# Cookbook Name:: mu-master # Recipe:: ssl-certs # # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2017 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This recipe is meant to be invoked standalone, by chef-apply. It can safely # be invoked during a regular chef-client run. # # When modifying this recipe, DO NOT ADD EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES. That means no # references to other cookbooks, no include_recipes, no cookbook_files, no # templates. include_recipe 'mu-master::firewall-holes' service_certs = ["rsyslog", "mommacat", "ldap", "consul", "vault"] directory "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl" template "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/openssl.cnf" do source "openssl.cnf.erb" mode 0644 variables( :mu_ssl_dir => "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl", # XXX I feel like including localhost here is bad but I can't justify that # feeling, and 389ds really wants it, so for now it stays. :alt_names => [$MU_CFG['public_address'], "localhost", "", node['fqdn'], node['hostname'], node['local_hostname'], node['local_ipv4'], node['public_hostname'], node['public_ipv4']].uniq ) notifies :delete, "file[#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/Mu_CA.pem]", :immediately end execute "generate SSL CA key" do command "openssl genrsa -out Mu_CA.key 4096" cwd "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl" not_if { ::File.exists?("#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/Mu_CA.key") } notifies :delete, "file[#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/CA-command.txt]", :immediately end file "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/Mu_CA.key" do mode 0400 end execute "create internal SSL CA" do command "openssl req -subj \"/CN=#{$MU_CFG['public_address']}/OU=Mu Server #{$MU_CFG['public_address']}/O=eGlobalTech/C=US\" -x509 -new -nodes -key Mu_CA.key -days 1024 -out Mu_CA.pem -sha512 -extensions v3_ca -config #{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/openssl.cnf" cwd "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl" action :nothing service_certs.each { |cert| notifies :delete, "file[#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/#{cert}.crt]", :immediately } end file "remove CA-command.txt if Mu_CA.pem is empty or missing" do path "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/CA-command.txt" action :delete not_if { ::File.size?("#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/Mu_CA.pem") } end file "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/CA-command.txt" do content "openssl req -subj \"/CN=#{$MU_CFG['public_address']}/OU=Mu Server #{$MU_CFG['public_address']}/O=eGlobalTech/C=US\" -x509 -new -nodes -key Mu_CA.key -days 1024 -out Mu_CA.pem -sha512 -extensions v3_ca -config #{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/openssl.cnf" mode 0400 notifies :run, "execute[create internal SSL CA]", :immediately end execute "update CA store" do command "/usr/bin/update-ca-trust force-enable; /usr/bin/update-ca-trust extract" action :nothing end file "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/Mu_CA.pem" do mode 0444 end remote_file "/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/Mu_CA.pem" do source "file://#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/Mu_CA.pem" notifies :run, "execute[update CA store]", :immediately end remote_file "#{$MU_CFG['installdir']}/lib/cookbooks/mu-tools/files/default/Mu_CA.pem" do source "file://#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/Mu_CA.pem" end service_certs.each { |cert| bash "generate service cert for #{cert}" do code <<-EOH set -e echo "Generating #{cert}.key" openssl genrsa -out #{cert}.key 4096 echo "Generating #{cert}.csr" openssl req -subj "/CN=#{$MU_CFG['public_address']}/OU=Mu #{cert}/O=eGlobalTech/C=US" -new -key #{cert}.key -out #{cert}.csr -sha512 -extensions v3_ca -config #{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/openssl.cnf echo "Signing #{cert}.csr => #{cert}.crt" openssl x509 -req -in #{cert}.csr -CA Mu_CA.pem -CAkey Mu_CA.key -CAcreateserial -out #{cert}.crt -days 500 -sha512 -extensions v3_req -extfile #{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/openssl.cnf cat Mu_CA.pem >> #{cert}.crt openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey #{cert}.key -in #{cert}.crt -out #{cert}.p12 -nodes -name "#{cert}" -passout pass:"" EOH cwd "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl" not_if { ::File.size?("#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/#{cert}.crt") } end %w{key crt p12}.each do |type| file "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/#{cert}.#{type}" do mode 0400 end end file "#{$MU_CFG['datadir']}/ssl/#{cert}.csr" do action :delete end }