## RSence
# Copyright 2008 Riassence Inc.
# http://riassence.com/
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com
require 'rubygems'
require 'RMagick'
rescue LoadError
warn "Warning: RMagick not installed, ticketserve images will not be supported." if RSence.args[:verbose]
require 'randgen'
# the library path of this plugin
lib_path = File.join( bundle_path, 'lib' )
# common functionality
require File.join(lib_path,'common')
# rsrc-related functionality
require File.join(lib_path,'rsrc')
# file-related functionality
require File.join(lib_path,'file')
# upload-related functionality
require File.join(lib_path,'upload')
# img-related functionality
require File.join(lib_path,'img')
# favicon-related functionality
require File.join(lib_path,'favicon')
# smart object wrapper
require File.join(lib_path,'objblob')
# TicketPlugin serves static and disposable data and images. It accepts Magick::Image objects too to render them only when really needed. Each serve-call returns an unique uri to pass to the client.
# It performs clean-ups based on session and request time-outs.
# It's available to other plugins as +@plugins.ticket+
class TicketPlugin < Plugin
# @private No user-addressable code inside
class TicketServe
include TicketService::Common
include TicketService::Rsrc
include TicketService::TicketFile
include TicketService::Upload
include TicketService::Img
include TicketService::Favicon
include TicketService::ObjBlob
# @private Returns the broker's url's. Used in {#match}
def broker_urls
# @private Implements this part of the {RSence::Plugins::Servlet__ Servlet} API on a plugin to match the {#broker_urls}
def match( uri, request_type )
if request_type == :post
upload_match = uri.start_with?( broker_urls[:u] + '/')
return true if upload_match
elsif request_type == :get
if uri.match( /^#{broker_urls[:i]}/ )
return true
elsif uri.match( /^#{broker_urls[:d]}/ )
return true
elsif uri.match( /^#{broker_urls[:f]}/ )
return true
elsif uri.match( /^#{broker_urls[:b]}/ )
return true
elsif uri == broker_urls[:favicon]
return true
elsif uri == broker_urls[:uploader_iframe]
return true
return false
# @private Override with a lower score, if you want to match some parts in alternative ways.
def score; 200; end
# @private Implements this part of the {RSence::Plugins::Servlet__ Servlet} API on a plugin to respond to get requests matched by the {#match}
def get( req, res, ses )
uri = req.fullpath
if uri.match( /^#{broker_urls[:i]}/ )
puts "/i: #{uri.inspect}" if RSence.args[:verbose]
@ticketserve.get_ticket( req, res, :img )
elsif uri.match( /^#{broker_urls[:d]}/ )
puts "/d: #{uri.inspect}" if RSence.args[:verbose]
@ticketserve.get_ticket( req, res, :rsrc )
elsif uri.match( /^#{broker_urls[:f]}/ )
puts "/f: #{uri.inspect}" if RSence.args[:verbose]
@ticketserve.get_ticket( req, res, :file )
elsif uri.match( /^#{broker_urls[:b]}/ )
puts "/b: #{uri.inspect}" if RSence.args[:verbose]
@ticketserve.get_ticket( req, res, :blobobj )
elsif uri == broker_urls[:favicon]
@ticketserve.favicon( req, res )
elsif uri == broker_urls[:uploader_iframe]
puts "/U/iframe_html: #{uri.inspect}" if RSence.args[:verbose]
res.status = 200
http_body = '
Empty Iframe for Uploading'
res['content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
res['content-length'] = http_body.size.to_s
res.body = http_body
# @private Handles the upload request
def post( req, res, ses )
uri = req.fullpath
if uri.start_with?( broker_urls[:u] + '/')
puts "/U: #{uri.inspect}" if RSence.args[:verbose]
@ticketserve.upload( req, res )
# @private Initializes storage.
def init # :nodoc:
@ticketserve = TicketServe.new
# @private Shuts down TicketServe
def shutdown
# API for BlobObj's
class BlobObj
# @param [String] data The data to serve
# @param [String] mime The content-type of the data to serve
def initialize(data,mime)
@data = data
@mime = mime
# @return [String] The content-type served
def mime
return @mime
# @return [String] The data served
def data
return @data
# @return [Number] The size (in bytes) of the data
def size
return @data.size
# Implement, if you need to do cleanup before destructing
def close
# Serves an RMagick::Image object accessible by a disposable ticket URL.
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [#to_blob] content Image data to serve
# @param [String] format To pass on as a +{ self.format = format }+ block of +content#to_blob+
# @param [Symbol] type The type of the object.
# @return [String] Disposable URL. Destroyed after being requested.
def serve( msg, content, format='PNG', type=:img )
@ticketserve.serve( msg, content, format, type )
# @private Removes data used by the session, takes session id
def expire_ses_id( ses_id )
@ticketserve.expire_ses( ses_id )
# @private Removes data used by the session, takes msg
def expire_ses( msg )
expire_ses_id( msg.ses_id )
# Sets a custom favicon for RSence
# @param [String] ico_data Favicon-compatible image data in binary.
# @param [String] content_type The content-type of the favicon image data.
# @return [nil]
def set_favicon( ico_data, content_type=false )
@ticketserve.set_favicon( ico_data, content_type )
# Removes a downloadable file resource served from memory.
# Does not delete any files from the file system.
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [String] file_id The file url returned by {#serve_file}
# @return [nil]
def del_file( msg, file_id )
@ticketserve.del_file( file_id, msg.ses_id )
# Serves a downloadable file resource to be served from memory using a generated url.
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [String] content The file attachment file data in binary.
# @param [String] content_type The content-type of the file attachment.
# @param [String] filename The filename of the download (not the url)
# @return [String] Disposable URL. Destroyed after being requested.
def serve_file( msg, content='', content_type='text/plain', filename='' )
@ticketserve.serve_file( msg, content, content_type, filename )
# Removes a downloadable file resource served from memory.
# Does not delete any files from the file system.
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [String] img_id The image url returned by {#serve_img}
# @return [nil]
def del_img( msg, img_id )
@ticketserve.del_img( img_id, msg.ses_id )
# Serves a downloadable file resource to be served from memory using a generated url.
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [#to_blob] content Image data to serve
# @param [String] format To pass on as a +{ self.format = format }+ block of +content#to_blob+
# @param [Symbol] type The type of the object.
# @return [String] Disposable URL. Destroyed after being requested.
def serve_img( msg, content, format='PNG', type=:img )
@ticketserve.serve_img( msg, content, format, type )
# @return [BlobObj] to be used for custom objects served by {#serve_obj}
def proto_obj
return BlobObj
# Serves custom object using the {BlobObj} API (Binary Large Object)
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [BlobObj] blob_obj The custom object to serve.
# @param [Boolean] no_expire When true, keeps in memory until {#del_obj} is called manually.
# @return [String] URL. Destroyed after being requested, unless +no_expire+ is +true+.
def serve_obj( msg, blob_obj, no_expire=false )
@ticketserve.serve_blobobj( msg, blob_obj, no_expire )
# Deletes a custom object served by {#serve_obj}
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [String] ticket_id The object url returned by {#serve_img}
# @return [nil]
def del_obj( msg, ticket_id )
@ticketserve.del_blobobj( ticket_id, msg.ses_id )
# Removes static resource served by {#serve_rsrc}
# @param [String] rsrc_id The object url returned by {#serve_rsrc}
# @return [nil]
def del_rsrc( rsrc_id )
@ticketserve.del_rsrc( rsrc_id )
# Serves static resource as from raw binary data.
# @param [String] content Any binary data to serve
# @param [String] content_type The content-type to serve the +content+ as.
# @return [String] A static url. Use {#del_rsrc} manually to free the memory occupied by the content.
def serve_rsrc( content, content_type )
@ticketserve.serve_rsrc( content, content_type )
# Returns a list of uploads matching the ticket id.
# @param [String] ticket_id The key for the upload, returned by {#upload_key}
# @param [Boolean] with_data Return data also
# @return [Array] List of uploaded data matching the ticket_id
def get_uploads( ticket_id, with_data=false )
@ticketserve.get_uploads( ticket_id, with_data )
# Removes the uploaded data matching both ticket id as well as row id.
# @param [String] ticket_id The key for the upload, returned by {#upload_key}
# @param [Number] row_id The row id returned by {#get_uploads}
# @return [nil]
def del_upload( ticket_id, row_id )
@ticketserve.del_upload( ticket_id, row_id )
# Removes all uploaded data matching the ticket id
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [String] ticket_id The key for the upload, returned by {#upload_key}
# @return [nil]
def del_uploads( msg, ticket_id )
@ticketserve.del_uploads( ticket_id, msg.ses_id )
# Allocates an upload slot and returns the ticket id to use for {#get_uploads}, {#del_upload} and {#del_uploads}
# @param [Message] msg The message instance.
# @param [String] value_key The key for the value associated with the upload. See {RSence::HValue#value_id}
# @param [Number] max_size The maximum size allowed to upload.
# @param [RegExp] mime_allow A regular expression to match what types of data are allowed to be uploaded
# @param [Boolean] allow_multi When false, allows uploading only once per key.
# @return [String] The ticket id. Use for the {RSence::HValue HValue} used with the client HUploader component. Also use with {#get_uploads}, {#del_upload} and {#del_uploads}
def upload_key( msg, value_key, max_size=1000000, mime_allow=/(.*?)\/(.*?)/, allow_multi=true )
@ticketserve.upload_key( msg, value_key, max_size, mime_allow, allow_multi )