require 'spec_helper' require 'dpl/provider/cloudcontrol' describe DPL::Provider::CloudControl do subject :provider do, :deployment => 'foo_app/default', :email => '', :password => 'password') end its(:app_name) { should == 'foo_app' } its(:dep_name) { should == 'default' } its(:needs_key?) { should be true } describe 'constructor' do it 'with wrong arguments' do expect {, :foo_dep => 'foo_app/default', :email => '', :password => 'password') }.to raise_error(DPL::Error) end end it '#check_auth should call #headers_with_token' do provider.should receive(:headers_with_token) provider.check_auth.should end describe '#check_app' do it 'on deployment found' do provider.should receive(:api_call).and_return double( :code => '200', :body => '{"branch":"foo_repo.git"}' ) provider.instance_variable_get(:@repository).should be_nil provider.check_app provider.instance_variable_get(:@repository).should == 'foo_repo.git' end it 'on deployment not found' do provider.should receive(:api_call).and_return double(:code => '410') expect { provider.check_app }.to raise_error 'ERROR: application check failed' end end describe '#setup_key' do before do File.should receive(:read).with('file').and_return('foo_key') provider.should receive(:user).and_return({ 'username' => 'foo_user' }) end it 'on api success' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with('POST', '/user/foo_user/key', '{"key":"foo_key"}').and_return double( :code => '200', :body => '{ "key": "foo_key", "key_id": "foo_key_id"}' ) provider.instance_variable_get(:@ssh_key_id).should be_nil provider.setup_key 'file' provider.instance_variable_get(:@ssh_key_id).should == 'foo_key_id' end it 'on api failure' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with('POST', '/user/foo_user/key', '{"key":"foo_key"}').and_return double(:code => '401') expect { provider.setup_key 'file' }.to raise_error 'ERROR: adding key failed' end end describe '#remove_key' do before do provider.instance_variable_set(:@ssh_key_id, 'foo_key_id') provider.should receive(:user).and_return({ 'username' => 'foo_user' }) end it 'on api success' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with('DELETE', '/user/foo_user/key/foo_key_id').and_return double(:code => '204') provider.remove_key end it 'on api failure' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with('DELETE', '/user/foo_user/key/foo_key_id').and_return double(:code => '410') expect { provider.remove_key }.to raise_error 'ERROR: key removal failed' end end it '#push_app shuld deploy the app' do provider.instance_variable_set(:@repository, 'foo_repo.git') context = double(:shell) context.should receive(:shell).with("git push foo_repo.git master;") provider.should receive(:context).and_return context provider.should receive(:deploy_app) provider.push_app end describe 'private method' do describe '#get_token' do it 'on api success' do request = double() request.should receive(:basic_auth).with('', 'password') Net::HTTP::Post.should receive(:new).with('/token/').and_return request provider.instance_variable_get(:@http).should receive(:request).and_return double( :code => '200', :body => '{ "token": "foo_token"}' ) provider.instance_eval { get_token }.should == { 'token' => 'foo_token' } end it 'on api failure' do provider.instance_variable_get(:@http).should receive(:request).and_return double(:code => '401') expect do provider.instance_eval { get_token } raise_error 'ERROR: authorization failed' end end it '#headers_with_token should return headers' do provider.should receive(:get_token).and_return({ 'token' => 'foo_token' }) expected_return = { 'Authorization' => 'cc_auth_token="foo_token"', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } provider.instance_eval { headers_with_token }.should == expected_return end describe '#get_headers' do let(:expected_args) { [ 'GET', '/user/', nil, {'foo' => 'headers'} ] } before do provider.should receive(:headers_with_token).and_return({ 'foo' => 'headers' }) end it 'on token valid' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with(*expected_args).and_return double(:code => '200') provider.instance_eval { get_headers }.should == { 'foo' => 'headers' } end it 'on token expired' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with(*expected_args).and_return double(:code => '401') provider.should receive(:headers_with_token).with({ :new_token => true}) provider.instance_eval { get_headers } end end it '#api_call should send request' do expected_args = [ "foo_method", "foo_path", "\"foo\":\"data\"", {"foo"=>"headers"} ] provider.instance_variable_get(:@http).should receive(:send_request).with(*expected_args) provider.instance_eval do api_call('foo_method', 'foo_path', '"foo":"data"', { 'foo' => 'headers'}) end end describe '#deploy_app' do it 'on api success' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with('PUT', '/app/foo_app/deployment/default', '{"version":-1}').and_return double(:code => '200') provider.instance_eval { deploy_app } end it 'on api failure' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with('PUT', '/app/foo_app/deployment/default', '{"version":-1}').and_return double(:code => '410') expect do provider.instance_eval { deploy_app } raise_error 'ERROR: deployment failed' end end describe '#user' do it 'on api success' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with('GET', '/user/').and_return double( :code => '200', :body => '["foo_user"]' ) provider.instance_eval { user }.should == 'foo_user' end it 'on api failure' do provider.should receive(:api_call).with('GET', '/user/').and_return double(:code => '410') expect do provider.instance_eval { user } raise_error 'ERROR: can not find the user' end end end end