#ifdef __linux__ /* only build on linux */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static VALUE cNetlinkHandler; static VALUE cEventHandler; static VALUE mGod; static ID proc_exit; static ID proc_fork; static ID m_call; static ID m_watching_pid; static int nl_sock; /* socket for netlink connection */ VALUE nlh_handle_events() { char buff[CONNECTOR_MAX_MSG_SIZE]; struct nlmsghdr *hdr; struct proc_event *event; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(nl_sock, &fds); if (0 > rb_thread_select(nl_sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, strerror(errno)); } /* If there were no events detected, return */ if (! FD_ISSET(nl_sock, &fds)) { return INT2FIX(0); } /* if there are events, make calls */ if (-1 == recv(nl_sock, buff, sizeof(buff), 0)) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, strerror(errno)); } hdr = (struct nlmsghdr *)buff; if (NLMSG_ERROR == hdr->nlmsg_type) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, strerror(errno)); } else if (NLMSG_DONE == hdr->nlmsg_type) { event = (struct proc_event *)((struct cn_msg *)NLMSG_DATA(hdr))->data; switch(event->what) { case PROC_EVENT_EXIT: if (Qnil == rb_funcall(cEventHandler, m_watching_pid, 1, INT2FIX(event->event_data.exit.process_pid))) { return INT2FIX(0); } rb_funcall(cEventHandler, m_call, 2, INT2FIX(event->event_data.exit.process_pid), ID2SYM(proc_exit)); return INT2FIX(1); /* TODO: On fork, call and pass pid of child */ case PROC_EVENT_FORK: if (Qnil == rb_funcall(cEventHandler, m_watching_pid, 1, INT2FIX(event->event_data.fork.parent_pid))) { return INT2FIX(0); } rb_funcall(cEventHandler, m_call, 2, INT2FIX(event->event_data.fork.parent_pid), ID2SYM(proc_fork)); return INT2FIX(1); } } return Qnil; } #define NL_MESSAGE_SIZE (sizeof(struct nlmsghdr) + sizeof(struct cn_msg) + \ sizeof(int)) void connect_to_netlink() { struct sockaddr_nl sa_nl; /* netlink interface info */ char buff[NL_MESSAGE_SIZE]; struct nlmsghdr *hdr; /* for telling netlink what we want */ struct cn_msg *msg; /* the actual connector message /* connect to netlink socket */ nl_sock = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_DGRAM, NETLINK_CONNECTOR); bzero(&sa_nl, sizeof(sa_nl)); sa_nl.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; sa_nl.nl_groups = CN_IDX_PROC; sa_nl.nl_pid = getpid(); bind(nl_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa_nl, sizeof(sa_nl)); /* Fill header */ hdr = (struct nlmsghdr *)buff; hdr->nlmsg_len = NL_MESSAGE_SIZE; hdr->nlmsg_type = NLMSG_DONE; hdr->nlmsg_flags = 0; hdr->nlmsg_seq = 0; hdr->nlmsg_pid = getpid(); /* Fill message */ msg = (struct cn_msg *)NLMSG_DATA(hdr); msg->id.idx = CN_IDX_PROC; /* Connecting to process information */ msg->id.val = CN_VAL_PROC; msg->seq = 0; msg->ack = 0; msg->len = sizeof(int); msg->data[0] = PROC_CN_MCAST_LISTEN; if (-1 == send(nl_sock, hdr, hdr->nlmsg_len, 0)) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, strerror(errno)); } } void Init_netlink_handler_ext() { proc_exit = rb_intern("proc_exit"); proc_fork = rb_intern("proc_fork"); m_call = rb_intern("call"); m_watching_pid = rb_intern("watching_pid?"); mGod = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("God")); cEventHandler = rb_const_get(mGod, rb_intern("EventHandler")); cNetlinkHandler = rb_define_class_under(mGod, "NetlinkHandler", rb_cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(cNetlinkHandler, "handle_events", nlh_handle_events, 0); connect_to_netlink(); } #endif