# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'ostruct' describe Ably::Realtime::Connection, :event_machine do let(:connection) { client.connection } vary_by_protocol do let(:default_options) do { key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol } end let(:client_options) { default_options } let(:client) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) } before(:example) do EventMachine.add_shutdown_hook do connection.off # minimise side effects of callbacks from finished test calling stop_reactor end end context 'intialization' do it 'connects automatically' do connection.on(:connected) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:connected) stop_reactor end end context 'with :auto_connect option set to false' do let(:client) do auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options.merge(auto_connect: false)) end it 'does not connect automatically' do EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(connection).to be_initialized stop_reactor end client end it 'connects when method #connect is called' do connection.connect do expect(connection).to be_connected stop_reactor end end end context 'with token auth' do before do # Reduce token expiry buffer to zero so that a token expired? predicate is exact # Normally there is a buffer so that a token expiring soon is considered expired @original_token_expiry_buffer = Ably::Models::TokenDetails::TOKEN_EXPIRY_BUFFER stub_const 'Ably::Models::TokenDetails::TOKEN_EXPIRY_BUFFER', 0 end let(:original_token_expiry_buffer) { @original_token_expiry_buffer } context 'for renewable tokens' do context 'that are valid for the duration of the test' do context 'with valid pre authorised token expiring in the future' do it 'uses the existing token created by Auth' do client.auth.authorise(ttl: 300) expect(client.auth).to_not receive(:request_token) connection.once(:connected) do stop_reactor end end end context 'with implicit authorisation' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(client_id: 'force_token_auth') } it 'uses the token created by the implicit authorisation' do expect(client.rest_client.auth).to receive(:request_token).once.and_call_original connection.once(:connected) do stop_reactor end end end end context 'that expire' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :error) } before do expect(client.rest_client.time.to_f).to be_within(2).of(Time.now.to_i), "Local clock is out of sync with Ably" end before do # Ensure tokens issued expire immediately after issue @original_renew_token_buffer = Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS.fetch(:renew_token_buffer) stub_const 'Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS', Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS.merge(renew_token_buffer: 0) end let(:original_renew_token_buffer) { @original_renew_token_buffer } context 'opening a new connection' do context 'with almost expired tokens' do before do # Authorise synchronously to ensure token has been issued client.auth.authorise_sync(ttl: ttl) end let(:ttl) { 2 } it 'renews token every time after it expires' do started_at = Time.now.to_f connected_times = 0 disconnected_times = 0 connection.on(:connected) do connected_times += 1 end connection.on(:disconnected) do disconnected_times += 1 if disconnected_times == 3 expect(connected_times).to eql(3) expect(Time.now.to_f - started_at).to be > ttl * 3 expect(Time.now.to_f - started_at).to be < (ttl * 2) * 3 stop_reactor end end end end context 'with immediately expired token' do let(:ttl) { 0.001 } let(:auth_requests) { [] } let(:token_callback) do Proc.new do auth_requests << Time.now Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options).auth.request_token(ttl: ttl).token end end let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: token_callback) } it 'renews the token on connect, and makes one immediate subsequent attempt to obtain a new token' do started_at = Time.now.to_f connection.once(:disconnected) do connection.once(:disconnected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.reason.code).to eql(40142) # token expired expect(Time.now.to_f - started_at).to be < 1000 expect(auth_requests.count).to eql(2) stop_reactor end end end context 'when disconnected_retry_timeout is 0.5 seconds' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(disconnected_retry_timeout: 0.5, auth_callback: token_callback, log_level: :error) } it 'renews the token on connect, and continues to attempt renew based on the retry schedule' do started_at = Time.now.to_f disconnect_count = 0 connection.on(:disconnected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.reason.code).to eql(40142) # token expired disconnect_count += 1 if disconnect_count == 6 expect(Time.now.to_f - started_at).to be > 4 * 0.5 # at least 4 0.5 second pauses should have happened expect(Time.now.to_f - started_at).to be < 9 # allow 1.5 seconds for each authentication cycle stop_reactor end end end end context 'using implicit token auth' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(use_token_auth: true, token_params: { ttl: ttl }) } before do stub_const 'Ably::Models::TokenDetails::TOKEN_EXPIRY_BUFFER', -10 # ensure client lib thinks token is still valid end it 'uses the primary host for subsequent connection and auth requests' do connection.once(:disconnected) do expect(client.rest_client.connection).to receive(:post). with(/requestToken$/, anything). exactly(:once). and_call_original expect(client.rest_client).to_not receive(:fallback_connection) expect(client).to_not receive(:fallback_endpoint) connection.once(:disconnected) do stop_reactor end end end end end end context 'when connected with a valid non-expired token' do context 'that then expires following the connection being opened' do let(:ttl) { 5 } let(:channel_name) { random_str } let(:channel) { client.channel(channel_name) } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(use_token_auth: true, token_params: { ttl: ttl }) } context 'the server' do it 'disconnects the client, and the client automatically renews the token and then reconnects', em_timeout: 15 do connection.once(:connected) do original_token = client.auth.current_token_details expect(original_token).to_not be_expired started_at = Time.now connection.once(:disconnected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.reason.code).to eq(40142) # Token expired # Token has expired, so now ensure it is not used again stub_const 'Ably::Models::TokenDetails::TOKEN_EXPIRY_BUFFER', original_token_expiry_buffer stub_const 'Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS', Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS.merge(renew_token_buffer: original_renew_token_buffer) connection.once(:connected) do expect(client.auth.current_token_details).to_not be_expired expect(Time.now - started_at >= ttl) expect(original_token).to be_expired stop_reactor end end end connection.unsafe_once(:failed) { |error| fail error.inspect } channel.attach end end context 'connection state' do let(:ttl) { 4 } let(:auth_requests) { [] } let(:token_callback) do Proc.new do sleep 2 auth_requests << Time.now Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options).auth.request_token(ttl: ttl).token end end let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: token_callback) } let(:publishing_client) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options) } let(:publishing_channel) { publishing_client.channels.get(channel_name) } let(:messages_received) { [] } def publish_and_check_first_disconnect 10.times.each { |index| publishing_channel.publish('event', index.to_s) } channel.subscribe('event') do |message| messages_received << message.data.to_i if messages_received.count == 10 expect(messages_received).to match(10.times) expect(auth_requests.count).to eql(2) EventMachine.add_timer(1) do channel.unsubscribe 'event' yield end end end end def publish_and_check_second_disconnect 10.times.each { |index| publishing_channel.publish('event', (index + 10).to_s) } channel.subscribe('event') do |message| messages_received << message.data.to_i if messages_received.count == 20 expect(messages_received).to match(20.times) expect(auth_requests.count).to eql(3) stop_reactor end end end it 'retains messages published when disconnected twice during authentication', em_timeout: 20 do publishing_channel.attach do channel.attach do connection.once(:disconnected) do publish_and_check_first_disconnect do connection.once(:disconnected) do publish_and_check_second_disconnect end end end end end end end context 'and subsequent token is invalid' do let(:ttl) { 2 } let(:token_callback) do Proc.new do if @token_issued "#{app_id}.invalid-token-invalid-token-invalid-token" else @token_issued = true Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options).auth.request_token(ttl: ttl).token end end end let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: token_callback, log_level: :none) } it 'transitions the connection to the failed state' do connection.once(:disconnected) do connection.once(:failed) do expect(connection.error_reason.code).to eql(40101) stop_reactor end end end end end end end end context 'for non-renewable tokens' do context 'that are expired' do before do stub_const 'Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS', Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS.merge(renew_token_buffer: 0) end let!(:expired_token_details) do # Request a token synchronously token_client = auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options) token_client.auth.request_token_sync(ttl: 0.01) end context 'opening a new connection' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: nil, token: expired_token_details.token, log_level: :none) } it 'transitions state to failed', em_timeout: 10 do EventMachine.add_timer(1) do # wait for token to expire expect(expired_token_details).to be_expired connection.once(:connected) { raise 'Connection should never connect as token has expired' } connection.once(:failed) do expect(client.connection.error_reason.code).to eql(40142) stop_reactor end end end end context 'when connected' do skip 'transitions state to failed' end end end context 'with opaque token string that contain an implicit client_id' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(token: token_string, key: nil) } let(:rest_auth_client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options.merge(key: api_key)) } let(:token_string) { rest_auth_client.auth.request_token(client_id: client_id).token } context 'string' do let(:client_id) { random_str } it 'sets the Client#client_id and Auth#client_id once CONNECTED' do expect(client.client_id).to be_nil client.connection.once(:connected) do expect(client.client_id).to eql(client_id) stop_reactor end end context 'that is incompatible with the current client client_id' do let(:client_id) { random_str } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(client_id: 'incompatible', token: token_string, key: nil, log_level: :none) } it 'fails the connection' do expect(client.client_id).to eql('incompatible') client.connection.once(:failed) do expect(client.client_id).to eql('incompatible') expect(client.connection.error_reason.code).to eql(40101) # Invalid clientId for credentials stop_reactor end end end end context 'wildcard' do let(:client_id) { '*' } it 'configures the Client#client_id and Auth#client_id with a wildcard once CONNECTED' do expect(client.client_id).to be_nil client.connection.once(:connected) do expect(client.client_id).to eql('*') stop_reactor end end end end end end context 'initialization state changes' do let(:phases) { [:connecting, :connected] } let(:events_emitted) { [] } let(:test_expectation) do Proc.new do expect(events_emitted).to eq(phases) stop_reactor end end def expect_ordered_phases phases.each do |phase| connection.on(phase) do events_emitted << phase test_expectation.call if events_emitted.length == phases.length end end end context 'with implicit #connect' do it 'are emitted in order' do expect_ordered_phases end end context 'with explicit #connect' do it 'are emitted in order' do expect_ordered_phases connection.connect end end end context '#connect' do it 'returns a SafeDeferrable that catches exceptions in callbacks and logs them' do expect(connection.connect).to be_a(Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable) stop_reactor end it 'calls the Deferrable callback on success' do connection.connect.callback do expect(connection.state).to eq(:connected) stop_reactor end end it 'calls the provided block on success even if state changes to disconnected first' do been_disconnected = false connection.once(:disconnected) do been_disconnected = true end connection.once(:connecting) do close_if_transport_available = proc do EventMachine.add_timer(0.001) do if connection.transport connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing else close_if_transport_available.call end end end close_if_transport_available.call end connection.connect do expect(connection.state).to eq(:connected) expect(been_disconnected).to be_truthy stop_reactor end end context 'with invalid auth details' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: 'this.is:invalid', log_level: :none) } it 'calls the Deferrable errback only once on connection failure' do errback_called = false connection.connect.errback do expect(connection.state).to eq(:failed) raise 'Errback already called' if errback_called errback_called = true connection.connect.errback do EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end end context 'when already connected' do it 'does nothing and no further state changes are emitted' do connection.once(:connected) do connection.once_state_changed { raise 'State should not have changed' } 3.times { connection.connect } EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(connection).to be_connected connection.off stop_reactor end end end end describe 'connection#id' do it 'is null before connecting' do expect(connection.id).to be_nil stop_reactor end end describe 'connection#key' do it 'is null before connecting' do expect(connection.key).to be_nil stop_reactor end end describe 'once connected' do let(:client2) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) } let(:connection2) { client2.connection } describe 'connection#id' do it 'is a string' do connection.connect do expect(connection.id).to be_a(String) stop_reactor end end it 'is unique from the connection#key' do connection.connect do expect(connection.id).to_not eql(connection.key) stop_reactor end end it 'is unique for every connection' do when_all(connection.connect, connection2.connect) do expect(connection.id).to_not eql(connection2.id) stop_reactor end end end describe 'connection#key' do it 'is a string' do connection.connect do expect(connection.key).to be_a(String) stop_reactor end end it 'is unique from the connection#id' do connection.connect do expect(connection.key).to_not eql(connection.id) stop_reactor end end it 'is unique for every connection' do when_all(connection.connect, connection2.connect) do expect(connection.key).to_not eql(connection2.key) stop_reactor end end end end context 'following a previous connection being opened and closed' do it 'reconnects and is provided with a new connection ID and connection key from the server' do connection.connect do connection_id = connection.id connection_key = connection.key connection.close do connection.connect do expect(connection.id).to_not eql(connection_id) expect(connection.key).to_not eql(connection_key) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'when closing' do it 'raises an exception before the connection is closed' do connection.connect do connection.once(:closing) do expect { connection.connect }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidStateChange stop_reactor end connection.close end end end end describe '#serial connection serial' do let(:channel) { client.channel(random_str) } it 'is set to -1 when a new connection is opened' do connection.connect do expect(connection.serial).to eql(-1) stop_reactor end end context 'when a message is sent but the ACK has not yet been received' do it 'the sent message msgSerial is 0 but the connection serial remains at -1' do channel.attach do connection.__outgoing_protocol_msgbus__.subscribe(:protocol_message) do |protocol_message| connection.__outgoing_protocol_msgbus__.unsubscribe expect(protocol_message['msgSerial']).to eql(0) expect(connection.serial).to eql(-1) stop_reactor end channel.publish('event', 'data') end end end it 'is set to 0 when a message sent ACK is received' do channel.publish('event', 'data') do expect(connection.serial).to eql(0) stop_reactor end end it 'is set to 1 when the second message sent ACK is received' do channel.publish('event', 'data') do channel.publish('event', 'data') do expect(connection.serial).to eql(1) stop_reactor end end end end context '#close' do it 'returns a SafeDeferrable that catches exceptions in callbacks and logs them' do connection.connect do expect(connection.close).to be_a(Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable) stop_reactor end end it 'calls the Deferrable callback on success' do connection.connect do connection.close.callback do expect(connection).to be_a(Ably::Realtime::Connection) expect(connection.state).to eq(:closed) stop_reactor end end end context 'when already closed' do it 'does nothing and no further state changes are emitted' do connection.once(:connected) do connection.close do connection.once_state_changed { raise 'State should not have changed' } 3.times { connection.close } EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(connection).to be_closed connection.off stop_reactor end end end end end context 'when connection state is' do let(:events) { Hash.new } def log_connection_changes connection.on(:closing) { events[:closing_emitted] = true } connection.on(:error) { events[:error_emitted] = true } connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.subscribe(:protocol_message) do |protocol_message| events[:closed_message_from_server_received] = true if protocol_message.action == :closed end end context ':initialized' do it 'changes the connection state to :closing and then immediately :closed without sending a ProtocolMessage CLOSE' do connection.on(:closed) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:closed) EventMachine.add_timer(1) do # allow for all subscribers on incoming message bes expect(events[:error_emitted]).to_not eql(true) expect(events[:closed_message_from_server_received]).to_not eql(true) expect(events[:closing_emitted]).to eql(true) stop_reactor end end log_connection_changes connection.close end end context ':connected' do it 'changes the connection state to :closing and waits for the server to confirm connection is :closed with a ProtocolMessage' do connection.on(:connected) do connection.on(:closed) do EventMachine.add_timer(1) do # allow for all subscribers on incoming message bus expect(events[:error_emitted]).to_not eql(true) expect(events[:closed_message_from_server_received]).to eql(true) expect(events[:closing_emitted]).to eql(true) stop_reactor end end log_connection_changes connection.close end end context 'with an unresponsive connection' do let(:custom_timeout) { 2 } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(realtime_request_timeout: custom_timeout) } before do connection.on(:connected) do # Prevent all incoming & outgoing ProtocolMessages from being processed by the client library connection.__outgoing_protocol_msgbus__.unsubscribe connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.unsubscribe end end it 'force closes the connection when a :closed ProtocolMessage response is not received' do connection.on(:connected) do close_requested_at = Time.now connection.on(:closed) do expect(Time.now - close_requested_at).to be >= custom_timeout expect(connection.state).to eq(:closed) expect(events[:error_emitted]).to_not eql(true) expect(events[:closed_message_from_server_received]).to_not eql(true) expect(events[:closing_emitted]).to eql(true) stop_reactor end log_connection_changes connection.close end end end end end end context '#ping' do it 'echoes a heart beat' do connection.on(:connected) do connection.ping do |time_elapsed| expect(time_elapsed).to be > 0 stop_reactor end end end context 'when not connected' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { connection.ping }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /Cannot send a ping when connection/ stop_reactor end end context 'with a success block that raises an exception' do it 'catches the exception and logs the error' do connection.on(:connected) do expect(connection.logger).to receive(:error).with(/Forced exception/) do stop_reactor end connection.ping { raise 'Forced exception' } end end end context 'when ping times out' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :error) } it 'logs a warning' do connection.once(:connected) do allow(connection).to receive(:defaults).and_return(connection.defaults.merge(realtime_request_timeout: 0.0001)) expect(connection.logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Ping timed out/) do stop_reactor end connection.ping end end it 'yields to the block with a nil value' do connection.once(:connected) do allow(connection).to receive(:defaults).and_return(connection.defaults.merge(realtime_request_timeout: 0.0001)) connection.ping do |time_elapsed| expect(time_elapsed).to be_nil stop_reactor end end end end end context '#details' do let(:connection) { client.connection } it 'is nil before connected' do connection.on(:connecting) do expect(connection.details).to eql(nil) stop_reactor end end it 'contains the ConnectionDetails object once connected' do connection.on(:connected) do expect(connection.details).to be_a(Ably::Models::ConnectionDetails) expect(connection.details.connection_key).to_not be_nil expect(connection.details.server_id).to_not be_nil stop_reactor end end it 'contains the new ConnectionDetails object once a subsequent connection is created' do connection.once(:connected) do expect(connection.details.connection_key).to_not be_nil old_key = connection.details.connection_key connection.close do connection.once(:connected) do expect(connection.details.connection_key).to_not be_nil expect(connection.details.connection_key).to_not eql(old_key) stop_reactor end connection.connect end end end end context 'recovery' do let(:channel_name) { random_str } let(:channel) { client.channel(channel_name) } let(:publishing_client) do auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) end let(:publishing_client_channel) { publishing_client.channel(channel_name) } let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( log_level: :none, disconnected_retry_timeout: 0.1, suspended_retry_timeout: 0.1, connection_state_ttl: 0.2, realtime_request_timeout: 5 ) end describe '#recovery_key' do def self.available_states [:connecting, :connected, :disconnected, :suspended, :failed] end let(:available_states) { self.class.available_states } let(:states) { Hash.new } let(:channel) { client.channel(random_str) } it 'is composed of connection key and serial that is kept up to date with each message ACK received' do connection.on(:connected) do expected_serial = -1 expect(connection.key).to_not be_nil expect(connection.serial).to eql(expected_serial) channel.attach do channel.publish('event', 'data') do expected_serial += 1 # attach message received expect(connection.serial).to eql(expected_serial) channel.publish('event', 'data') do expected_serial += 1 # attach message received expect(connection.serial).to eql(expected_serial) expect(connection.recovery_key).to eql("#{connection.key}:#{connection.serial}") stop_reactor end end end end end it "is available when connection is in one of the states: #{available_states.join(', ')}" do connection.once(:connected) do allow(client).to receive(:endpoint).and_return( URI::Generic.build( scheme: 'wss', host: 'this.host.does.not.exist.com' ) ) connection.transition_state_machine! :disconnected end available_states.each do |state| connection.on(state) do states[state.to_sym] = true if connection.recovery_key end end connection.once(:suspended) do error_message = Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(action: 9, error: { message: 'force failure' }) connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.publish :protocol_message, error_message end connection.once(:failed) do expect(states.keys).to match_array(available_states) stop_reactor end end it 'is nil when connection is explicitly CLOSED' do connection.once(:connected) do connection.close do expect(connection.recovery_key).to be_nil stop_reactor end end end end context "opening a new connection using a recently disconnected connection's #recovery_key" do context 'connection#id and connection#key after recovery' do it 'remains the same for id and party for key' do connection_key_consistent_part_regex = /.*?!(\w{5,})-/ previous_connection_id = nil previous_connection_key = nil connection.once(:connected) do previous_connection_id = connection.id previous_connection_key = connection.key connection.transition_state_machine! :failed end connection.once(:failed) do recover_client = auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options.merge(recover: client.connection.recovery_key)) recover_client.connection.on(:connected) do expect(recover_client.connection.key[connection_key_consistent_part_regex, 1]).to_not be_nil expect(recover_client.connection.key[connection_key_consistent_part_regex, 1]).to eql( previous_connection_key[connection_key_consistent_part_regex, 1]) expect(recover_client.connection.id).to eql(previous_connection_id) stop_reactor end end end it 'does not call a resume callback', api_private: true do connection.once(:connected) do connection.transition_state_machine! :failed end connection.once(:failed) do recover_client = auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options.merge(recover: client.connection.recovery_key)) recover_client.connection.on_resume do raise 'Should not call the resume callback' end recover_client.connection.on(:connected) do EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end end context 'when messages have been sent whilst the old connection is disconnected' do describe 'the new connection' do it 'recovers server-side queued messages' do channel.attach do connection.transition_state_machine! :failed end connection.on(:failed) do publishing_client_channel.publish('event', 'message') do recover_client = auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options.merge(recover: client.connection.recovery_key)) recover_client_channel = recover_client.channel(channel_name) recover_client_channel.attach do recover_client_channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.data).to eql('message') stop_reactor end end end end end end end end context 'with :recover option' do context 'with invalid syntax' do let(:invaid_client_options) { default_options.merge(recover: 'invalid') } it 'raises an exception' do expect { Ably::Realtime::Client.new(invaid_client_options) }.to raise_error ArgumentError, /Recover/ stop_reactor end end context 'with invalid formatted value sent to server' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(recover: 'not-a-valid-connection-key:1', log_level: :none) } it 'emits a fatal error on the connection object, sets the #error_reason and disconnects' do connection.once(:error) do |error| expect(connection.state).to eq(:failed) expect(error.message).to match(/Invalid connectionKey/i) expect(connection.error_reason.message).to match(/Invalid connectionKey/i) expect(connection.error_reason.code).to eql(80018) expect(connection.error_reason).to eql(error) stop_reactor end end end context 'with expired (missing) value sent to server' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(recover: 'wVIsgTHAB1UvXh7z-1991d8586:0', log_level: :fatal) } it 'emits an error on the connection object, sets the #error_reason, yet will connect anyway' do connection.once(:error) do |error| expect(connection.state).to eq(:connected) expect(error.message).to match(/Unable to recover connection/i) expect(connection.error_reason.message).to match(/Unable to recover connection/i) expect(connection.error_reason.code).to eql(80008) expect(connection.error_reason).to eql(error) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'with many connections simultaneously', em_timeout: 15 do let(:connection_count) { 40 } let(:connection_ids) { [] } let(:connection_keys) { [] } it 'opens each with a unique connection#id and connection#key' do connection_count.times.map do auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) end.each do |client| client.connection.on(:connected) do connection_ids << client.connection.id connection_keys << client.connection.key next unless connection_ids.count == connection_count expect(connection_ids.uniq.count).to eql(connection_count) expect(connection_keys.uniq.count).to eql(connection_count) stop_reactor end end end end context 'when a state transition is unsupported' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :none) } # silence FATAL errors it 'emits a InvalidStateChange' do connection.connect do connection.transition_state_machine :initialized end connection.on(:error) do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Ably::Exceptions::InvalidStateChange) stop_reactor end end end context 'protocol failure' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(protocol: :json) } context 'receiving an invalid ProtocolMessage' do it 'emits an error on the connection and logs a fatal error message' do connection.connect do connection.transport.send(:driver).emit 'message', OpenStruct.new(data: { action: 500 }.to_json) end expect(client.logger).to receive(:fatal).with(/Invalid Protocol Message/) connection.on(:error) do |error| expect(error.message).to match(/Invalid Protocol Message/) stop_reactor end end end end context 'undocumented method' do context '#internet_up?' do it 'returns a Deferrable' do expect(connection.internet_up?).to be_a(EventMachine::Deferrable) stop_reactor end context 'internet up URL protocol' do let(:http_request) { double('EventMachine::HttpRequest', get: EventMachine::DefaultDeferrable.new) } context 'when using TLS for the connection' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(tls: true) } it 'uses TLS for the Internet check to https://internet-up.ably-realtime.com/is-the-internet-up.txt' do expect(EventMachine::HttpRequest).to receive(:new).with('https://internet-up.ably-realtime.com/is-the-internet-up.txt').and_return(http_request) connection.internet_up? stop_reactor end end context 'when using a non-secured connection' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(tls: false, use_token_auth: true) } it 'uses TLS for the Internet check to http://internet-up.ably-realtime.com/is-the-internet-up.txt' do expect(EventMachine::HttpRequest).to receive(:new).with('http://internet-up.ably-realtime.com/is-the-internet-up.txt').and_return(http_request) connection.internet_up? stop_reactor end end end context 'when the Internet is up' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(tls: false, use_token_auth: true) } context 'with a TLS connection' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(tls: true) } it 'checks the Internet up URL over TLS' do expect(EventMachine::HttpRequest).to receive(:new).with("https:#{Ably::INTERNET_CHECK.fetch(:url)}").and_return(double('request', get: EventMachine::DefaultDeferrable.new)) connection.internet_up? stop_reactor end end context 'with a non-TLS connection' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(tls: false, use_token_auth: true) } it 'checks the Internet up URL over TLS' do expect(EventMachine::HttpRequest).to receive(:new).with("http:#{Ably::INTERNET_CHECK.fetch(:url)}").and_return(double('request', get: EventMachine::DefaultDeferrable.new)) connection.internet_up? stop_reactor end end it 'calls the block with true' do connection.internet_up? do |result| expect(result).to be_truthy EventMachine.add_timer(0.2) { stop_reactor } end end it 'calls the success callback of the Deferrable' do connection.internet_up?.callback do EventMachine.add_timer(0.2) { stop_reactor } end connection.internet_up?.errback do |error| raise "Could not perform the Internet up check. Are you connected to the Internet? #{error}" end end end context 'when the Internet is down' do before do stub_const 'Ably::INTERNET_CHECK', { url: '//does.not.exist.com', ok_text: 'no.way.this.will.match' } end it 'calls the block with false' do connection.internet_up? do |result| expect(result).to be_falsey stop_reactor end end it 'calls the failure callback of the Deferrable' do connection.internet_up?.errback do stop_reactor end end end end end describe 'state change side effects' do let(:channel) { client.channels.get(random_str) } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(:log_level => :error) } context 'when connection enters the :disconnected state' do it 'queues messages to be sent and all channels remain attached' do channel.attach do connection.once(:disconnected) do expect(connection.__outgoing_message_queue__).to be_empty channel.publish 'test' EventMachine.next_tick do expect(connection.__outgoing_message_queue__).to_not be_empty end connection.once(:connected) do EventMachine.add_timer(0.1) do expect(connection.__outgoing_message_queue__).to be_empty stop_reactor end end end connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing end end end context 'when connection enters the :suspended state' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( log_level: :fatal, disconnected_retry_timeout: 0.02, suspended_retry_timeout: 60, connection_state_ttl: 0.05 ) end it 'detaches the channels and prevents publishing of messages on those channels' do channel.attach do channel.once(:detached) do expect { channel.publish 'test' }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ChannelInactive) stop_reactor end close_connection_proc = Proc.new do EventMachine.add_timer(0.001) do if connection.transport.nil? close_connection_proc.call else connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing end end end # Keep disconnecting the websocket transport after it attempts reconnection connection.on(:connecting) do close_connection_proc.call end close_connection_proc.call end end end context 'when connection enters the :failed state' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(:key => 'will.not:authenticate', log_level: :none) } it 'sets all channels to failed and prevents publishing of messages on those channels' do channel.attach channel.once(:failed) do expect { channel.publish 'test' }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ChannelInactive) stop_reactor end end end end context 'connection state change' do it 'emits a ConnectionStateChange object' do connection.on(:connected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change).to be_a(Ably::Models::ConnectionStateChange) stop_reactor end end context 'ConnectionStateChange object' do it 'has current state' do connection.on(:connected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.current).to eq(:connected) stop_reactor end end it 'has a previous state' do connection.on(:connected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.previous).to eq(:connecting) stop_reactor end end it 'contains a private API protocol_message attribute that is used for special state change events', :api_private do connection.on(:connected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.protocol_message).to be_a(Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage) expect(connection_state_change.reason).to be_nil stop_reactor end end it 'has an empty reason when there is no error' do connection.on(:closed) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.reason).to be_nil stop_reactor end connection.connect do connection.close end end context 'on failure' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :none) } it 'has a reason Error object when there is an error on the connection' do connection.on(:failed) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.reason).to be_a(Ably::Exceptions::BaseAblyException) stop_reactor end connection.connect do error = Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionFailed.new('forced failure', 500, 50000) client.connection.manager.error_received_from_server error end end end context 'retry_in' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :error) } it 'is nil when a retry is not required' do connection.on(:connected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.retry_in).to be_nil stop_reactor end end it 'is 0 when first attempt to connect fails' do connection.once(:connecting) do connection.once(:disconnected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.retry_in).to eql(0) stop_reactor end EventMachine.add_timer(0.005) { connection.transport.unbind } end end it 'is 0 when an immediate reconnect will occur' do connection.once(:connected) do connection.once(:disconnected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.retry_in).to eql(0) stop_reactor end connection.transport.unbind end end it 'contains the next retry period when an immediate reconnect will not occur' do connection.once(:connected) do connection.once(:connecting) do connection.once(:disconnected) do |connection_state_change| expect(connection_state_change.retry_in).to be > 0 stop_reactor end EventMachine.add_timer(0.005) { connection.transport.unbind } end connection.transport.unbind end end end end end context 'version params' do it 'sends the protocol version param v' do expect(EventMachine).to receive(:connect) do |host, port, transport, object, url| uri = URI.parse(url) expect(CGI::parse(uri.query)['v'][0]).to eql(Ably::PROTOCOL_VERSION) stop_reactor end client end it 'sends the lib version param lib' do expect(EventMachine).to receive(:connect) do |host, port, transport, object, url| uri = URI.parse(url) expect(CGI::parse(uri.query)['lib'][0]).to eql("ruby-#{Ably::VERSION}") stop_reactor end client end end end end