--- layout: post title: "Getting Started with Geany" date: 2018-11-27 07:34:13 categories: PiCrate update permalink: /geany_ide/ --- The current version of raspbian installs jdk-11 (hard float) and that is just fine, if you have more that one version of java installed you could use `update-alternatives` tool to manage their use. Then install JRuby see [jruby][jruby]. ```bash jgem install picrate ``` Install samples, and configure `geany` ide (for `PiCrate`) ```bash picrate -i # or picrate --install ``` or for no geany configuration ```bash picrate -i Samples # or picrate --install Samples ``` Install processing libraries ```bash # picrate -i Sound not currently working picrate -i video # preferred over vanilla video for now ``` ### Creating Sketches from the GeanyIDE See [editors][geany] geany, for how to run sketches from a gui. ### Running PiCrate sketch on RaspberryPI from geany editor ![snake_kolam]({{ site.github.url }}/assets/geany.png) [jruby]:{{ site.github.url }}/install_jruby/ [geany]:{{ site.github.url }}/editors/geany