require 'yaml' def website_config unless @website_config begin @website_config = YAML.load("config/website.yml")) rescue puts <<-EOS To upload your website to a host, you need to configure config/website.yml. See config/website.yml.sample for an example. EOS exit end end @website_config end desc 'Generate website files' task :website_generate => :ruby_env do (Dir['website/**/*.txt'] - Dir['website/version*.txt']).each do |txt| sh %{ #{RUBY_APP} script/txt2html #{txt} > #{txt.gsub(/txt$/,'html')} } end end desc 'Upload website files to rubyforge' task :website_upload do local_dir = 'website' host = website_config["host"] host = host ? "#{host}:" : "" remote_dir = website_config["remote_dir"] sh %{rsync -aCv #{local_dir}/ #{host}#{remote_dir}} end remove_task :publish_docs # recreate hoe's rubyforge specific version desc 'Publish RDoc to RubyForge.' task :publish_docs => [:clean, :docs] do local_dir = 'doc' host = website_config["host"] host = host ? "#{host}:" : "" remote_dir = File.join(website_config["remote_dir"], "rdoc") sh %{rsync -aCv #{local_dir}/ #{host}#{remote_dir}} end desc 'Generate and upload website files' task :website => [:website_generate, :website_upload, :publish_docs]