# frozen_string_literal: true require 'systemcall' module Vnstat ## # A module containing several utility methods. module Utils module_function ## # Initiates a system call with the given arguments. # # @param [Array] args The arguments for the system call. # # @overload system_call(*args) # @return [String] The output of STDOUT or STDERR, depending of the exit # status of the called command. # # @overload system_call(*args, &block) # @yield [error_result] A block yielded when the called command exited # unsuccessfully. # @yieldparam [String] error_result The STDERR output. # @return [Object] The value the called block returns. def system_call(*args) result = SystemCall.call(*args) return result.success_result if result.success? return yield(result.error_result) if block_given? result.error_result end ## # Initiates a system call with the given arguments and returning whether the # command has been executed successfully. # # @param [Array] args The arguments for the system call. # @return [Boolean] Indicates whether the command has been executed # successfully (true), or not (false). def system_call_returning_status(*args) SystemCall.call(*args).success? end ## # Calls the vnstat CLI with the given arguments. # # @param [Array] args The arguments for the system call. # # @overload call_executable(*args) # @return [String] The output of STDOUT or STDERR, depending of the exit # status of the called command. # # @overload call_executable(*args, &block) # @yield [error_result] A block yielded when the called command exited # unsuccessfully. # @yieldparam [String] error_result The STDERR output. # @return [Object] The value the called block returns. def call_executable(*args, &block) system_call(Vnstat.config.executable_path, *args, &block) end ## # Calls the vnstat CLI with the given arguments and returning whether the # command has been executed successfully. # # @param [Array] args The arguments for the system call. # @return [true, false] Indicates whether the command has been executed # successfully (true), or not (false). def call_executable_returning_status(*args) system_call_returning_status(Vnstat.config.executable_path, *args) end end end