# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'models/post' require 'models/comment' describe ActiveRecord::Base do it "should respond to references" do ActiveRecord::Base.should respond_to :references end end describe ActiveRecord::Migration do context "when table is created" do before(:each) do @model = Post end it "should create foreign keys" do create_table(@model, :user_id => {}, :author_id => { :references => :users }, :member_id => { :references => nil } ) @model.should reference(:users, :id).on(:user_id) @model.should reference(:users, :id).on(:author_id) @model.should_not reference.on(:member_id) end it "should use default on_cascade action" do AutomaticForeignKey.on_update = :cascade create_table(@model, :user_id => {}) AutomaticForeignKey.on_update = nil @model.should reference.on(:user_id).on_update(:cascade) end it "should use default on_cascade action" do AutomaticForeignKey.on_delete = :cascade create_table(@model, :user_id => {}) AutomaticForeignKey.on_delete = nil @model.should reference.on(:user_id).on_delete(:cascade) end it "should create an index if specified" do create_table(@model, :state => { :index => true }) @model.should have_index.on(:state) end it "should create a multiple-column index if specified" do create_table(@model, :city => {}, :state => { :index => {:with => :city} } ) @model.should have_index.on([:state, :city]) end it "should auto-index foreign keys only" do AutomaticForeignKey.auto_index = true create_table(@model, :user_id => {}, :application_id => { :references => nil }, :state => {}) @model.should have_index.on(:user_id) @model.should_not have_index.on(:application_id) @model.should_not have_index.on(:state) AutomaticForeignKey.auto_index = nil end end context "when column is added" do before(:each) do @model = Comment end it "should create foreign key" do add_column(:post_id, :integer) do @model.should reference(:posts, :id).on(:post_id) end end it "should create foreign key to explicity given table" do add_column(:author_id, :integer, :references => :users) do @model.should reference(:users, :id).on(:author_id) end end it "should create foreign key to explicity given table and column name" do add_column(:author_login, :string, :references => [:users, :login]) do @model.should reference(:users, :login).on(:author_login) end end it "should create foreign key to the same table on parent_id" do add_column(:parent_id, :integer) do @model.should reference(@model.table_name, :id).on(:parent_id) end end it "shouldn't create foreign key if column doesn't look like foreign key" do add_column(:views_count, :integer) do @model.should_not reference.on(:views_count) end end it "shouldnt't create foreign key if specified explicity" do add_column(:post_id, :integer, :references => nil) do @model.should_not reference.on(:post_id) end end it "should create an index if specified" do add_column(:post_id, :integer, :index => true) do @model.should have_index.on(:post_id) end end it "should create a unique index if specified" do add_column(:post_id, :integer, :index => { :unique => true }) do @model.should have_unique_index.on(:post_id) end end it "should allow custom name for index" do index_name = 'comments_post_id_unique_index' add_column(:post_id, :integer, :index => { :unique => true, :name => index_name }) do @model.should have_unique_index(:name => index_name).on(:post_id) end end it "should auto-index if specified in global options" do AutomaticForeignKey.auto_index = true add_column(:post_id, :integer) do @model.should have_index.on(:post_id) end AutomaticForeignKey.auto_index = false end it "should auto-index foreign keys only" do AutomaticForeignKey.auto_index = true add_column(:state, :integer) do @model.should_not have_index.on(:state) end AutomaticForeignKey.auto_index = false end it "should allow to overwrite auto_index options in column definition" do AutomaticForeignKey.auto_index = true add_column(:post_id, :integer, :index => false) do # MySQL creates an index on foreign by default # and we can do nothing with that unless mysql? @model.should_not have_index.on(:post_id) end end AutomaticForeignKey.auto_index = false end it "should use default on_update action" do AutomaticForeignKey.on_update = :cascade add_column(:post_id, :integer) do @model.should reference.on(:post_id).on_update(:cascade) end AutomaticForeignKey.on_update = nil end it "should use default on_delete action" do AutomaticForeignKey.on_delete = :cascade add_column(:post_id, :integer) do @model.should reference.on(:post_id).on_delete(:cascade) end AutomaticForeignKey.on_delete = nil end it "should allow to overwrite default actions" do AutomaticForeignKey.on_delete = :cascade AutomaticForeignKey.on_update = :restrict add_column(:post_id, :integer, :on_update => :set_null, :on_delete => :set_null) do @model.should reference.on(:post_id).on_delete(:set_null).on_update(:set_null) end AutomaticForeignKey.on_delete = nil end protected def add_column(column_name, *args) table = @model.table_name ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.add_column(table, column_name, *args) @model.reset_column_information yield if block_given? ActiveRecord::Migration.remove_column(table, column_name) end end end context "when column is changed" do before(:each) do @model = Comment end it "should create foreign key" do change_column :user, :string, :references => [:users, :login] @model.should reference(:users, :login).on(:user) change_column :user, :string, :references => nil end context "and initially references to users table" do it "should have foreign key" do @model.should reference(:users) end it "should drop foreign key afterwards" do change_column :user_id, :integer, :references => :members @model.should_not reference(:users) change_column :user_id, :integer, :references => :users end it "should reference pointed table afterwards" do change_column :user_id, :integer, :references => :members @model.should reference(:members) end end protected def change_column(column_name, *args) table = @model.table_name ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.change_column(table, column_name, *args) @model.reset_column_information end end end def foreign_key(model, column) columns = Array(column).collect(&:to_s) model.foreign_keys.detect { |fk| fk.table_name == model.table_name && fk.column_names == columns } end def mysql? ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name =~ /^mysql/i end def create_table(model, columns_with_options) ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table model.table_name, :force => true do |t| columns_with_options.each_pair do |column, options| t.integer column, options end end model.reset_column_information end end end