class Pass < ActiveRecord::Base include Extendable belongs_to :pass_type belongs_to :person belongs_to :organization has_many :tickets before_save :adjust_ends_at EXPIRED_ERROR = "Sorry! This pass has expired." OUT_OF_TICKETS = "Sorry! There are no tickets remaning on this pass." OVER_EVENT_LIMIT = "Sorry! This pass has already been redeemed for this event." EVENT_NOT_ELIGIBLE = "This pass is not eligible for some of the events in your cart." SHOW_NOT_ELIGIBLE = "This pass is not eligible for some of the shows in your cart." TICKET_TYPE_NOT_ELIGIBLE = "This pass is not eligible for some of the ticket types in your cart" ORG_ERROR = "Sorry! This pass is not eligible for some of the tickets in your cart" scope :not_expired, lambda { |time =| where("#{Pass.table_name}.ends_at > ?", time) } scope :expired, lambda { |time =| where("#{Pass.table_name}.ends_at < ?", time) } def self.for(pass_type) new.tap do |pass| pass.pass_type = pass_type pass.organization = pass_type.organization pass.price = pass_type.price pass.sold_price = pass.price pass.tickets_allowed = pass_type.tickets_allowed pass.pass_code = new_pass_code pass.starts_at = pass_type.starts_at pass.ends_at = pass_type.ends_at end end def adjust_ends_at self.ends_at = self.ends_at.end_of_day unless self.ends_at.blank? end def expire! update_column(:ends_at, end def cart_price price end # # We intentionally go to the DB here to avoid race conditions when # applying a pass to the cart. # # Method could cause problems in very large N+1 situations. Where # up-to-date accuracy isn't needed, Pass.includes(:tickets).tickets.length might be better # def tickets_purchased Ticket.where(:pass_id => end def realized_fee self.pass_type.hide_fee? ? self.price * PassType::SERVICE_FEE : 0 end def alive? (tickets_allowed > tickets_purchased) && (starts_at < && (ends_at > end def expired? ends_at < end def refundable? true end def exchangeable? false end def returnable? false end def self.new_pass_code(size=8) # Avoid confusable characters like 1/L/I and 0/O charset = %w{ 2 3 4 6 7 9 A C D E F G H J K M N P Q R T V W X Y Z} (0...size).map{ charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join end def applies_to?(thing) thing.applies_to_pass? self end def self.to_sentence(passes) if passes.any? pass_types = passes.collect(&:pass_type).uniq if pass_types.length > 1 "multiple passes" else ActionController::Base.helpers.pluralize(passes.length, "#{passes.first.pass_type.passerize}") end else "No passes" end end def tickets_remaining_for(event) @ept = .where(:organization_id => self.organization_id) .where(:event_id => .where(:pass_type_id => self.pass_type_id).first return 0 if @ept.nil? return self.tickets_allowed if @ept.limit_per_pass.nil? return @ept.limit_per_pass - => end def apply_pass_to_cart(cart) Rails.logger.debug ("PASSES Applying pass [#{}] to cart [#{}]") cart.prepare_for_pass! #the number of tickets remining for this pass. We go straight to the DB here #to avoid a race condition on pass.tickets_remaining tickets_remaining_on_pass = self.tickets_allowed - tickets_purchased Rails.logger.debug ("PASSES [#{tickets_remaining_on_pass}] tickets remaining on this pass") self.errors.add(:base, EXPIRED_ERROR) and return if self.expired? self.errors.add(:base, OUT_OF_TICKETS) and return if tickets_remaining_on_pass < 1 #The list of tickets w'eve applied this pass too tickets_applied = [] #The list of tickets we rejected for being over the limit tickets_rejected = [] over_event_limit = false pass_errors = transaction do cart.applied_pass = self do |ticket| (pass_errors << EVENT_NOT_ELIGIBLE and next) unless self.applies_to? ( (pass_errors << SHOW_NOT_ELIGIBLE and next) unless self.applies_to? ( (pass_errors << TICKET_TYPE_NOT_ELIGIBLE and next) unless self.applies_to? (ticket.ticket_type) (pass_errors << ORG_ERROR and next) unless (self.organization == ticket.organization) event = tickets_remaining_for_this_event = tickets_remaining_for(event) Rails.logger.debug ("PASSES [#{tickets_remaining_for_this_event}] tickets remaining to event [#{}]") over_event_limit = true if tickets_remaining_for_this_event == 0 tickets_remaining = [tickets_remaining_on_pass, tickets_remaining_for_this_event].min Rails.logger.debug ("PASSES [#{tickets_remaining}] tickets remaining after considering pass and event") if tickets_remaining > 0 Rails.logger.debug ("PASSES adding pass [#{}] to ticket [#{}]") ticket.pass = self ticket.cart_price = 0 tickets_applied << ticket tickets_remaining_on_pass = tickets_remaining_on_pass - 1 Rails.logger.debug ("PASSES Now only [#{tickets_remaining_on_pass}] tickets remaining on this pass") else Rails.logger.debug ("PASSES rejecting ticket [#{}]") tickets_rejected << tickets end end if tickets_rejected.length > 0 str = "" if tickets_applied.length == 0 str += "There are no tickets" else str += "Only #{ActionController::Base.helpers.pluralize(tickets_applied.length, 'ticket')}" str += tickets_applied.length > 1 ? " were" : " was" end str += " remaining on this pass" str += " for this event" if over_event_limit if tickets_applied.length > 0 str += ". We've applied your pass to #{ActionController::Base.helpers.pluralize(tickets_applied.length, 'ticket')} and left the others in your cart." end pass_errors << str end pass_errors.each { |err| self.errors.add(:base, err) } FeeCalculator.apply( end end end