require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') shared_context 'with sample_classes.dex', with: :sample_dex do let(:dex_path){ File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../data/sample_classes.dex') } let(:dex_bin){, 'rb') {|f| } } let(:dex){ } let(:last_class) { dex.classes.last } end describe Android::Dex::ClassInfo do include_context 'with sample_classes.dex' context 'about the last class in Dex#classes with sample_classes.dex' do let(:last_class) { dex.classes.last } its(:name){ should eq 'Lexample/app/sample/SampleCode;' } its(:access_flags){ should be_instance_of Android::Dex::ClassAccessFlag } its(:super_class){ should eq 'Ljava/lang/Object;' } its(:class_data){ should be_instance_of Android::Dex::DexObject::ClassDataItem } its(:class_def){ should be_instance_of Android::Dex::DexObject::ClassDefItem } its(:definition) { should eq 'public class Lexample/app/sample/SampleCode; extends Ljava/lang/Object;' } subject { last_class } describe '#static_fields' do subject { last_class.static_fields } it { should have(1).item } specify { subject[0].should be_instance_of Android::Dex::FieldInfo } end describe '#instance_fields' do subject { last_class.instance_fields } it { should have(1).item } specify { subject[0].should be_instance_of Android::Dex::FieldInfo } end describe '#direct_methods' do subject { last_class.direct_methods } it { should have(3).items } specify { subject[0].should be_instance_of Android::Dex::MethodInfo } end describe '#virtual_methods' do subject { last_class.virtual_methods } it { should have(18).items } specify { subject[0].should be_instance_of Android::Dex::MethodInfo } end end context 'when class_data_item is nil' do let(:mock_cls_def) { s = double(Android::Dex::DexObject::ClassDefItem) s.stub(:'[]').with(anything()).and_return(0) s.stub(:class_data_item).and_return(nil) s } let(:class_info) {, nil) } describe '#static_fields' do subject { class_info.static_fields } it { should be_kind_of Array } it { should be_empty } end describe '#instance_fields' do subject { class_info.instance_fields } it { should be_kind_of Array } it { should be_empty } end describe '#direct_methods' do subject { class_info.direct_methods } it { should be_kind_of Array } it { should be_empty } end describe '#virtual_methods' do subject { class_info.virtual_methods } it { should be_kind_of Array } it { should be_empty } end end end describe Android::Dex::FieldInfo do include_context 'with sample_classes.dex' context 'about the first static field of the last class with sample_classes.dex'do let(:first_static_field) { last_class.static_fields.first } subject { first_static_field } its(:name) { should eq 'TAG' } its(:type) { should eq 'Ljava/lang/String;' } describe '#access_flags' do subject { first_static_field.access_flags } it { should be_instance_of Android::Dex::ClassAccessFlag } specify { subject.to_s.should eq 'private static final' } end describe '#definition' do subject { first_static_field.definition } it { should eq 'private static final Ljava/lang/String; TAG' } end end end describe Android::Dex::MethodInfo do include_context 'with sample_classes.dex' context 'about the first direct method of the last class' do let(:first_direct_method) { last_class.direct_methods.first } subject { first_direct_method } its(:name) { should eq '' } end context 'about the first virtual method of the last class' do let(:first_virtual_method) { last_class.virtual_methods.first } subject { first_virtual_method } its(:name) { should eq 'processDoWhile' } its(:code_item) { should be_instance_of Android::Dex::DexObject::CodeItem } describe '#parameters' do subject { first_virtual_method.parameters } it { should have(1).item } it { should include('int') } end end context 'about the 12th virtual method(processTryCatch) of the last class' do let(:a_virtual_method) { last_class.virtual_methods[12]} subject { a_virtual_method } its(:name) { should eq 'processTryCatch' } describe '#code_item' do subject { a_virtual_method.code_item } it { should be_instance_of Android::Dex::DexObject::CodeItem } its(:debug_info_item) { should be_instance_of Android::Dex::DexObject::DebugInfoItem } end end end