require "challah/version" module Challah autoload :Audit, "challah/audit" autoload :CookieStore, "challah/cookie_store" autoload :SimpleCookieStore, "challah/simple_cookie_store" autoload :Authenticators, "challah/authenticators" autoload :Controller, "challah/controller" autoload :Encrypter, "challah/encrypter" autoload :Plugins, "challah/plugins" autoload :Providers, "challah/providers" autoload :Random, "challah/random" autoload :Session, "challah/session" autoload :Signup, "challah/signup" autoload :Techniques, "challah/techniques" autoload :Techniques, "challah/techniques" autoload :EmailValidator, "challah/validators/email_validator" autoload :PasswordValidator, "challah/validators/password_validator" autoload :PasswordProvider, "challah/providers/password_provider" autoload :ActiveRecordExtensions, "challah/active_record_extensions" autoload :Authorizeable, "challah/concerns/authorizeable" autoload :Userable, "challah/concerns/userable" autoload :UserAttributeable, "challah/concerns/user/attributeable" autoload :UserAuthenticateable, "challah/concerns/user/authenticateable" autoload :UserAuthorizable, "challah/concerns/user/authorizable" autoload :UserFindable, "challah/concerns/user/findable" autoload :UserPasswordable, "challah/concerns/user/passwordable" autoload :UserProvideable, "challah/concerns/user/provideable" autoload :UserValidateable, "challah/concerns/user/validateable" # Configuration options # Get or set options for the current Challah instance. In most cases these should be # changed within a config/initializers/ file in your app. # # @param [Hash] options The options to get or set # @option options [String] :cookie_prefix ("challah") A prefix to put in the names of the cookies that will be set. # @option options [String] :access_denied_view ("challah/sessions/access_denied")Relative path to the view that will be used to show access denied method. # @option options [Class] :storage_class (SimpleCookieStore) The class to use for persistence of sessions. # @option options [Boolean] :skip_routes (false) Pass in true to not add any routes into your Rails app by default. # @option options [String] :email_validator ("challah/email") Pass in a string name of the class to use for email validation. Class should inherit from ActiveModel::EachValidator # @option options [Class] :password_validator (Challah::PasswordValidator) Pass in a class to use for password validation. def self.options @options ||= { access_denied_view: "sessions/access_denied", api_key_enabled: false, cookie_prefix: "challah", email_validator: "challah/email", password_validator: PasswordValidator, skip_routes: false, skip_user_validations: false, storage_class: SimpleCookieStore, user: :User } end def self.user options[:user].to_s.safe_constantize end # Set up techniques engines extend Techniques @techniques ||= {} # Default registered authentication techiques. register_technique :api_key, ApiKeyTechnique register_technique :password, PasswordTechnique # Set up plugin registering capability extend Plugins @plugins ||= {} # Set up authenticators extend Authenticators @authenticators ||= {} # Default registered authentication techiques. register_authenticator :api_key, Authenticators::ApiKey register_authenticator :password, Authenticators::Password # Set up authorization providers extend Providers @providers ||= {} register_provider :password, PasswordProvider end require "challah/engine" if defined?(Rails)