[![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-triage/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-triage/commits/master) # GitLab Triage Project This project allows to automate triaging of issues and merge requests for GitLab projects or groups. ## gitlab-triage gem ### Abstract The `gitlab-triage` gem aims to enable project managers and maintainers to automatically triage Issues and Merge Requests in GitLab projects or groups based on defined policies. See [Running locally](#running-locally) for how to specify a project or a group. ### What is a triage policy? Triage policies are defined on a resource level basis, resources being: - Issues - Merge Requests Each policy can declare a number of conditions that must all be satisfied before a number of actions are carried out. Summary policies are special policies that join multiple policies together to create a summary issue with all the sub-policies' summaries, see [Summary policies](#summary-policies). ### Defining a policy Policies are defined in a policy file (by default `./.triage-policies.yml`). The format of the file is [YAML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML). > **Note:** You can use the [`--init`](#usage) option to add an example [`.triage-policies.yml` file](support/.triage-policies.example.yml) to your project. Select which resource to add the policy to: - `issues` - `merge_requests` And create an array of `rules` to define your policies: For example: ```yml resource_rules: issues: rules: - name: My policy conditions: date: attribute: updated_at condition: older_than interval_type: days interval: 5 state: opened labels: - None limits: most_recent: 50 actions: labels: - needs attention mention: - markglenfletcher move: gitlab-org/backlog comment: | {{author}} This issue is unlabelled after 5 days. It needs attention. Please take care of this before the end of #{2.days.from_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} summarize: destination: gitlab-org/gitlab-triage title: | #{resource[:type].capitalize} require labels item: | - [ ] [{{title}}]({{web_url}}) {{labels}} redact_confidential_resources: false summary: | The following issues require labels: {{items}} Please take care of them before the end of #{7.days.from_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} /label ~"needs attention" merge_requests: rules: - name: My policy conditions: state: opened labels: - None limits: most_recent: 50 actions: labels: - needs attention comment_type: thread comment: | {{author}} This issue is unlabelled. Please add one or more labels. ``` ### Real world example We're enforcing multiple polices with pipeline schedules at [triage-ops]( https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops), where we're also extensively utilizing the [plugins system](#can-i-customize). ### Fields A policy consists of the following fields: - [Name field](#name-field) - [Conditions field](#conditions-field) - [Limits field](#limits-field) - [Actions field](#actions-field) #### Name field The name field is used to describe the purpose of the individual policy. Example: ```yml name: Policy name ``` #### Conditions field Used to declare a condition that must be satisfied by a resource before actions will be taken. Available condition types: - [`date` condition](#date-condition) - [`milestone` condition](#milestone-condition) - [`state` condition](#state-condition) - [`upvotes` condition](#upvotes-condition) - [`labels` condition](#labels-condition) - [`forbidden_labels` condition](#forbidden-labels-condition) - [`no_additional_labels` condition](#no-additional-labels-condition) - [`author_member` condition](#author-member-condition) - [`assignee_member` condition](#assignee-member-condition) - [`source_branch` condition](#source-branch-condition) - [`target_branch` condition](#target-branch-condition) - [`ruby` condition](#ruby-condition) ##### Date condition Accepts a hash of fields. | Field | Type | Values | Required | | --------- | ---- | ---- | -------- | | `attribute` | string | `created_at`, `updated_at`, `merged_at` | yes | | `condition` | string | `older_than`, `newer_than` | yes | | `interval_type` | string | `days`, `weeks`, `months`, `years` | yes | | `interval` | integer | integer | yes | > **Note:** `merged_at` only works on merge requests. Example: ```yml conditions: date: attribute: updated_at condition: older_than interval_type: months interval: 12 ``` ##### Milestone condition Accepts the name of a milestone to filter upon. Example: ```yml conditions: milestone: v1 ``` ##### State condition Accepts a string. | State | Type | Value | | --------- | ---- | ------ | | Closed issues | string | `closed` | | Open issues | string | `opened` | | Merged merge requests | string | `merged` | Example: ```yml conditions: state: opened ``` ##### Upvotes condition Accepts a hash of fields. | Field | Type | Values | Required | | --------- | ---- | ---- | -------- | | `attribute` | string | `upvotes`, `downvotes` | yes | | `condition` | string | `less_than`, `greater_than` | yes | | `threshold` | integer | integer | yes | Example: ```yml conditions: upvotes: attribute: upvotes condition: less_than threshold: 10 ``` ##### Labels condition Accepts an array of strings. Each element in the array represents the name of a label to filter on. > **Note:** **All** specified labels must be present on the resource for the condition to be satisfied Example: ```yml conditions: labels: - feature proposal ``` ###### Predefined special label names Basing on the [issues API](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues.html), there are two special predefined label names we can use here: * `None`: This indicates that no labels were present * `Any`: This indicates that any labels were presented Example: ```yml conditions: labels: - None ``` ###### Labels brace expansion We could expand the labels by using brace expansion, which is a pattern surrounded by using braces: `{}`. For now, we support 2 kinds of brace expansion: 1. List: `{ apple, orange }` 2. Sequence: `{1..4}` > **Note:** > - Spaces around the items are ignored. > - Do not rely on the expansion ordering. This is subject to change. ###### List The name of a label can contain a list of items, written like `{ apple, orange }`. For each item, the rule will be duplicated with the new label name. Example: ```yml resource_rules: issues: rules: - name: Add missing ~Quality label conditions: labels: - Quality:test-{ gap, infra } actions: labels: - Quality ``` Which will be expanded into: ```yml resource_rules: issues: rules: - name: Add missing ~Quality label conditions: labels: - Quality:test-gap actions: labels: - Quality - name: Add missing ~Quality label conditions: labels: - Quality:test-infra actions: labels: - Quality ``` > **Note:** > If you want to define a full label expansion, you'll need to [force string](https://yaml.org/YAML_for_ruby.html#forcing_strings) or [quote string](https://yaml.org/YAML_for_ruby.html#single-quoted_strings) because otherwise it won't be considered a string due to the YAML parser. > For example, we can quote the expression like `'{ apple, orange }'`, which will create 2 rules, for the two specified labels. ###### Sequence The name of a label can contain one or more sequence conditions, written like `{0..9}`, which means `0`, `1`, `2`, and so on up to `9`. For each number, the rule will be duplicated with the new label name. Example: ```yml resource_rules: issues: rules: - name: Add missing ~"missed\-deliverable" label conditions: labels: - missed:{10..11}.{0..1} - deliverable actions: labels: - missed deliverable ``` Which will be expanded into: ```yml resource_rules: issues: rules: - name: Add missing ~"missed\-deliverable" label conditions: labels: - missed:10.0 - deliverable actions: labels: - missed deliverable - name: Add missing ~"missed\-deliverable" label conditions: labels: - missed:10.1 - deliverable actions: labels: - missed deliverable - name: Add missing ~"missed\-deliverable" label conditions: labels: - missed:11.0 - deliverable actions: labels: - missed deliverable - name: Add missing ~"missed\-deliverable" label conditions: labels: - missed:11.1 - deliverable actions: labels: - missed deliverable ``` ##### Forbidden labels condition Accepts an array of strings. Each element in the array represents the name of a label to filter on. > **Note:** **All** specified labels must be absent on the resource for the condition to be satisfied Example: ```yml conditions: forbidden_labels: - awaiting feedback ``` ##### No additional labels condition Accepts a boolean. If `true` the resource cannot have more labels than those specified by the `labels` condition. Example: ```yml conditions: labels: - feature proposal no_additional_labels: true ``` ##### Author Member condition This condition determines whether the author of a resource is a member of the specified group or project. This is useful for determining whether Issues or Merge Requests have been raised by a Community Contributor. Accepts a hash of fields. | Field | Type | Values | Required | | --------- | ---- | ---- | -------- | | `source` | string | `group`, `project` | yes | | `condition` | string | `member_of`, `not_member_of` | yes | | `source_id` | integer or string | gitlab-org/gitlab | yes | Example: ```yml conditions: author_member: source: group condition: not_member_of source_id: 9970 ``` ##### Assignee member condition This condition determines whether the assignee of a resource is a member of the specified group or project. Accepts a hash of fields. | Field | Type | Values | Required | | --------- | ---- | ---- | -------- | | `source` | string | `group`, `project` | yes | | `condition` | string | `member_of`, `not_member_of` | yes | | `source_id` | integer or string | gitlab-org/gitlab | yes | Example: ```yml conditions: assignee_member: source: group condition: not_member_of source_id: 9970 ``` ##### Source branch condition Accepts the name of a source branch to filter upon. Example: ```yml conditions: source_branch: 'feature-branch' ``` ##### Target branch condition Accepts the name of a target branch to filter upon. Example: ```yml conditions: target_branch: 'master' ``` ##### Ruby condition This condition allows users to write a Ruby expression to be evaluated for each resource. If it evaluates to a truthy value, it satisfies the condition. If it evaluates to a falsey value, it does not satisfy the condition. Accepts a string as the Ruby expression. Example: ```yml conditions: ruby: Date.today > milestone.succ.start_date ``` In the above example, this describes that we want to act on the resources which passed the next active milestone's starting date. Here `milestone` will return a `Gitlab::Triage::Resource::Milestone` object, representing the milestone of the questioning resource. `Milestone#succ` would return the next active milestone, based on the `start_date` of all milestones along with the representing milestone. If the milestone was coming from a project, then it's based on all active milestones in that project. If the milestone was coming from a group, then it's based on all active milestones in the group. If we also want to handle some edge cases, for example, a resource might not have a milestone, and a milestone might not be active, and there might not have a next milestone. We could instead write something like: ```yml conditions: ruby: milestone&.active? && milestone&.succ && Date.today > milestone.succ.start_date ``` This will make it only act on resources which have active milestones and there exists next milestone which has already started. See [Ruby expression API](#ruby-expression-api) for the list of currently available API. #### Limits field Limits restrict the number of resources on which an action is carried out. They can be useful when combined with conditions that return a large number of resources. For example, if the conditions are satisfied by thousands of issues a limit can be configured to process only fifty of them to avoid making an overwhelming number of changes at once. Accepts a key and value pair where the key is `most_recent` or `oldest`and the value is the number of resources to act on. The following table outlines how each key affects the sorting and order of resources that it limits. | Name / Key | Sorted by | Order | | --------- | ---- | ------ | | `most_recent` | `created_at` | descending | | `oldest` | `created_at` | ascending | Example: ```yml limits: most_recent: 50 ``` #### Actions field Used to declare an action to be carried out on a resource if **all** conditions are satisfied. Available action types: - [`labels` action](#labels-action) - [`remove_labels` action](#remove-labels-action) - [`status` action](#status-action) - [`mention` action](#mention-action) - [`move` action](#move-action) - [`comment` action](#comment-action) - [`comment_type` action option](#comment-type-action-option) - [`summarize` action](#summarize-action) ##### Labels action Adds a number of labels to the resource. Accepts an array of strings. Each element is the name of a label to add. If any of the labels doesn't exist, the automation will stop immediately so that if a label is renamed or deleted, you'll have to explicitly update or remove it in your policy file. Example: ```yml actions: labels: - feature proposal - awaiting feedback ``` ##### Remove labels action Removes a number of labels from the resource. Accepts an array of strings. Each element is the name of a label to remove. If any of the labels doesn't exist, the automation will stop immediately so that if a label is renamed or deleted, you'll have to explicitly update or remove it in your policy file. Example: ```yml actions: remove_labels: - feature proposal - awaiting feedback ``` ##### Status action Changes the status of the resource. Accepts a string. | State transition | Type | Value | | --------- | ---- | ------ | | Close the resource | string | `close` | | Reopen the resource | string | `reopen` | Example: ```yml actions: status: close ``` ##### Mention action Mentions a number of users. Accepts an array of strings. Each element is the username of a user to mention. Example: ```yml actions: mention: - rymai - markglenfletcher ``` ##### Move action Moves an issue (merge request is not supported yet) to the specified project. Accepts a string containing the target project path. Example: ```yml actions: move: target/project_path ``` ##### Comment action Adds a comment to the resource. Accepts a string, and placeholders. Placeholders should be wrapped in double curly braces, e.g. `{{author}}`. The following placeholders are supported: - `created_at`: the resource's creation date - `updated_at`: the resource's last update date - `closed_at`: the resource's closed date (if applicable) - `merged_at`: the resource's merged date (if applicable) - `state`: the resources's current state: `opened`, `closed`, `merged` - `author`: the username of the resource's author as `@user1` - `assignee`: the username of the resource's assignee as `@user1` - `assignees`: the usernames of the resource's assignees as `@user1, @user2` - `closed_by`: the user that closed the resource as `@user1` (if applicable) - `merged_by`: the user that merged the resource as `@user1` (if applicable) - `milestone`: the resource's current milestone - `labels`: the resource's labels as `~label1, ~label2` - `upvotes`: the resources's upvotes count - `downvotes`: the resources's downvotes count - `title`: the resource's title - `web_url`: the web URL pointing to the resource - `type`: the type of the resources. For now, only `issues` and `merge_requests` are supported. If the resource doesn't respond to the placeholder, or if the field is `nil`, the placeholder is not replaced. Example without placeholders: ```yml actions: comment: | Closing this issue automatically ``` Example with placeholders: ```yml actions: comment: | {{author}} Are you still interested in finishing this merge request? ``` ##### Comment type action option Determines the type of comment to be added to the resource. The following comment types are supported: - `comment` (default): creates a regular comment on the resource - `thread`: starts a resolvable thread (discussion) on the resource For merge requests, if `comment_type` is set to `thread`, we can also configure that [all threads should be resolved before merging](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/discussions/#only-allow-merge-requests-to-be-merged-if-all-threads-are-resolved), therefore this comment can prevent it from merging. Example: ```yml actions: comment_type: thread comment: | {{author}} Are you still interested in finishing this merge request? ``` ###### Harnessing Quick Actions [GitLab's quick actions feature](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/quick_actions.html) is available in Core. All of the operations supported by executing a quick action can be carried out via the comment action. If GitLab triage does not support an operation natively, it may be possible via a quick action in a comment. For example: - Flagging an issue as [confidential](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/issues/confidential_issues.html) - [Locking issue discussion](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/discussions/#lock-discussions) ```yml resource_rules: issues: rules: - name: Mark bugs as confidential conditions: state: opened ruby: !resource[:confidential] labels: - bug actions: comment: | /confidential ``` ###### Ruby expression The comment can also contain Ruby expression, using Ruby's own string interpolation syntax: `#{ expression }`. This gives you the most flexibility. Suppose you want to mention the next active milestone relative to the one associated with the resource, you can write: ```yml actions: comment: | Please move this to %"#{milestone.succ.title}". ``` See [Ruby expression API](#ruby-expression-api) for the list of currently available API. > **Note:** If you get a syntax error due to stray braces (`{` or `}`), use `\` to escape it. For example: > > ```yml > actions: > comment: | > If \} comes first and/or following \{, you'll need to escape them. If it's just { wrapping something } then you don't need to, but it's also fine to escape them like \{ this \} if you prefer. > ``` ##### Summarize action Generates an issue summarizing what was triaged. Accepts a hash of fields. | Field | Type | Description | Required | Placeholders | Ruby expression | Default | | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | | `title` | string | The title of the generated issue | yes | yes | no | | | `destination` | integer or string | The project ID or path to create the generated issue in | no | no | no | source project | | `item` | string | Template representing each triaged resource | no | yes | yes | | | `summary` | string | The description of the generated issue | no | Only `{{title}}`, `{{items}}`, `{{type}}` | yes | | | `redact_confidential_resources` | boolean | Whether redact fields for confidential resources | no | no | no | true | The following placeholders are supported for `summary`: - `title`: The title of the generated issue - `items`: Concatenated markdown separated by a newline for each `item` - `type`: The resource type for the summary. For now `issues` or `merge_requests` > **Note:** > - Both `item` and `summary` fields act like a [comment action](#comment-action), > therefore [Ruby expression](#ruby-expression) is supported. > - Placeholders work regularly for `item`, but for `summary` only `{{title}}`, > `{{items}}`, `{{type}}` are supported because it's not tied to a particular > resource like the comment action. > - No issues will be created if: > - the specific policy doesn't yield any resources; or > - the source type is a group and `destination` is not set. > - `redact_confidential_resources` defaults to `true`, so fields on > confidential resources will be converted to `(confidential)` except for > `{{web_url}}`. Setting it to `false` will reveal the confidential fields. > This will be useful if the summary is confidential itself (not implemented > yet), or if we're posting to another private project (not implemented yet). Example: ```yml resource_rules: issues: rules: - name: Issues require labels limits: most_recent: 15 actions: summarize: title: | #{resource[:type].capitalize} require labels item: | - [ ] [{{title}}]({{web_url}}) {{labels}} summary: | The following {{type}} require labels: {{items}} Please take care of them before the end of #{7.days.from_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} /label ~"needs attention" ``` Which could generate an issue like: * Title: ``` Issues require labels ``` * Description: ``` markdown The following issues require labels: - [ ] [An example issue](http://example.com/group/project/issues/1) ~"label A", ~"label B" - [ ] [Another issue](http://example.com/group/project/issues/2) ~"label B", ~"label C" Please take care of them before the end of 2000-01-01 /label ~"needs attention" ``` ### Summary policies Summary policies are special policies that join multiple rule policies together to create a summary issue with all the sub-policies' summaries. They have the same structure as Rule policies that define `actions.summarize`. One key difference is that the `{{items}}` placeholder represents the array of sub-policies' summary. Note that only the `summarize` keys in the sub-policies' `actions` is used. Any other keys (e.g. `mention`, `comment`, `labels` etc.) are ignored. You can define such policy as follows: ```yml resource_rules: issues: summaries: - name: Newest and oldest issues summary actions: summarize: title: "Newest and oldest {{type}} summary" summary: | Please triage the following {{type}}: {{items}} Please take care of them before the end of #{7.days.from_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} /label ~"needs attention" rules: - name: New issues conditions: state: opened limits: most_recent: 2 actions: summarize: item: "- [ ] [{{title}}]({{web_url}}) {{labels}}" summary: | Please triage the following new {{type}}: {{items}} - name: Old issues conditions: state: opened limits: oldest: 2 actions: summarize: item: "- [ ] [{{title}}]({{web_url}}) {{labels}}" summary: | Please triage the following old {{type}}: {{items}} ``` Which could generate an issue like: * Title: ``` Newest and oldest issues summary ``` * Description: ``` markdown Please triage the following issues: Please triage the following new issues: - [ ] [A new issue](http://example.com/group/project/issues/4) - [ ] [Another new issue](http://example.com/group/project/issues/3) ~"label B", ~"label C" Please triage the following old issues: - [ ] [An old issue](http://example.com/group/project/issues/1) ~"label A", ~"label B" - [ ] [Another old issue](http://example.com/group/project/issues/2) ~"label C" Please take care of them before the end of 2000-01-01 /label ~"needs attention" ``` > **Note:** If a specific policy doesn't yield any resources, it will not > generate the corresponding description. If all policies yield no resources, > then no issues will be created. ### Ruby expression API Here's a list of currently available Ruby expression API: ##### Methods for `Issue` and `MergeRequest` (the context) | Name | Return type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | resource | Hash | The hash containing the raw data of the resource | | author | String | The username of the resource author | | milestone | Milestone | The milestone attached to the resource | | labels | [Label] | A list of labels, having only names | | labels_with_details | [Label] | A list of labels which has more information loaded from another API request | | labels_chronologically | [Label] | Same as `labels_with_details` but sorted chronologically | | label_events | [LabelEvent] | A list of label events on the resource | | instance_version | InstanceVersion | The version for the GitLab instance we're triaging with | | project_path | String | The path with namespace to the issues or merge requests project | | full_resource_reference | String | A full reference incuding project path to the issue or merge request | ##### Methods for `MergeRequest` (merge request context) | Method | Return type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | first_contribution? | Boolean | `true` if it's the author's first contribution to the project; `false` otherwise. This API requires an additional API request for the merge request, thus would be slower. | ##### Methods for `Milestone` | Method | Return type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | id | Integer | The id of the milestone | | iid | Integer | The iid of the milestone | | project_id | Integer | The project id of the milestone if available | | group_id | Integer | The group id of the milestone if available | | title | String | The title of the milestone | | description | String | The description of the milestone | | state | String | The state of the milestone. Could be `active` or `closed` | | due_date | Date | The due date of the milestone. Could be `nil` | | start_date | Date | The start date of the milestone. Could be `nil` | | updated_at | Time | The updated timestamp of the milestone | | created_at | Time | The created timestamp of the milestone | | succ | Milestone | The next active milestone beside this milestone | | active? | Boolean | `true` if `state` is `active`; `false` otherwise | | closed? | Boolean | `true` if `state` is `closed`; `false` otherwise | | started? | Boolean | `true` if `start_date` exists and in the past; `false` otherwise | | expired? | Boolean | `true` if `due_date` exists and in the past; `false` otherwise | | in_progress?| Boolean | `true` if `started?` and `!expired`; `false` otherwise | ##### Methods for `Label` | Method | Return type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | id | Integer | The id of the label | | project_id | Integer | The project id of the label if available | | group_id | Integer | The group id of the label if available | | name | String | The name of the label | | description | String | The description of the label | | color | String | The color of the label in RGB | | priority | Integer | The priority of the label | | added_at | Time | When the label was added to the resource | ##### Methods for `LabelEvent` | Method | Return type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | id | Integer | The id of the label event | | resource_type | String | The resource type of the event. Could be `Issue` or `MergeRequest` | | resource_id | Integer | The id of the resource | | action | String | The action of the event. Could be `add` or `remove` | | created_at | Time | When the event happened | ##### Methods for `InstanceVersion` | Method | Return type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | version | String | The full string of version. e.g. `11.3.0-rc11-ee` | | version_short | String | The short string of version. e.g. `11.3` | | revision | String | The revision of GitLab. e.g. `231b0c7` | ### Installation gem install gitlab-triage ### Usage gitlab-triage --help Will show: ``` Usage: gitlab-triage [options] -n, --dry-run Don't actually update anything, just print -f, --policies-file [string] A valid policies YML file -s, --source [type] The source type between [ projects or groups ], default value: projects -i, --source-id [string] Source ID or path -p, --project-id [string] [Deprecated] A project ID or path, please use `--source-id` -t, --token [string] A valid API token -H, --host-url [string] A valid host url -r, --require [string] Require a file before performing -d, --debug Print debug information -h, --help Print help message --all-projects Process all projects visible to `--token` --init Initialize the project with a policy file --init-ci Initialize the project with a .gitlab-ci.yml file ``` #### Running locally Triaging against a specific project: ``` gitlab-triage --dry-run --token $GITLAB_API_TOKEN --source-id gitlab-org/triage ``` Triaging against a whole group: ``` gitlab-triage --dry-run --token $GITLAB_API_TOKEN --source-id gitlab-org --source groups ``` Triaging against an entire instance: ``` gitlab-triage --dry-run --token $GITLAB_API_TOKEN --all-projects ``` > **Note:** The `--all-projects` option will process all resources for all projects visible to the specified `$GITLAB_API_TOKEN` #### Running on GitLab CI pipeline You can enforce policies using a scheduled pipeline: ```yml run:triage:triage: stage: triage script: - gem install gitlab-triage - gitlab-triage --token $GITLAB_API_TOKEN --source-id $CI_PROJECT_PATH only: - schedules ``` > **Note:** You can use the [`--init-ci`](#usage) option to add an example [`.gitlab-ci.yml` file](support/.gitlab-ci.example.yml) to your project #### Can I use gitlab-triage for my self-hosted GitLab instance? Yes, you can override the host url using the following options: ##### CLI ``` gitlab-triage --dry-run --token $GITLAB_API_TOKEN --source-id gitlab-org/triage --host-url https://gitlab.host.com ``` ##### Policy file ```yml host_url: https://gitlab.host.com resource_rules: ``` #### Can I customize? You can take the advantage of command line option `-r` or `--require` to load a Ruby file before performing the actions. This allows you to do whatever you want. For example, you can put this in a file like `my_plugin.rb`: ```ruby module MyPlugin def has_severity_label? labels.grep(/^S\d+$/).any? end def has_priority_label? labels.grep(/^P\d+$/).any? end def labels resource[:labels] end end Gitlab::Triage::Resource::Context.include MyPlugin ``` And then run it with: ```shell gitlab-triage -r ./my_plugin.rb --token $GITLAB_API_TOKEN --source-id gitlab-org/triage ``` This allows you to use `has_severity_label?` in the Ruby condition: ```yml resource_rules: issues: rules: - name: Apply default severity or priority labels conditions: ruby: | !has_severity_label? || !has_priority_label? actions: comment: | #{'/label ~S3' unless has_severity_label?} #{'/label ~P3' unless has_priority_label?} ``` ### Contributing Please refer to the [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Release Process Please refer to the [Release Process](docs/release_process.md).