class Parser::Ruby25 token kCLASS kMODULE kDEF kUNDEF kBEGIN kRESCUE kENSURE kEND kIF kUNLESS kTHEN kELSIF kELSE kCASE kWHEN kWHILE kUNTIL kFOR kBREAK kNEXT kREDO kRETRY kIN kDO kDO_COND kDO_BLOCK kDO_LAMBDA kRETURN kYIELD kSUPER kSELF kNIL kTRUE kFALSE kAND kOR kNOT kIF_MOD kUNLESS_MOD kWHILE_MOD kUNTIL_MOD kRESCUE_MOD kALIAS kDEFINED klBEGIN klEND k__LINE__ k__FILE__ k__ENCODING__ tIDENTIFIER tFID tGVAR tIVAR tCONSTANT tLABEL tCVAR tNTH_REF tBACK_REF tSTRING_CONTENT tINTEGER tFLOAT tUPLUS tUMINUS tUNARY_NUM tPOW tCMP tEQ tEQQ tNEQ tGEQ tLEQ tANDOP tOROP tMATCH tNMATCH tDOT tDOT2 tDOT3 tAREF tASET tLSHFT tRSHFT tCOLON2 tCOLON3 tOP_ASGN tASSOC tLPAREN tLPAREN2 tRPAREN tLPAREN_ARG tLBRACK tLBRACK2 tRBRACK tLBRACE tLBRACE_ARG tSTAR tSTAR2 tAMPER tAMPER2 tTILDE tPERCENT tDIVIDE tDSTAR tPLUS tMINUS tLT tGT tPIPE tBANG tCARET tLCURLY tRCURLY tBACK_REF2 tSYMBEG tSTRING_BEG tXSTRING_BEG tREGEXP_BEG tREGEXP_OPT tWORDS_BEG tQWORDS_BEG tSYMBOLS_BEG tQSYMBOLS_BEG tSTRING_DBEG tSTRING_DVAR tSTRING_END tSTRING_DEND tSTRING tSYMBOL tNL tEH tCOLON tCOMMA tSPACE tSEMI tLAMBDA tLAMBEG tCHARACTER tRATIONAL tIMAGINARY tLABEL_END tANDDOT prechigh right tBANG tTILDE tUPLUS right tPOW right tUNARY_NUM tUMINUS left tSTAR2 tDIVIDE tPERCENT left tPLUS tMINUS left tLSHFT tRSHFT left tAMPER2 left tPIPE tCARET left tGT tGEQ tLT tLEQ nonassoc tCMP tEQ tEQQ tNEQ tMATCH tNMATCH left tANDOP left tOROP nonassoc tDOT2 tDOT3 right tEH tCOLON left kRESCUE_MOD right tEQL tOP_ASGN nonassoc kDEFINED right kNOT left kOR kAND nonassoc kIF_MOD kUNLESS_MOD kWHILE_MOD kUNTIL_MOD nonassoc tLBRACE_ARG nonassoc tLOWEST preclow rule program: top_compstmt top_compstmt: top_stmts opt_terms { result = @builder.compstmt(val[0]) } top_stmts: # nothing { result = [] } | top_stmt { result = [ val[0] ] } | top_stmts terms top_stmt { result = val[0] << val[2] } | error top_stmt { result = [ val[1] ] } top_stmt: stmt | klBEGIN begin_block { result = @builder.preexe(val[0], *val[1]) } begin_block: tLCURLY top_compstmt tRCURLY { result = val } bodystmt: compstmt opt_rescue opt_else opt_ensure { rescue_bodies = val[1] else_t, else_ = val[2] ensure_t, ensure_ = val[3] if rescue_bodies.empty? && !else_t.nil? diagnostic :warning, :useless_else, nil, else_t end result = @builder.begin_body(val[0], rescue_bodies, else_t, else_, ensure_t, ensure_) } compstmt: stmts opt_terms { result = @builder.compstmt(val[0]) } stmts: # nothing { result = [] } | stmt_or_begin { result = [ val[0] ] } | stmts terms stmt_or_begin { result = val[0] << val[2] } | error stmt { result = [ val[1] ] } stmt_or_begin: stmt | klBEGIN begin_block { diagnostic :error, :begin_in_method, nil, val[0] } stmt: kALIAS fitem { @lexer.state = :expr_fname } fitem { result = @builder.alias(val[0], val[1], val[3]) } | kALIAS tGVAR tGVAR { result = @builder.alias(val[0], @builder.gvar(val[1]), @builder.gvar(val[2])) } | kALIAS tGVAR tBACK_REF { result = @builder.alias(val[0], @builder.gvar(val[1]), @builder.back_ref(val[2])) } | kALIAS tGVAR tNTH_REF { diagnostic :error, :nth_ref_alias, nil, val[2] } | kUNDEF undef_list { result = @builder.undef_method(val[0], val[1]) } | stmt kIF_MOD expr_value { result = @builder.condition_mod(val[0], nil, val[1], val[2]) } | stmt kUNLESS_MOD expr_value { result = @builder.condition_mod(nil, val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | stmt kWHILE_MOD expr_value { result = @builder.loop_mod(:while, val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | stmt kUNTIL_MOD expr_value { result = @builder.loop_mod(:until, val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | stmt kRESCUE_MOD stmt { rescue_body = @builder.rescue_body(val[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, val[2]) result = @builder.begin_body(val[0], [ rescue_body ]) } | klEND tLCURLY compstmt tRCURLY { result = @builder.postexe(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]) } | command_asgn | mlhs tEQL command_call { result = @builder.multi_assign(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | lhs tEQL mrhs { result = @builder.assign(val[0], val[1], @builder.array(nil, val[2], nil)) } | mlhs tEQL mrhs_arg { result = @builder.multi_assign(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | expr command_asgn: lhs tEQL command_rhs { result = @builder.assign(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | var_lhs tOP_ASGN command_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value tLBRACK2 opt_call_args rbracket tOP_ASGN command_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign( @builder.index( val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]), val[4], val[5]) } | primary_value call_op tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign( @builder.call_method( val[0], val[1], val[2]), val[3], val[4]) } | primary_value call_op tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN command_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign( @builder.call_method( val[0], val[1], val[2]), val[3], val[4]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN command_rhs { const = @builder.const_op_assignable( @builder.const_fetch(val[0], val[1], val[2])) result = @builder.op_assign(const, val[3], val[4]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign( @builder.call_method( val[0], val[1], val[2]), val[3], val[4]) } | backref tOP_ASGN command_rhs { @builder.op_assign(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } command_rhs: command_call =tOP_ASGN | command_call kRESCUE_MOD stmt { rescue_body = @builder.rescue_body(val[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, val[2]) result = @builder.begin_body(val[0], [ rescue_body ]) } | command_asgn expr: command_call | expr kAND expr { result = @builder.logical_op(:and, val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | expr kOR expr { result = @builder.logical_op(:or, val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | kNOT opt_nl expr { result = @builder.not_op(val[0], nil, val[2], nil) } | tBANG command_call { result = @builder.not_op(val[0], nil, val[1], nil) } | arg expr_value: expr expr_value_do: { @lexer.cond.push(true) } expr_value do { @lexer.cond.pop result = [ val[1], val[2] ] } command_call: command | block_command block_command: block_call | block_call dot_or_colon operation2 command_args { result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], nil, val[3], nil) } cmd_brace_block: tLBRACE_ARG { @context.push(:block) } brace_body tRCURLY { result = [ val[0], *val[2], val[3] ] @context.pop } fcall: operation command: fcall command_args =tLOWEST { result = @builder.call_method(nil, nil, val[0], nil, val[1], nil) } | fcall command_args cmd_brace_block { method_call = @builder.call_method(nil, nil, val[0], nil, val[1], nil) begin_t, args, body, end_t = val[2] result = @builder.block(method_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t) } | primary_value call_op operation2 command_args =tLOWEST { result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], nil, val[3], nil) } | primary_value call_op operation2 command_args cmd_brace_block { method_call = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], nil, val[3], nil) begin_t, args, body, end_t = val[4] result = @builder.block(method_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t) } | primary_value tCOLON2 operation2 command_args =tLOWEST { result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], nil, val[3], nil) } | primary_value tCOLON2 operation2 command_args cmd_brace_block { method_call = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], nil, val[3], nil) begin_t, args, body, end_t = val[4] result = @builder.block(method_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t) } | kSUPER command_args { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:super, val[0], nil, val[1], nil) } | kYIELD command_args { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:yield, val[0], nil, val[1], nil) } | k_return call_args { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:return, val[0], nil, val[1], nil) } | kBREAK call_args { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:break, val[0], nil, val[1], nil) } | kNEXT call_args { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:next, val[0], nil, val[1], nil) } mlhs: mlhs_basic { result = @builder.multi_lhs(nil, val[0], nil) } | tLPAREN mlhs_inner rparen { result = @builder.begin(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } mlhs_inner: mlhs_basic { result = @builder.multi_lhs(nil, val[0], nil) } | tLPAREN mlhs_inner rparen { result = @builder.multi_lhs(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } mlhs_basic: mlhs_head | mlhs_head mlhs_item { result = val[0]. push(val[1]) } | mlhs_head tSTAR mlhs_node { result = val[0]. push(@builder.splat(val[1], val[2])) } | mlhs_head tSTAR mlhs_node tCOMMA mlhs_post { result = val[0]. push(@builder.splat(val[1], val[2])). concat(val[4]) } | mlhs_head tSTAR { result = val[0]. push(@builder.splat(val[1])) } | mlhs_head tSTAR tCOMMA mlhs_post { result = val[0]. push(@builder.splat(val[1])). concat(val[3]) } | tSTAR mlhs_node { result = [ @builder.splat(val[0], val[1]) ] } | tSTAR mlhs_node tCOMMA mlhs_post { result = [ @builder.splat(val[0], val[1]), *val[3] ] } | tSTAR { result = [ @builder.splat(val[0]) ] } | tSTAR tCOMMA mlhs_post { result = [ @builder.splat(val[0]), *val[2] ] } mlhs_item: mlhs_node | tLPAREN mlhs_inner rparen { result = @builder.begin(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } mlhs_head: mlhs_item tCOMMA { result = [ val[0] ] } | mlhs_head mlhs_item tCOMMA { result = val[0] << val[1] } mlhs_post: mlhs_item { result = [ val[0] ] } | mlhs_post tCOMMA mlhs_item { result = val[0] << val[2] } mlhs_node: user_variable { result = @builder.assignable(val[0]) } | keyword_variable { result = @builder.assignable(val[0]) } | primary_value tLBRACK2 opt_call_args rbracket { result = @builder.index_asgn(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]) } | primary_value call_op tIDENTIFIER { result = @builder.attr_asgn(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER { result = @builder.attr_asgn(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value call_op tCONSTANT { result = @builder.attr_asgn(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT { result = @builder.assignable( @builder.const_fetch(val[0], val[1], val[2])) } | tCOLON3 tCONSTANT { result = @builder.assignable( @builder.const_global(val[0], val[1])) } | backref { result = @builder.assignable(val[0]) } lhs: user_variable { result = @builder.assignable(val[0]) } | keyword_variable { result = @builder.assignable(val[0]) } | primary_value tLBRACK2 opt_call_args rbracket { result = @builder.index_asgn(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]) } | primary_value call_op tIDENTIFIER { result = @builder.attr_asgn(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER { result = @builder.attr_asgn(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value call_op tCONSTANT { result = @builder.attr_asgn(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT { result = @builder.assignable( @builder.const_fetch(val[0], val[1], val[2])) } | tCOLON3 tCONSTANT { result = @builder.assignable( @builder.const_global(val[0], val[1])) } | backref { result = @builder.assignable(val[0]) } cname: tIDENTIFIER { diagnostic :error, :module_name_const, nil, val[0] } | tCONSTANT cpath: tCOLON3 cname { result = @builder.const_global(val[0], val[1]) } | cname { result = @builder.const(val[0]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 cname { result = @builder.const_fetch(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } fname: tIDENTIFIER | tCONSTANT | tFID | op | reswords fsym: fname { result = @builder.symbol(val[0]) } | symbol fitem: fsym | dsym undef_list: fitem { result = [ val[0] ] } | undef_list tCOMMA { @lexer.state = :expr_fname } fitem { result = val[0] << val[3] } op: tPIPE | tCARET | tAMPER2 | tCMP | tEQ | tEQQ | tMATCH | tNMATCH | tGT | tGEQ | tLT | tLEQ | tNEQ | tLSHFT | tRSHFT | tPLUS | tMINUS | tSTAR2 | tSTAR | tDIVIDE | tPERCENT | tPOW | tBANG | tTILDE | tUPLUS | tUMINUS | tAREF | tASET | tDSTAR | tBACK_REF2 reswords: k__LINE__ | k__FILE__ | k__ENCODING__ | klBEGIN | klEND | kALIAS | kAND | kBEGIN | kBREAK | kCASE | kCLASS | kDEF | kDEFINED | kDO | kELSE | kELSIF | kEND | kENSURE | kFALSE | kFOR | kIN | kMODULE | kNEXT | kNIL | kNOT | kOR | kREDO | kRESCUE | kRETRY | kRETURN | kSELF | kSUPER | kTHEN | kTRUE | kUNDEF | kWHEN | kYIELD | kIF | kUNLESS | kWHILE | kUNTIL arg: lhs tEQL arg_rhs { result = @builder.assign(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | var_lhs tOP_ASGN arg_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value tLBRACK2 opt_call_args rbracket tOP_ASGN arg_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign( @builder.index( val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]), val[4], val[5]) } | primary_value call_op tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign( @builder.call_method( val[0], val[1], val[2]), val[3], val[4]) } | primary_value call_op tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign( @builder.call_method( val[0], val[1], val[2]), val[3], val[4]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign( @builder.call_method( val[0], val[1], val[2]), val[3], val[4]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg_rhs { const = @builder.const_op_assignable( @builder.const_fetch(val[0], val[1], val[2])) result = @builder.op_assign(const, val[3], val[4]) } | tCOLON3 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg_rhs { const = @builder.const_op_assignable( @builder.const_global(val[0], val[1])) result = @builder.op_assign(const, val[2], val[3]) } | backref tOP_ASGN arg_rhs { result = @builder.op_assign(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tDOT2 arg { result = @builder.range_inclusive(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tDOT3 arg { result = @builder.range_exclusive(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tPLUS arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tMINUS arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tSTAR2 arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tDIVIDE arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tPERCENT arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tPOW arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | tUNARY_NUM simple_numeric tPOW arg { result = @builder.unary_op(val[0], @builder.binary_op( val[1], val[2], val[3])) } | tUPLUS arg { result = @builder.unary_op(val[0], val[1]) } | tUMINUS arg { result = @builder.unary_op(val[0], val[1]) } | arg tPIPE arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tCARET arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tAMPER2 arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tCMP arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | rel_expr =tCMP | arg tEQ arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tEQQ arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tNEQ arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tMATCH arg { result = @builder.match_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tNMATCH arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | tBANG arg { result = @builder.not_op(val[0], nil, val[1], nil) } | tTILDE arg { result = @builder.unary_op(val[0], val[1]) } | arg tLSHFT arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tRSHFT arg { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tANDOP arg { result = @builder.logical_op(:and, val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | arg tOROP arg { result = @builder.logical_op(:or, val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | kDEFINED opt_nl arg { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:defined?, val[0], nil, [ val[2] ], nil) } | arg tEH arg opt_nl tCOLON arg { result = @builder.ternary(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[4], val[5]) } | primary relop: tGT | tLT | tGEQ | tLEQ rel_expr: arg relop arg =tGT { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | rel_expr relop arg =tGT { result = @builder.binary_op(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } arg_value: arg aref_args: none | args trailer | args tCOMMA assocs trailer { result = val[0] << @builder.associate(nil, val[2], nil) } | assocs trailer { result = [ @builder.associate(nil, val[0], nil) ] } arg_rhs: arg =tOP_ASGN | arg kRESCUE_MOD arg { rescue_body = @builder.rescue_body(val[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, val[2]) result = @builder.begin_body(val[0], [ rescue_body ]) } paren_args: tLPAREN2 opt_call_args rparen { result = val } opt_paren_args: # nothing { result = [ nil, [], nil ] } | paren_args opt_call_args: # nothing { result = [] } | call_args | args tCOMMA | args tCOMMA assocs tCOMMA { result = val[0] << @builder.associate(nil, val[2], nil) } | assocs tCOMMA { result = [ @builder.associate(nil, val[0], nil) ] } call_args: command { result = [ val[0] ] } | args opt_block_arg { result = val[0].concat(val[1]) } | assocs opt_block_arg { result = [ @builder.associate(nil, val[0], nil) ] result.concat(val[1]) } | args tCOMMA assocs opt_block_arg { assocs = @builder.associate(nil, val[2], nil) result = val[0] << assocs result.concat(val[3]) } | block_arg { result = [ val[0] ] } command_args: { # When branch gets invoked by RACC's lookahead # and command args start with '[' or '(' # we need to put `true` to the cmdarg stack # **before** `false` pushed by lexer # m [], n # ^ # Right here we have cmdarg [...0] because # lexer pushed it on '[' # We need to modify cmdarg stack to [...10] # # For all other cases (like `m n` or `m n, []`) we simply put 1 to the stack # and later lexer pushes corresponding bits on top of it. last_token = @last_token[0] lookahead = last_token == :tLBRACK || last_token == :tLPAREN_ARG if lookahead top = @lexer.cmdarg.pop @lexer.cmdarg.push(true) @lexer.cmdarg.push(top) else @lexer.cmdarg.push(true) end } call_args { # call_args can be followed by tLBRACE_ARG (that does cmdarg.push(0) in the lexer) # but the push must be done after cmdarg.pop() in the parser. # So this code does cmdarg.pop() to pop 0 pushed by tLBRACE_ARG, # cmdarg.pop() to pop 1 pushed by command_args, # and cmdarg.push(0) to restore back the flag set by tLBRACE_ARG. last_token = @last_token[0] lookahead = last_token == :tLBRACE_ARG if lookahead top = @lexer.cmdarg.pop @lexer.cmdarg.pop @lexer.cmdarg.push(top) else @lexer.cmdarg.pop end result = val[1] } block_arg: tAMPER arg_value { result = @builder.block_pass(val[0], val[1]) } opt_block_arg: tCOMMA block_arg { result = [ val[1] ] } | # nothing { result = [] } args: arg_value { result = [ val[0] ] } | tSTAR arg_value { result = [ @builder.splat(val[0], val[1]) ] } | args tCOMMA arg_value { result = val[0] << val[2] } | args tCOMMA tSTAR arg_value { result = val[0] << @builder.splat(val[2], val[3]) } mrhs_arg: mrhs { result = @builder.array(nil, val[0], nil) } | arg_value mrhs: args tCOMMA arg_value { result = val[0] << val[2] } | args tCOMMA tSTAR arg_value { result = val[0] << @builder.splat(val[2], val[3]) } | tSTAR arg_value { result = [ @builder.splat(val[0], val[1]) ] } primary: literal | strings | xstring | regexp | words | qwords | symbols | qsymbols | var_ref | backref | tFID { result = @builder.call_method(nil, nil, val[0]) } | kBEGIN { @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) } bodystmt kEND { @lexer.cmdarg.pop result = @builder.begin_keyword(val[0], val[2], val[3]) } | tLPAREN_ARG stmt { @lexer.state = :expr_endarg } rparen { result = @builder.begin(val[0], val[1], val[3]) } | tLPAREN_ARG { @lexer.state = :expr_endarg } opt_nl tRPAREN { result = @builder.begin(val[0], nil, val[3]) } | tLPAREN compstmt tRPAREN { result = @builder.begin(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT { result = @builder.const_fetch(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | tCOLON3 tCONSTANT { result = @builder.const_global(val[0], val[1]) } | tLBRACK aref_args tRBRACK { result = @builder.array(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | tLBRACE assoc_list tRCURLY { result = @builder.associate(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | k_return { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:return, val[0]) } | kYIELD tLPAREN2 call_args rparen { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:yield, val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]) } | kYIELD tLPAREN2 rparen { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:yield, val[0], val[1], [], val[2]) } | kYIELD { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:yield, val[0]) } | kDEFINED opt_nl tLPAREN2 expr rparen { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:defined?, val[0], val[2], [ val[3] ], val[4]) } | kNOT tLPAREN2 expr rparen { result = @builder.not_op(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]) } | kNOT tLPAREN2 rparen { result = @builder.not_op(val[0], val[1], nil, val[2]) } | fcall brace_block { method_call = @builder.call_method(nil, nil, val[0]) begin_t, args, body, end_t = val[1] result = @builder.block(method_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t) } | method_call | method_call brace_block { begin_t, args, body, end_t = val[1] result = @builder.block(val[0], begin_t, args, body, end_t) } | tLAMBDA { @context.push(:lambda) } lambda { lambda_call = @builder.call_lambda(val[0]) args, (begin_t, body, end_t) = val[2] result = @builder.block(lambda_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t) } | kIF expr_value then compstmt if_tail kEND { else_t, else_ = val[4] result = @builder.condition(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], else_t, else_, val[5]) } | kUNLESS expr_value then compstmt opt_else kEND { else_t, else_ = val[4] result = @builder.condition(val[0], val[1], val[2], else_, else_t, val[3], val[5]) } | kWHILE expr_value_do compstmt kEND { result = @builder.loop(:while, val[0], *val[1], val[2], val[3]) } | kUNTIL expr_value_do compstmt kEND { result = @builder.loop(:until, val[0], *val[1], val[2], val[3]) } | kCASE expr_value opt_terms case_body kEND { *when_bodies, (else_t, else_body) = *val[3] result =[0], val[1], when_bodies, else_t, else_body, val[4]) } | kCASE opt_terms case_body kEND { *when_bodies, (else_t, else_body) = *val[2] result =[0], nil, when_bodies, else_t, else_body, val[3]) } | kFOR for_var kIN expr_value_do compstmt kEND { result = @builder.for(val[0], val[1], val[2], *val[3], val[4], val[5]) } | kCLASS cpath superclass { @static_env.extend_static @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) @lexer.cond.push(false) @context.push(:class) } bodystmt kEND { unless @context.class_definition_allowed? diagnostic :error, :class_in_def, nil, val[0] end lt_t, superclass = val[2] result = @builder.def_class(val[0], val[1], lt_t, superclass, val[4], val[5]) @lexer.cmdarg.pop @lexer.cond.pop @static_env.unextend @context.pop } | kCLASS tLSHFT expr term { @static_env.extend_static @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) @lexer.cond.push(false) @context.push(:sclass) } bodystmt kEND { result = @builder.def_sclass(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[5], val[6]) @lexer.cmdarg.pop @lexer.cond.pop @static_env.unextend @context.pop } | kMODULE cpath { @static_env.extend_static @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) @context.push(:module) } bodystmt kEND { unless @context.module_definition_allowed? diagnostic :error, :module_in_def, nil, val[0] end result = @builder.def_module(val[0], val[1], val[3], val[4]) @lexer.cmdarg.pop @static_env.unextend @context.pop } | kDEF fname { @static_env.extend_static @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) @lexer.cond.push(false) @context.push(:def) } f_arglist bodystmt kEND { result = @builder.def_method(val[0], val[1], val[3], val[4], val[5]) @lexer.cmdarg.pop @lexer.cond.pop @static_env.unextend @context.pop } | kDEF singleton dot_or_colon { @lexer.state = :expr_fname } fname { @static_env.extend_static @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) @lexer.cond.push(false) @context.push(:defs) } f_arglist bodystmt kEND { result = @builder.def_singleton(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[4], val[6], val[7], val[8]) @lexer.cmdarg.pop @lexer.cond.pop @static_env.unextend @context.pop } | kBREAK { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:break, val[0]) } | kNEXT { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:next, val[0]) } | kREDO { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:redo, val[0]) } | kRETRY { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:retry, val[0]) } primary_value: primary k_return: kRETURN { if @context.in_class? diagnostic :error, :invalid_return, nil, val[0] end } then: term | kTHEN | term kTHEN { result = val[1] } do: term | kDO_COND if_tail: opt_else | kELSIF expr_value then compstmt if_tail { else_t, else_ = val[4] result = [ val[0], @builder.condition(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], else_t, else_, nil), ] } opt_else: none | kELSE compstmt { result = val } for_var: lhs | mlhs f_marg: f_norm_arg { result = @builder.arg(val[0]) } | tLPAREN f_margs rparen { result = @builder.multi_lhs(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } f_marg_list: f_marg { result = [ val[0] ] } | f_marg_list tCOMMA f_marg { result = val[0] << val[2] } f_margs: f_marg_list | f_marg_list tCOMMA tSTAR f_norm_arg { result = val[0]. push(@builder.restarg(val[2], val[3])) } | f_marg_list tCOMMA tSTAR f_norm_arg tCOMMA f_marg_list { result = val[0]. push(@builder.restarg(val[2], val[3])). concat(val[5]) } | f_marg_list tCOMMA tSTAR { result = val[0]. push(@builder.restarg(val[2])) } | f_marg_list tCOMMA tSTAR tCOMMA f_marg_list { result = val[0]. push(@builder.restarg(val[2])). concat(val[4]) } | tSTAR f_norm_arg { result = [ @builder.restarg(val[0], val[1]) ] } | tSTAR f_norm_arg tCOMMA f_marg_list { result = [ @builder.restarg(val[0], val[1]), *val[3] ] } | tSTAR { result = [ @builder.restarg(val[0]) ] } | tSTAR tCOMMA f_marg_list { result = [ @builder.restarg(val[0]), *val[2] ] } block_args_tail: f_block_kwarg tCOMMA f_kwrest opt_f_block_arg { result = val[0].concat(val[2]).concat(val[3]) } | f_block_kwarg opt_f_block_arg { result = val[0].concat(val[1]) } | f_kwrest opt_f_block_arg { result = val[0].concat(val[1]) } | f_block_arg { result = [ val[0] ] } opt_block_args_tail: tCOMMA block_args_tail { result = val[1] } | # nothing { result = [] } block_param: f_arg tCOMMA f_block_optarg tCOMMA f_rest_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[5]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_block_optarg tCOMMA f_rest_arg tCOMMA f_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[6]). concat(val[7]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_block_optarg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_block_optarg tCOMMA f_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[5]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_rest_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | f_arg tCOMMA | f_arg tCOMMA f_rest_arg tCOMMA f_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[5]) } | f_arg opt_block_args_tail { if val[1].empty? && val[0].size == 1 result = [@builder.procarg0(val[0][0])] else result = val[0].concat(val[1]) end } | f_block_optarg tCOMMA f_rest_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | f_block_optarg tCOMMA f_rest_arg tCOMMA f_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[5]) } | f_block_optarg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[1]) } | f_block_optarg tCOMMA f_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | f_rest_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[1]) } | f_rest_arg tCOMMA f_arg opt_block_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | block_args_tail opt_block_param: # nothing { result = @builder.args(nil, [], nil) } | block_param_def { @lexer.state = :expr_value } block_param_def: tPIPE opt_bv_decl tPIPE { result = @builder.args(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | tOROP { result = @builder.args(val[0], [], val[0]) } | tPIPE block_param opt_bv_decl tPIPE { result = @builder.args(val[0], val[1].concat(val[2]), val[3]) } opt_bv_decl: opt_nl { result = [] } | opt_nl tSEMI bv_decls opt_nl { result = val[2] } bv_decls: bvar { result = [ val[0] ] } | bv_decls tCOMMA bvar { result = val[0] << val[2] } bvar: tIDENTIFIER { @static_env.declare val[0][0] result = @builder.shadowarg(val[0]) } | f_bad_arg lambda: { @static_env.extend_dynamic } f_larglist { @context.pop @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) } lambda_body { @lexer.cmdarg.pop result = [ val[1], val[3] ] @static_env.unextend } f_larglist: tLPAREN2 f_args opt_bv_decl tRPAREN { result = @builder.args(val[0], val[1].concat(val[2]), val[3]) } | f_args { result = @builder.args(nil, val[0], nil) } lambda_body: tLAMBEG { @context.push(:lambda) } compstmt tRCURLY { result = [ val[0], val[2], val[3] ] @context.pop } | kDO_LAMBDA { @context.push(:lambda) } compstmt kEND { result = [ val[0], val[2], val[3] ] @context.pop } do_block: kDO_BLOCK { @context.push(:block) } do_body kEND { result = [ val[0], *val[2], val[3] ] @context.pop } block_call: command do_block { begin_t, block_args, body, end_t = val[1] result = @builder.block(val[0], begin_t, block_args, body, end_t) } | block_call dot_or_colon operation2 opt_paren_args { lparen_t, args, rparen_t = val[3] result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], lparen_t, args, rparen_t) } | block_call dot_or_colon operation2 opt_paren_args brace_block { lparen_t, args, rparen_t = val[3] method_call = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], lparen_t, args, rparen_t) begin_t, args, body, end_t = val[4] result = @builder.block(method_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t) } | block_call dot_or_colon operation2 command_args do_block { method_call = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], nil, val[3], nil) begin_t, args, body, end_t = val[4] result = @builder.block(method_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t) } method_call: fcall paren_args { lparen_t, args, rparen_t = val[1] result = @builder.call_method(nil, nil, val[0], lparen_t, args, rparen_t) } | primary_value call_op operation2 opt_paren_args { lparen_t, args, rparen_t = val[3] result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], lparen_t, args, rparen_t) } | primary_value tCOLON2 operation2 paren_args { lparen_t, args, rparen_t = val[3] result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2], lparen_t, args, rparen_t) } | primary_value tCOLON2 operation3 { result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | primary_value call_op paren_args { lparen_t, args, rparen_t = val[2] result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], nil, lparen_t, args, rparen_t) } | primary_value tCOLON2 paren_args { lparen_t, args, rparen_t = val[2] result = @builder.call_method(val[0], val[1], nil, lparen_t, args, rparen_t) } | kSUPER paren_args { lparen_t, args, rparen_t = val[1] result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:super, val[0], lparen_t, args, rparen_t) } | kSUPER { result = @builder.keyword_cmd(:zsuper, val[0]) } | primary_value tLBRACK2 opt_call_args rbracket { result = @builder.index(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]) } brace_block: tLCURLY { @context.push(:block) } brace_body tRCURLY { result = [ val[0], *val[2], val[3] ] @context.pop } | kDO { @context.push(:block) } do_body kEND { result = [ val[0], *val[2], val[3] ] @context.pop } brace_body: { @static_env.extend_dynamic } opt_block_param compstmt { result = [ val[1], val[2] ] @static_env.unextend } do_body: { @static_env.extend_dynamic } { @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) } opt_block_param bodystmt { result = [ val[2], val[3] ] @static_env.unextend @lexer.cmdarg.pop } case_body: kWHEN args then compstmt cases { result = [ @builder.when(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]), *val[4] ] } cases: opt_else { result = [ val[0] ] } | case_body opt_rescue: kRESCUE exc_list exc_var then compstmt opt_rescue { assoc_t, exc_var = val[2] if val[1] exc_list = @builder.array(nil, val[1], nil) end result = [ @builder.rescue_body(val[0], exc_list, assoc_t, exc_var, val[3], val[4]), *val[5] ] } | { result = [] } exc_list: arg_value { result = [ val[0] ] } | mrhs | none exc_var: tASSOC lhs { result = [ val[0], val[1] ] } | none opt_ensure: kENSURE compstmt { result = [ val[0], val[1] ] } | none literal: numeric | symbol | dsym strings: string { result = @builder.string_compose(nil, val[0], nil) } string: string1 { result = [ val[0] ] } | string string1 { result = val[0] << val[1] } string1: tSTRING_BEG string_contents tSTRING_END { string = @builder.string_compose(val[0], val[1], val[2]) result = @builder.dedent_string(string, @lexer.dedent_level) } | tSTRING { string = @builder.string(val[0]) result = @builder.dedent_string(string, @lexer.dedent_level) } | tCHARACTER { result = @builder.character(val[0]) } xstring: tXSTRING_BEG xstring_contents tSTRING_END { string = @builder.xstring_compose(val[0], val[1], val[2]) result = @builder.dedent_string(string, @lexer.dedent_level) } regexp: tREGEXP_BEG regexp_contents tSTRING_END tREGEXP_OPT { opts = @builder.regexp_options(val[3]) result = @builder.regexp_compose(val[0], val[1], val[2], opts) } words: tWORDS_BEG word_list tSTRING_END { result = @builder.words_compose(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } word_list: # nothing { result = [] } | word_list word tSPACE { result = val[0] << @builder.word(val[1]) } word: string_content { result = [ val[0] ] } | word string_content { result = val[0] << val[1] } symbols: tSYMBOLS_BEG symbol_list tSTRING_END { result = @builder.symbols_compose(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } symbol_list: # nothing { result = [] } | symbol_list word tSPACE { result = val[0] << @builder.word(val[1]) } qwords: tQWORDS_BEG qword_list tSTRING_END { result = @builder.words_compose(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } qsymbols: tQSYMBOLS_BEG qsym_list tSTRING_END { result = @builder.symbols_compose(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } qword_list: # nothing { result = [] } | qword_list tSTRING_CONTENT tSPACE { result = val[0] << @builder.string_internal(val[1]) } qsym_list: # nothing { result = [] } | qsym_list tSTRING_CONTENT tSPACE { result = val[0] << @builder.symbol_internal(val[1]) } string_contents: # nothing { result = [] } | string_contents string_content { result = val[0] << val[1] } xstring_contents: # nothing { result = [] } | xstring_contents string_content { result = val[0] << val[1] } regexp_contents: # nothing { result = [] } | regexp_contents string_content { result = val[0] << val[1] } string_content: tSTRING_CONTENT { result = @builder.string_internal(val[0]) } | tSTRING_DVAR string_dvar { result = val[1] } | tSTRING_DBEG { @lexer.cmdarg.push(false) @lexer.cond.push(false) } compstmt tSTRING_DEND { @lexer.cmdarg.pop @lexer.cond.pop result = @builder.begin(val[0], val[2], val[3]) } string_dvar: tGVAR { result = @builder.gvar(val[0]) } | tIVAR { result = @builder.ivar(val[0]) } | tCVAR { result = @builder.cvar(val[0]) } | backref symbol: tSYMBOL { @lexer.state = :expr_end result = @builder.symbol(val[0]) } dsym: tSYMBEG string_contents tSTRING_END { @lexer.state = :expr_end result = @builder.symbol_compose(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } numeric: simple_numeric { result = val[0] } | tUNARY_NUM simple_numeric =tLOWEST { if @builder.respond_to? :negate # AST builder interface compatibility result = @builder.negate(val[0], val[1]) else result = @builder.unary_num(val[0], val[1]) end } simple_numeric: tINTEGER { @lexer.state = :expr_end result = @builder.integer(val[0]) } | tFLOAT { @lexer.state = :expr_end result = @builder.float(val[0]) } | tRATIONAL { @lexer.state = :expr_end result = @builder.rational(val[0]) } | tIMAGINARY { @lexer.state = :expr_end result = @builder.complex(val[0]) } user_variable: tIDENTIFIER { result = @builder.ident(val[0]) } | tIVAR { result = @builder.ivar(val[0]) } | tGVAR { result = @builder.gvar(val[0]) } | tCONSTANT { result = @builder.const(val[0]) } | tCVAR { result = @builder.cvar(val[0]) } keyword_variable: kNIL { result = @builder.nil(val[0]) } | kSELF { result = @builder.self(val[0]) } | kTRUE { result = @builder.true(val[0]) } | kFALSE { result = @builder.false(val[0]) } | k__FILE__ { result = @builder.__FILE__(val[0]) } | k__LINE__ { result = @builder.__LINE__(val[0]) } | k__ENCODING__ { result = @builder.__ENCODING__(val[0]) } var_ref: user_variable { result = @builder.accessible(val[0]) } | keyword_variable { result = @builder.accessible(val[0]) } var_lhs: user_variable { result = @builder.assignable(val[0]) } | keyword_variable { result = @builder.assignable(val[0]) } backref: tNTH_REF { result = @builder.nth_ref(val[0]) } | tBACK_REF { result = @builder.back_ref(val[0]) } superclass: tLT { @lexer.state = :expr_value } expr_value term { result = [ val[0], val[2] ] } | # nothing { result = nil } f_arglist: tLPAREN2 f_args rparen { result = @builder.args(val[0], val[1], val[2]) @lexer.state = :expr_value } | { result = @lexer.in_kwarg @lexer.in_kwarg = true } f_args term { @lexer.in_kwarg = val[0] result = @builder.args(nil, val[1], nil) } args_tail: f_kwarg tCOMMA f_kwrest opt_f_block_arg { result = val[0].concat(val[2]).concat(val[3]) } | f_kwarg opt_f_block_arg { result = val[0].concat(val[1]) } | f_kwrest opt_f_block_arg { result = val[0].concat(val[1]) } | f_block_arg { result = [ val[0] ] } opt_args_tail: tCOMMA args_tail { result = val[1] } | # nothing { result = [] } f_args: f_arg tCOMMA f_optarg tCOMMA f_rest_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[5]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_optarg tCOMMA f_rest_arg tCOMMA f_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[6]). concat(val[7]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_optarg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_optarg tCOMMA f_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[5]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_rest_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | f_arg tCOMMA f_rest_arg tCOMMA f_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[5]) } | f_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[1]) } | f_optarg tCOMMA f_rest_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | f_optarg tCOMMA f_rest_arg tCOMMA f_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[4]). concat(val[5]) } | f_optarg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[1]) } | f_optarg tCOMMA f_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | f_rest_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[1]) } | f_rest_arg tCOMMA f_arg opt_args_tail { result = val[0]. concat(val[2]). concat(val[3]) } | args_tail { result = val[0] } | # nothing { result = [] } f_bad_arg: tCONSTANT { diagnostic :error, :argument_const, nil, val[0] } | tIVAR { diagnostic :error, :argument_ivar, nil, val[0] } | tGVAR { diagnostic :error, :argument_gvar, nil, val[0] } | tCVAR { diagnostic :error, :argument_cvar, nil, val[0] } f_norm_arg: f_bad_arg | tIDENTIFIER { @static_env.declare val[0][0] result = val[0] } f_arg_asgn: f_norm_arg { result = val[0] } f_arg_item: f_arg_asgn { result = @builder.arg(val[0]) } | tLPAREN f_margs rparen { result = @builder.multi_lhs(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } f_arg: f_arg_item { result = [ val[0] ] } | f_arg tCOMMA f_arg_item { result = val[0] << val[2] } f_label: tLABEL { check_kwarg_name(val[0]) @static_env.declare val[0][0] result = val[0] } f_kw: f_label arg_value { result = @builder.kwoptarg(val[0], val[1]) } | f_label { result = @builder.kwarg(val[0]) } f_block_kw: f_label primary_value { result = @builder.kwoptarg(val[0], val[1]) } | f_label { result = @builder.kwarg(val[0]) } f_block_kwarg: f_block_kw { result = [ val[0] ] } | f_block_kwarg tCOMMA f_block_kw { result = val[0] << val[2] } f_kwarg: f_kw { result = [ val[0] ] } | f_kwarg tCOMMA f_kw { result = val[0] << val[2] } kwrest_mark: tPOW | tDSTAR f_kwrest: kwrest_mark tIDENTIFIER { @static_env.declare val[1][0] result = [ @builder.kwrestarg(val[0], val[1]) ] } | kwrest_mark { result = [ @builder.kwrestarg(val[0]) ] } f_opt: f_arg_asgn tEQL arg_value { result = @builder.optarg(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } f_block_opt: f_arg_asgn tEQL primary_value { result = @builder.optarg(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } f_block_optarg: f_block_opt { result = [ val[0] ] } | f_block_optarg tCOMMA f_block_opt { result = val[0] << val[2] } f_optarg: f_opt { result = [ val[0] ] } | f_optarg tCOMMA f_opt { result = val[0] << val[2] } restarg_mark: tSTAR2 | tSTAR f_rest_arg: restarg_mark tIDENTIFIER { @static_env.declare val[1][0] result = [ @builder.restarg(val[0], val[1]) ] } | restarg_mark { result = [ @builder.restarg(val[0]) ] } blkarg_mark: tAMPER2 | tAMPER f_block_arg: blkarg_mark tIDENTIFIER { @static_env.declare val[1][0] result = @builder.blockarg(val[0], val[1]) } opt_f_block_arg: tCOMMA f_block_arg { result = [ val[1] ] } | { result = [] } singleton: var_ref | tLPAREN2 expr rparen { result = val[1] } assoc_list: # nothing { result = [] } | assocs trailer assocs: assoc { result = [ val[0] ] } | assocs tCOMMA assoc { result = val[0] << val[2] } assoc: arg_value tASSOC arg_value { result = @builder.pair(val[0], val[1], val[2]) } | tLABEL arg_value { result = @builder.pair_keyword(val[0], val[1]) } | tSTRING_BEG string_contents tLABEL_END arg_value { result = @builder.pair_quoted(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]) } | tDSTAR arg_value { result = @builder.kwsplat(val[0], val[1]) } operation: tIDENTIFIER | tCONSTANT | tFID operation2: tIDENTIFIER | tCONSTANT | tFID | op operation3: tIDENTIFIER | tFID | op dot_or_colon: call_op | tCOLON2 call_op: tDOT { result = [:dot, val[0][1]] } | tANDDOT { result = [:anddot, val[0][1]] } opt_terms: | terms opt_nl: | tNL rparen: opt_nl tRPAREN { result = val[1] } rbracket: opt_nl tRBRACK { result = val[1] } trailer: | tNL | tCOMMA term: tSEMI { yyerrok } | tNL terms: term | terms tSEMI none: # nothing { result = nil } end ---- header require 'parser' ---- inner def version 25 end def default_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 end