# This file contains configuration flags to customize your site # Name of your site (displayed in the header) name: "jekyll-casjaysdev" # Short bio or description (displayed in the header) description: "Jekyll theme for casjaysdev" # site tagline tagline: "Serve it!" # URL of your avatar or profile pic (you could use your GitHub profile pic) avatar: "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/43266386?s=200&v=4" # full domain name IE: httmp://mysite.com url: # full URI IE: /mysite { Do not add trailing / } baseurl: "" # set site author author: name: casjaysdev url: http://casjay.net # set url for the contact form form: type: "formspree" formspree: submit_url: "https://formspree.io/f" code: "xknqkpjo" formmail: submit_url: "https://cgi.casjay.net/sendmail.cgi" recipient: "form-submission@casjay.net" subject: "jekyll-casjaysdev Contact Form" title: "jekyll-casjaysdev" env: "REMOTE_HOST,HTTP_USER_AGENT" return_link: url: "javascript: history.go(-1)" title: "Back to Main Page" fields: name: "Name" email: "Email" message: "Message" required: "Name,Email,Message" theme: background: "https://static.casjay.net/assets/images/bkg.png" bgcolor: "#000000" text_color: "#ffffff" link_color: "#ffffff" vlink_color: "#ffffff" alink_color: "#ffffff" # only set one of columns_ to enabled # set a custom theme - includes/themes # hacker custom_theme: name: hacker columns: "3" footer: "casjays-footer.html" header: "casjays-header.html" nav: bar: true external: true internal: true top: "nav/top.html" right: "nav/sidebars/right.html" left: "nav/sidebars/left.html" # set default timezone timezone: America/New_York # set locale locale: "en" # Seperator for the the excerps excerpt_separator: "\n\n" # Set social media urls share-this: rss: true code: "5acc08103368f4001495b647" repo: "https://github.com/casjay-templates/jekyll-site" email: enabled: footer: true script: true # Includes an icon for each username you enter social-links: rss: true name: casjay github: casjay twitter: casjay facebook: casjaysdev flickr: casjay instagram: casjay linkedin: casjay pinterest: casjaysdev email: casjay@cock.li show_social: true # Verfication Settings webmaster_verifications: google: 12345 bing: 12345 alexa: 12345 yandex: 12345 baidu: 12345 # github options github: show: false repo: user: avatar: forkme: false # Enable/Disable footer sections options: engine: true sharethis: true legal: true statcounter: true google: true ads: true eucookie: true rocketchat: true piwik: true discord: true clock: true # // TODO: Blog settings advanced feature blog: enabled: api: feed: path: /rss.xml posts_limit: 20 # You can find your shortname on the Settings page of your Disqus account disqus: casjay # Enter your Google Analytics web tracking code (e.g. UA-2110908-2) to activate tracking google: analytics: UA-936146-1 # piwik code piwik: pre: https id: url: rocketchat: url: discord: enable: true server: 430838999876108289 channel: 430838999876108291 horizontal: bottom vertical: left statuscounter: id: 8585230 code: ef07ac24 url: //c.statcounter.com/8585230/0/ef07ac24/0/ # Name of theme #theme: jekyll-theme-slate # You don't need to change any of the configuration flags below !! permalink: pretty tag_page: "/blog/tags/" category_page: "/blog/categories/" collections: posts: output: true permalink: "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/" tags: output: true permalink: "/blog/tags/:path/" docs: permalink: "/docs/:path/" output: true tutorials: output: true permalink: /howto/:name issues: output: true permalink: /issues/:name wiki: output: true permalink: /wiki/:name recipes: output: true permalink: /recipes/:name redirect_from: json: true defaults: - scope: path: _docs type: docs values: layout: docs - scope: path: _posts type: posts values: layout: posts - scope: path: images type: images values: layout: images # Jekyll 3 now only supports Kramdown for Markdown kramdown: footnote_backlink: "↩︎" input: GFM syntax_highlighter: rouge syntax_highlighter_opts: css_class: "highlight" # Set the Sass partials directory, as we're using @imports sass: sass_dir: _sass style: :expanded jekyll_tidy: compress_html: true exclude: ["*.md"] # Use the following plug-ins plugins: - jemoji - kramdown - jekyll-avatar - jekyll-feed - jekyll-mentions - jekyll-redirect-from - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-gist - jekyll-coffeescript - jekyll-assets - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-analytics - jekyll-remote-include - jekyll-menus - jekyll-remote-theme - jekyll-tidy include: - _pages - images # Exclude these files from your production _site exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - LICENSE - CNAME - .keep - .gitkeep #webrick: # headers: # Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"