module Index
  # An index that is persisted in Redis.
  class Redis < Base
    # Create a new Redis index for indexing and for querying.
    # Parameters:
    # * name: The identifier of the index. Used:
    #   - to identify an index (e.g. by you in Rake tasks: Indexes[:the_identifier]).
    #   - in the frontend to describe which index a result came from.
    #   - index directory naming (index/development/the_identifier/<lots of indexes>)
    # * source: The source the data comes from. See Sources::Base.
    # Options:
    # * result_identifier: Use if you'd like a different identifier/name in the results JSON than the name of the index. 
    def initialize name, source, options = {}
      options[:indexing_bundle_class] ||= Internals::Indexing::Bundle::Redis
      options[:indexed_bundle_class]  ||= Internals::Indexed::Bundle::Redis
      super name, source, options