Change Log
2022/10/06 (IBM_DB adapter 5.3.2, driver 3.0.6)
- Allowed all rails versions < 6.2 in gemspec, replaced limit clause with FETCH FIRST n ROWS
2022/09/21 (IBM_DB adapter 5.3.1, driver 3.0.6)
- Yanked version 5.3.0 as package includes clidriver
2022/09/17 (IBM_DB adapter 5.3.0, driver 3.0.6)
- Support for Ruby 3.0 and Rails 6.1
2018/05/24 (IBM_DB adapter 4.0.0, driver 3.0.5)
- Rails 5.0.7 Toleration support. New features of Active Record 5.0.7 are not added also none of the open issue are fixed in this release.
2016/07/08 (IBM_DB adapter 3.0.5, driver 3.0.5)
- Fixed issue #71 - Query hangs from db2 with no any exception return
2016/07/08 (IBM_DB adapter 3.0.4, driver 3.0.3)
- Fixed issue #58 - non-string query parameters do not get prepared.
2016/06/17 (IBM_DB adapter 3.0.3, driver 3.0.3)
- Fixed issue #59 - Can't Update Binary Files Using 3.0.x (with Ruby 2.1.0 and Rails 4.2.6)
2016/05/24 (IBM_DB adapter 3.0.2, driver 3.0.2)
- Fixed issue #52 - Invalid foreign key ON UPDATE action specified in schema.rb
- Fixed issue #59 - Can't Upload Binary Files Using 3.0.x (with Ruby 2.1.0 and Rails 4.2.6)
2016/01/06 (IBM_DB adapter 3.0.1, driver 3.0.1)
- Combined MacOS and Linux installation code in one file under extconf.rb to handle any Mac OS version upgrade.
- Fixed bug#49 - Regardless of what value you pass in for a clob, update_attributes will set the value to @@@IBMTEXT@@@ in the database
2015/09/30 (IBM_DB adapter 3.0.0, driver 3.0.0)
- Added minimum dependency for Rails version 4.2.0 and for active record 4.2.0, as some Rails 4.2 APIs are not backward compatible.
- Fixed Foreign key issues
- Changed code to remove use of serialized_attributes as it is deprecated.
2015/07/14 (IBM_DB adapter 2.6.1, driver 2.6.1)
- Foreign key support
2015/06/29 (IBM_DB adapter 2.6.0, driver 2.6.0)
- Enhanced installation for Windows to pull IBM Data Server Driver automatically on first use if not present
- Enhanced installation for Mac OS to pull IBM Data Server Driver automatically if not present
- Removed support for Ruby 1.9.3
2015/06/08 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.27, driver 2.5.27)
- Support for Ruby 2.2.x on Windows and Linux platform
- Fixed bug#28 Create table fails on db:migrate task in ActiveRecord 4.2.1 if database adapter not support foreign_keys.
2015/04/08 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.26, driver 2.5.26)
- Fixed bug#22 - Error 'undefined method lookup_cast_type encountered' with rails version lesser than 4.2
2015/03/24 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.25, driver 2.5.25)
- Support for Rails 4.2.x
- Support for Ruby 2.2.x on Windows and Linux platform
2014/08/03 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.18, driver 2.5.14) :
- Support for Rails 4.1.x
- Enhanced installation to pull IBM Data Server Driver automatically if not present
2014/03/03 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.17, driver 2.5.14) :
- Shipping binaries compatible with Ruby 2.0 for linux x86_64 systems (#29871)
- Fixed #29869
- Support microsecond timestamp.
2014/02/26 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.16, driver 2.5.14) :
- Yanked version 2.5.15. Hence using new version number
2014/02/17 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.15, driver 2.5.14) :
- Yanked version 2.5.14. Hence using new version number
2014/02/11 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.14, driver 2.5.14) :
- Support for Rails 4
- Support for ruby-2.0
2014/01/28 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.12, driver 2.5.11) :
- Supporting usage of name ibmdb as adapter along with current name ibm_db to support requirements of cloud environments
2012/12/07 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.11, driver 2.5.11) :
- Fixed bug #29633 - Deletes cause too many handles to be consumed and not freed
- Support for Mac OS CLI library loading to check create and drop db functionality - #29625
- Fixed #29657 - @servertype of IBM_DBAdapter could end up being nil on DB2 for Z/OS version 9
2012/05/01 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.10, driver 2.5.10) :
- Support for Rails-3.2
- Changes in installation process. Now user should set only one environment variable IBM_DB_HOME to DB2/IBM_Data_Server_Driver installation directory
- Fixed bug #29541 - Serialize data when corresponding field maps to CLOB type on Database
- Fixed bug #29561 - Fixed data truncation error when client and server codepages are different
- Updated IBM_DB specifics of AR test suite as per Rails-3.2.3
2012/01/03 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.9, driver 2.5.9) :
- Support for Create and Drop database on DB2 LUW with DB2 client version V97fp4 and above
- Fixed bug #29482 - Fixed bigint being returned as string in the adapter
2011/09/18 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.7, driver 2.5.7) :
- Support for Rails-3.1.0
- Fixed bug #29052 -> prepare results in empty error message
- Support for continuation of method IBM_DB.conn_error and IBM_DB.conn_errormsg - #29324
- Test suite update as for Rails-3.1.0
2011/02/07 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.6, driver 2.5.6) :
- Fixed Bug #28622, #28881
- Decimal datatypes will now be returned as BigDecimal type from the driver
- Changes to rollback any active transaction in the connection destructor method if connection is not explicitly closed
- Changes to have a single gem file for ruby 1.8 and ruby 1.9
2010/07/15 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.5, driver 2.5.5) :
- Support for datatype Graphic and Vargraphic in driver and adapter [27965]
- Support for Bigint datatype in adapter.
- Fixed bug [28295] --> IBM_DB, Unicode Version, fails with encoding error against Informix Server
2010/05/12 (IBM_DB adapter 2.5.0, driver 2.5.0) :
- Support for Unicode with Ruby 1.9 [Data from the IBM_DB driver is returned in UTF8 format]
- Fixed bug [27954] --> Fixed Truncation of char for bit data containing a Null Terminator
- Removed handling of NilClass type data in quote method. Super class will handle appropriately.
2010/01/21 (IBM_DB adapter 2.0.0, driver 2.0.0) :
- Support for usage of parameterized SQL queries
- Exposed constant VERSION in the driver [Feature Request: #27231]
2009/08/21 (IBM_DB adapter 1.5.0, driver 1.5.0) :
- non-block enhancement in the ruby driver made for Ruby version 1.9. [support request #25023]
- New API's getErrormsg and getErrorstate for retrieving error messages/state added
- Re-defined raising of exception from driver. [Bug #26544]
- Made adapter changes as per the new API's exposed in the driver for retrieving error messages
- API's conn_errormsg and stmt_errormsg is been deprecated.
2009/07/28 (IBM_DB adapter 1.1.1, driver 1.1.0) :
- Fixed bug [26705] --> Fixed the problem of primary key value starting with 100
- Support for Activerecord-2.3.3
- Added method primary_key, which returns the primary key column name of the specified table
- Test suite updated
2009/06/17 (IBM_DB adapter 1.1.0, driver 1.1.0) :
- Support for Activerecord's Query Cache Mechanism
- rename_column support for DB2 on LUW version 9.7, DB2 on zOS 9 and enhanced rename_column support for Informix Dynamic Server
- Support for parameterized timestamp datatype feature of DB2 on LUW Version 9.7
- Enhanced support for Bigint datatype along with support for Bigserial datatype (with client version 9.7 and above) of IDS
- Callback method handle_lobs enhanced by making it to use prepared statements completely
- Handling of exceptions during fetch operations enabled
2009/03/24 (IBM_DB adapter 1.0.5, driver 1.0.5) :
- Support for Ruby-1.9.1
- Support for SQLRowcount in driver
- Support for Activerecord-2.3.2 [test suite updated]
- Fixed bug [24663] --> Fixed pre-mature clearing of the sql array in handle_lobs
- Fixed bug [23115] --> Fixed truncation of a nested query during update
- Fixed wrong setting of SQLID for schema on zOS 8 dataserver when schema is explicitly specified.
2009/03/06 (IBM_DB adapter 1.0.2, driver 1.0.1) :
- Support for specifying connection timeout in adapter
- Fixed Bug [23317] --> Fixed assumption of id as the primary key while updation/insertion of lob fields
- Fixed Bug [23389] --> Provided proper exception handling.
- Fixed the insertion of incorrect value for lob objects in case of has_and_belongs_to_many associations.
2008/12/18 (IBM_DB adapter 1.0.1, driver 1.0.1) :
- Support for datatype decfloat
- Changes in installation process. Now user should set IBM_DB_INCLUDE env variable instead of IBM_DB_DIR
- Support for specifying the Authentication type to be used during connection in adapter
- Corrected the ignorance of a connection, when the connection is successful with a warning
- ActiveRecord-2.2.2 test suite changes for IBM_DB
2008/11/06 (IBM_DB adapter 1.0.0, driver 0.10.0):
- Support for short-hand migration syntax for datatype char and double in create_table
- Support for short-hand migration syntax for datatypes xml, char and double in change_table
- Support for secure connections using SSL (SECURITY=SSL) feature of DB2 in Adapter
Note: - This is supported from client version V9.5fp2 and onwards
- Support for altering the nullability constraint of a column.
- Added correct mapping for datatype :double for DB2 and Informix (double precision)
- Method support_ddl_transactions? overridden to return true. Feature of Rails2.2
IBM Dataservers support transactional migrations.
- Change in the style of accessing driver methods
Changed from scope resolution operator to dot operator
IBM_DB::connect '','','' to IBM_DB.connect '','',''
- Fixed Bug [#22430] --> Fixed limit ignorance for type character [char]
- ActiveRecord-2.1.2 test suite changes for IBM_DB
2008/09/01 (IBM_DB adapter 0.10.0, driver 0.10.0):
- Added Trusted Context support in Driver
- Made changes for the correct Mapping of Informix DataTypes to Ruby DataTypes
- ActiveRecord-2.1.0 test suite changes appropriate for DB2/IDS is been updated
2008/06/24 (IBM_DB adapter 0.9.5, driver 0.9.5):
- Fixed Bug [#19222] --> Fixed fixture insertion of LOB columns for DB2
- Fixed Bug [#19970] --> Fixed Table schema dumper also dump views
- Fixed Bug [#20053] --> Fixed CLOB data with special chars contains null characters upon retrieval
- Fixed Bug [#20762] --> IBM_DB adapter with Rails 2.1 fails on rake db:migrate
- Cleaned up fix for Bug [#19223] and [#19224], indexes are now dumped as array without schema qualified name.
- Support for Rails-2.0.2
- Support for Rails-2.1.0
Rails-2.1.0 contains changes that generates Non-standard SQL in 2 noticed cases which won't work with SQL compliant databases like DB2
a. Handling Nullable columns in Table creation. []
A workaround for this problem is provided from within ibm_db adapter.
b. Handling has_and_belongs_to_many association. [].
It is not possible to provide a workaround for this from within the ibm_db adapter.
To workaround this problem please patch ActiveRecord-2.1.0 with the patch available at []
2008/04/28 (IBM_DB adapter 0.9.4, driver 0.9.4):
- Fixed bug [#19679]--> invalid values being returned for blank or null in fetch_assoc
- Fixed bug [#19223] and [#19224]--> handling of composite and unique indexes incorrect
- Support for the Rails2.0 type of migrations for columns of type xml [t.xml :xml_col1,:xml_col2]
2008/03/10 (IBM_DB adapter 0.9.3, driver 0.9.3):
- Resolved the issue of truncation of output when stored procedure was called
2007/11/30 (IBM_DB adapter 0.9.2, driver 0.9.1):
- Lifted index length limitation (18 chars) and fixed multiple index creation
- Fixed [#13294] limit/offset breaks subselect in db2 adapter
- Fixed error handling for metadata retrieval (tables, columns, indexes)
2007/11/07 (IBM_DB adapter 0.9.1, driver 0.9.1):
- Fixed ibm_db driver VC80 runtime issue on Windows
2007/09/28 (IBM_DB adapter 0.9.0, driver 0.9.0):
- Fixed ibm_db gem 0.8.5 incompatibility with DB2 CLI 9.1 FP3 and below
2007/09/13 (IBM_DB adapter 0.8.5, driver 0.8.5):
- Fixed Ruby driver crash on Windows Vista [#13357]
2007/07/05 (IBM_DB adapter 0.8.0, driver 0.7.0):
- Support for Informix Dynamic Server 11.10
- New driver method get_last_serial_value to retrieve last inserted serial
value for Informix Dynamic Server
2007/06/19 (IBM_DB adapter 0.7.5, driver 0.6.0):
- Driver code (ibm_db.c) remains at the same level: 0.6.0 (no changes)
- Fixed client attributes initialization on connection setup [11264]
- Fixed rake db:schema:dump native data types limits incompatible with table create
2007/06/01 (IBM_DB adapter 0.7.0, driver 0.6.0):
- Driver code (ibm_db.c) remains at the same level: 0.6.0 (no changes)
- Fixed remaining failure on {:null => true} option for XML data type [#10877]
- Fixed handling of {:id => false} option during table creation in DB2 for zOS
- Fixed handle_lobs failures in table creation for has_many/belongs_to [#10701]
- Fixe db2-i5-zOS.yaml content (removed inadvertent tab) [#11234]
2007/05/10 (IBM_DB adapter 0.6.5, driver 0.6.0):
- Driver code (ibm_db.c) remains at the same level: 0.6.0 (no changes)
- Fixed regression for reconnect after being inactive (connection recycle)
- Fixed rake db:schema:load failures on boolean data type [#10683]
- Fixed XML default option (:null => true for XML data type) [#10754]
- Fixed DB2 for zOS version 9 handling of column changes for DEFAULT NULL
2007/04/30 (0.6.0):
- Support for remote connections to DB2 Universal Database on z/OS version 9
- Support for result set pagination via ActiveRecord add_limit_offset! method
for DB2 Universal Database on z/OS and i5/OS
- Defect fixes
- Improved documentation
2007/04/20 (0.4.6):
- Fixed XML columns creation default value (NOT NULL)
- Fixed border case for IS NULL in where clauses
- Improved documentation (connection attributes)
2007/04/20 (0.4.5):
- Fixed reconnect problems: driver (IBM_DB::active) and adapter (active)
- Client connection attribute rename (app_user to replace user)
- Improved support for ROWID data type (DB2 for zOS version 8 and 9)
2007/03/21 (0.4.0):
- Support added for remote connectivity to DB2 zOS version 8
- Support added for remote connectivity to DB2 i5 v5r3 and v5r4
- Improved migration support (added change_column method)
- Support for setting and retrieving values for client attributes (user,
account, application, workstation)
2006/10/31 (0.2.0):
- Significant performance improvements
- Improved stored procedure support at driver level
- Added support for Large Object data types (LOBs) greater than 32K (BLOB, CLOB, XML) in size
- Added XML data type support for native storage of XML documents
- Significant quality improvements, through many bug fixes in the driver and adapter
- Improved migration support (added add_column and remove_column methods)
2006/06/07 (0.1.0):
- Fixed compatibility issue with other adapters
- If a schema is omitted in database.yml, the username is now used as default schema
- Introduced descriptive CLI error messages when a connection or an execute statement fails
- Introduced check against schema in method 'indexes'