class Poltergeist.Browser constructor: (@owner, width, height) -> @width = width || 1024 @height = height || 768 @state = 'default' @page_stack = [] @page_id = 0 this.resetPage() resetPage: -> if @page? @page.release() phantom.clearCookies() @page = new Poltergeist.WebPage @page.setViewportSize(width: @width, height: @height) @page.onLoadStarted = => @state = 'loading' if @state == 'clicked' @page.onNavigationRequested = (url, navigation) => @state = 'loading' if @state == 'clicked' && navigation == 'FormSubmitted' @page.onLoadFinished = (status) => if @state == 'loading' this.sendResponse(status: status, click: @last_click) @state = 'default' else if @state == 'awaiting_frame_load' this.sendResponse(true) @state = 'default' @page.onInitialized = => @page_id += 1 @page.onPageCreated = (sub_page) => if @state == 'awaiting_sub_page' name = @page_name @state = 'default' @page_name = null # At this point subpage isn't fully initialized, so we can't check # its name. Instead, we just schedule another attempt to push the # window. setTimeout((=> this.push_window(name)), 0) sendResponse: (response) -> errors = @page.errors() if errors.length > 0 @page.clearErrors() @owner.sendError(new Poltergeist.JavascriptError(errors)) else @owner.sendResponse(response) node: (page_id, id) -> if page_id == @page_id @page.get(id) else throw new Poltergeist.ObsoleteNode visit: (url) -> @state = 'loading' prev_url = @page.currentUrl() if /#/.test(url) && prev_url.split('#')[0] == url.split('#')[0] # hashchange occurred, so there will be no onLoadFinished @state = 'default' this.sendResponse 'success' current_url: -> this.sendResponse @page.currentUrl() status_code: -> this.sendResponse @page.statusCode() body: -> this.sendResponse @page.content() source: -> this.sendResponse @page.source() find: (selector) -> this.sendResponse(page_id: @page_id, ids: @page.find(selector)) find_within: (page_id, id, selector) -> this.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).find(selector) text: (page_id, id) -> this.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).text() attribute: (page_id, id, name) -> this.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).getAttribute(name) value: (page_id, id) -> this.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).value() set: (page_id, id, value) -> this.node(page_id, id).set(value) this.sendResponse(true) # PhantomJS only allows us to reference the element by CSS selector, not XPath, # so we have to add an attribute to the element to identify it, then remove it # afterwards. select_file: (page_id, id, value) -> node = this.node(page_id, id) node.setAttribute('_poltergeist_selected', '') @page.uploadFile('[_poltergeist_selected]', value) node.removeAttribute('_poltergeist_selected') this.sendResponse(true) select: (page_id, id, value) -> this.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).select(value) tag_name: (page_id, id) -> this.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).tagName() visible: (page_id, id) -> this.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).isVisible() evaluate: (script) -> this.sendResponse @page.evaluate("function() { return #{script} }") execute: (script) -> @page.execute("function() { #{script} }") this.sendResponse(true) push_frame: (name) -> if @page.pushFrame(name) if @page.currentUrl() == 'about:blank' @state = 'awaiting_frame_load' else this.sendResponse(true) else # There's currently no PhantomJS callback available for frame creation, # so we have to poll setTimeout((=> this.push_frame(name)), 50) pop_frame: -> this.sendResponse(@page.popFrame()) push_window: (name) -> sub_page = @page.getPage(name) if sub_page if sub_page.currentUrl() == 'about:blank' sub_page.onLoadFinished = => sub_page.onLoadFinished = null this.push_window(name) else @page_stack.push(@page) @page = sub_page @page_id += 1 this.sendResponse(true) else @page_name = name @state = 'awaiting_sub_page' pop_window: -> prev_page = @page_stack.pop() @page = prev_page if prev_page this.sendResponse(true) click: (page_id, id) -> # Get the node before changing state, in case there is an exception node = this.node(page_id, id) # If the click event triggers onNavigationRequested, we will transition to the 'loading' # state and wait for onLoadFinished before sending a response. @state = 'clicked' @last_click = setTimeout => if @state != 'loading' @state = 'default' this.sendResponse(@last_click) , 5 drag: (page_id, id, other_id) -> this.node(page_id, id).dragTo this.node(page_id, other_id) this.sendResponse(true) trigger: (page_id, id, event) -> this.node(page_id, id).trigger(event) this.sendResponse(event) equals: (page_id, id, other_id) -> this.sendResponse this.node(page_id, id).isEqual(this.node(page_id, other_id)) reset: -> this.resetPage() this.sendResponse(true) render: (path, full) -> dimensions = @page.validatedDimensions() document = dimensions.document viewport = dimensions.viewport if full @page.setScrollPosition(left: 0, top: 0) @page.setClipRect(left: 0, top: 0, width: document.width, height: document.height) @page.render(path) @page.setScrollPosition(left: dimensions.left, top: else @page.setClipRect(left: 0, top: 0, width: viewport.width, height: viewport.height) @page.render(path) this.sendResponse(true) resize: (width, height) -> @page.setViewportSize(width: width, height: height) this.sendResponse(true) network_traffic: -> this.sendResponse(@page.networkTraffic()) set_headers: (headers) -> # Workaround for @page.setUserAgent(headers['User-Agent']) if headers['User-Agent'] @page.setCustomHeaders(headers) this.sendResponse(true) response_headers: -> this.sendResponse(@page.responseHeaders()) cookies: -> this.sendResponse(@page.cookies()) # We're using phantom.addCookie so that cookies can be set # before the first page load has taken place. set_cookie: (cookie) -> phantom.addCookie(cookie) this.sendResponse(true) remove_cookie: (name) -> @page.deleteCookie(name) this.sendResponse(true) exit: -> phantom.exit() noop: -> # NOOOOOOP! # This command is purely for testing error handling browser_error: -> throw new Error('zomg')