require 'set' require 'tempfile' require 'sunspot/solr/java' require 'sunspot/solr/installer' module Sunspot module Solr class Server #:nodoc: # Raised if #stop is called but the server is not running ServerError = AlreadyRunningError = NotRunningError = JavaMissing = # Name of the sunspot executable (shell script) SOLR_EXECUTABLE = File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'solr', 'bin', 'solr') ) LOG_LEVELS = Set['SEVERE', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'CONFIG', 'FINE', 'FINER', 'FINEST'] attr_accessor :memory, :bind_address, :port, :log_file attr_writer :pid_dir, :pid_file, :solr_home, :solr_executable def initialize Sunspot::Solr::Java.ensure_install! end # # Bootstrap a new solr_home by creating all required # directories. # # ==== Returns # # Boolean:: success # def bootstrap unless @bootstrapped install_solr_home create_solr_directories @bootstrapped = true end end # # Start the sunspot-solr server. Bootstrap solr_home first, # if neccessary. # # ==== Returns # # Boolean:: success # def start bootstrap if File.exist?(pid_path) existing_pid = begin Process.kill(0, existing_pid) raise(AlreadyRunningError, "Server is already running with PID #{existing_pid}") rescue Errno::ESRCH STDERR.puts("Removing stale PID file at #{pid_path}") FileUtils.rm(pid_path) end end fork do pid = fork do Process.setsid STDIN.reopen('/dev/null') STDOUT.reopen('/dev/null') STDERR.reopen(STDOUT) run end FileUtils.mkdir_p(pid_dir), 'w') do |file| file << pid end end end # # Run the sunspot-solr server in the foreground. Boostrap # solr_home first, if neccessary. # # ==== Returns # # Boolean:: success # def run bootstrap command = %w[./solr start -f] command << "-m" << "#{memory}" if memory command << "-p" << "#{port}" if port command << "-h" << "#{bind_address}" if bind_address command << "-s" << "#{solr_home}" if solr_home command << "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:#{logging_config.path}" if logging_config exec_in_solr_executable_directory(command) end # # Stop the sunspot-solr server. # # ==== Returns # # Boolean:: success # def stop if File.exist?(pid_path) pid = begin Process.kill('TERM', pid) exec_in_solr_executable_directory(['./solr', 'stop', '-p', "#{port}"]) if port rescue Errno::ESRCH raise NotRunningError, "Process with PID #{pid} is no longer running" ensure FileUtils.rm(pid_path) end else raise NotRunningError, "No PID file at #{pid_path}" end end def log_level=(level) unless LOG_LEVELS.include?(level.to_s.upcase) raise(ArgumentError, "#{level} is not a valid log level: Use one of #{LOG_LEVELS.to_a.join(',')}") end @log_level = level.to_s.upcase end def log_level @log_level || 'WARNING' end def pid_path File.join(pid_dir, pid_file) end def pid_file @pid_file || '' end def pid_dir File.expand_path(@pid_dir || FileUtils.pwd) end def solr_home File.expand_path(@solr_home || File.join(File.dirname(solr_executable), '..', 'solr')) end def solr_executable @solr_executable || SOLR_EXECUTABLE end def solr_executable_directory @solr_executable_directory ||= File.dirname(solr_executable) end def exec_in_solr_executable_directory(command) { system(*command) } end # # Copy default solr configuration files from sunspot # gem to the new solr_home/config directory # # ==== Returns # # Boolean:: success # def install_solr_home unless File.exist?(solr_home) Sunspot::Solr::Installer.execute( solr_home, :force => true, :verbose => true ) end end # # Create new solr_home, config, log and pid directories # # ==== Returns # # Boolean:: success # def create_solr_directories [pid_dir].each do |path| FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) unless File.exist?(path) end end private def logging_config return @logging_config if defined?(@logging_config) @logging_config = if log_file logging_config ='') logging_config.puts("log4j.rootLogger=#{log_level.to_s.upcase}, file, CONSOLE") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r %-5p (%t) [%X{collection} %X{shard} %X{replica} %X{core}] %c{1.} %m%n") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.file=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.file.MaxFileSize=4MB") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.file.MaxBackupIndex=9") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.file.File=#{log_file}") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.file.layout=org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout") logging_config.puts("log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5p (%t) [%X{collection} %X{shard} %X{replica} %X{core}] %c{1.} %m%n") logging_config.puts("") logging_config.flush logging_config.close logging_config end end end end end