# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # This class is used to iterate through the rectangles in a region, typically when examining the damaged regions of a window within an OnPaint call.
  # To use it, construct an iterator object on the stack and loop through the regions, testing the object and incrementing the iterator at the end of the loop.
  # See {Wx::PaintEvent} for an example of use.
  # === 
  # Category:  Graphics Device Interface (GDI)
  # Predefined objects/pointers: {Wx::NullRegion}
  # @see Wx::PaintEvent 
  class RegionIterator < Object
    # @overload initialize()
    #   Default constructor.
    #   @return [Wx::RegionIterator]
    # @overload initialize(region)
    #   Creates an iterator object given a region.
    #   @param region [Wx::Region] 
    #   @return [Wx::RegionIterator]
    def initialize(*args) end
    # An alias for {Wx::RegionIterator#get_height}.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_h; end
    alias_method :h, :get_h
    # Returns the height value for the current region.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_height; end
    alias_method :height, :get_height
    # Returns the current rectangle.
    # @return [Wx::Rect]
    def get_rect; end
    alias_method :rect, :get_rect
    # An alias for {Wx::RegionIterator#get_width}.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_w; end
    alias_method :w, :get_w
    # Returns the width value for the current region.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_width; end
    alias_method :width, :get_width
    # Returns the x value for the current region.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_x; end
    alias_method :x, :get_x
    # Returns the y value for the current region.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_y; end
    alias_method :y, :get_y
    # Returns true if there are still some rectangles; otherwise returns false.
    # @return [Boolean]
    def have_rects; end
    # Resets the iterator to the beginning of the rectangles.
    # @return [void]
    def reset; end
  end # RegionIterator
