require 'acceptance/spec_helper' describe 'Searching by latitude and longitude', :live => true do it "orders by distance" do mel = City.create :name => 'Melbourne', :lat => -0.6599720, :lng => 2.530082 syd = City.create :name => 'Sydney', :lat => -0.5909679, :lng => 2.639131 bri = City.create :name => 'Brisbane', :lat => -0.4794031, :lng => 2.670838 index => [-0.616241, 2.602712], :order => 'geodist ASC'). to_a.should == [syd, mel, bri] end it "filters by distance" do mel = City.create :name => 'Melbourne', :lat => -0.6599720, :lng => 2.530082 syd = City.create :name => 'Sydney', :lat => -0.5909679, :lng => 2.639131 bri = City.create :name => 'Brisbane', :lat => -0.4794031, :lng => 2.670838 index :geo => [-0.616241, 2.602712], :with => {:geodist => 0.0..470_000.0} ).to_a.should == [mel, syd] end it "provides the distance for each search result" do mel = City.create :name => 'Melbourne', :lat => -0.6599720, :lng => 2.530082 syd = City.create :name => 'Sydney', :lat => -0.5909679, :lng => 2.639131 bri = City.create :name => 'Brisbane', :lat => -0.4794031, :lng => 2.670838 index cities = => [-0.616241, 2.602712], :order => 'geodist ASC') if ENV['SPHINX_VERSION'].try :[], /2.2.\d/ expected = {:mysql => 249907.171875, :postgresql => 249912.03125} else expected = {:mysql => 250326.906250, :postgresql => 250331.234375} end if ActiveRecord::Base.configurations['test']['adapter'][/postgres/] cities.first.geodist.should == expected[:postgresql] else # mysql cities.first.geodist.should == expected[:mysql] end end it "handles custom select clauses that refer to the distance" do mel = City.create :name => 'Melbourne', :lat => -0.6599720, :lng => 2.530082 syd = City.create :name => 'Sydney', :lat => -0.5909679, :lng => 2.639131 bri = City.create :name => 'Brisbane', :lat => -0.4794031, :lng => 2.670838 index :geo => [-0.616241, 2.602712], :with => {:geodist => 0.0..470_000.0}, :select => "*, geodist as custom_weight" ).to_a.should == [mel, syd] end end