_by(conditions_hash)` - `User.find_by(conditions_hash)` - `User.where(conditions_hash)` (returns a `PassiveRecord::Query` object) ### Belongs To A model `Child` which is declared `belongs_to :parent` will gain: - `child.parent` - `child.parent_id` - `child.parent=` - `child.parent_id=` ### Has One A model `Parent` which declares `has_one :child` will gain: - `parent.child` - `parent.child_id` - `parent.child=` - `parent.child_id=` - `parent.create_child(attrs)` ### Has Many / Has Many Through / HABTM A model `Parent` which declares `has_many :children` or `has_and_belongs_to_many :children` will gain: - `parent.children` (returns a `Relation`, documented below) - `parent.children=` - `parent.children_ids` - `parent.children_ids=` - `parent.children<<` - `parent.create_child(attrs)` - `parent.children.all?(&predicate)` - `parent.children.empty?` - `parent.children.where(conditions)` (returns a `Core::Query`) ### Relations Parent models which declare `has_many :children` gain a `parent.children` instance that returns an explicit PassiveRecord relation object, which has the following public methods: - `parent.children.all` - `parent.children.each` enumerates over `parent.children.all`, giving `parent.children.count`, `parent.children.first`, etc. - `parent.children.all?(&predicate)` - `parent.children.empty?` - `parent.children.where(conditions)` (returns a `Core::Query`) - `parent.children<<` (insert a new child into the relation) ### Queries `Core::Query` objects acquired through `where` are chainable, accept nested queries and scopes, and have the following public methods: - `where(conditions).all` - `where(conditions).each` enumerates over `where(conditions).all`, so we have `where(conditions).count`, `where(conditions).first`, etc. - `where(conditions).create(attrs)` - `where(conditions).first_or_create(attrs)` - `where(conditions).where(further_conditions)` (chaining) - `where.not(conditions)` (negation) - `where.scope` (scoping with model class methods that return a query) ## Hooks - `before_create :call_a_method` - `after_create :call_another_method, :and_then_call_another_one` - `before_update do manually_invoke(a_method) end` - `after_update { or_use_a_block }` - `before_destroy :something` - `after_destroy { something_else }` ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Joseph Weissman