# Prerequisites * An active [Demandbase](http://www.demandbase.com?affiliate_id=LOL_JK_MAYBE) account with at least on RTID key. # Installation Install the Demandbase wrapper with `gem install demandbase`, # Configuraton Set an environment variable called `$DEMANDBASE_RTID_KEY` with the key value. # Usage If everything's installed and configured you should be able to look up companies' information via their domain name or IP address as follows. ```ruby record = Demandbase::lookup_ip '' # => record = Demandbase::lookup_domain 'ubs.com' # => record.company_name # => "UBS" record.demandbase_sid # => 3874866 record.marketing_alias # => 3874866 record.industry # => "Financial Services" record.sub_industry # => "Banking & Finance" record.employee_count # => 64820 record.primary_sic # => "6021" record.street_address # => "Bahnhofstrasse 45" record.city # => "Z\u00fcrich" record.state # => "ZH" record.zip # => 8001 record.country # => "CH" record.country_name # => "Switzerland" record.phone # => "+41 44 234 11 11" record.stock_ticker # => "UBS" record.web_site # => "ubs.com" record.annual_sales # => 30632917000 record.revenue_range # => "Over $5B" record.employee_range # => "Enterprise" record.latitude # => 0.0 record.longitude # => 0.0 record.fortune_1000 # => false record.forbes_2000 # => true ``` # DLC / Enhancements * Use the [csi](https://github.com/leereilly/csi) gem if you'd like to correlate SIC codes with NAICS codes. * Use the [fortune-finder](https://github.com/leereilly/fortune-finder) gem if you'd like to retrieve the ranking of a Fortune 500 company. * Use the [forbes-finder](https://github.com/leereilly/forbes-finder) gem if you'd like to retrieve the ranking of a Fortune 1000 company. # License MIT.