--- title: Coretype --- ## PureCloud::Coretype ## Properties |Name | Type | Description | Notes| |------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------| | **id** | **String** | The globally unique identifier for the object. | [optional] | | **name** | **String** | | [optional] | | **version** | **Integer** | A positive integer denoting the core type's version | [optional] | | **date_created** | **DateTime** | The date the core type was created. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] | | **schema** | [**Schema**](Schema.html) | The core type's built-in schema | [optional] | | **current** | **BOOLEAN** | A boolean indicating if the core type's version is the current one in use by the system | [optional] | | **validation_fields** | **Array<String>** | An array of strings naming the fields of the core type subject to validation. Validation constraints are specified by a schema author using the core type. | [optional] | | **validation_limits** | [**ValidationLimits**](ValidationLimits.html) | A structure denoting the system-imposed minimum and maximum string length (for text-based core types) or numeric values (for number-based) core types. For example, the validationLimits for a text-based core type specify the min/max values for a minimum string length (minLength) constraint supplied by a schemaauthor on a text field. Similarly, the maxLength's min/max specifies maximum string length constraint supplied by a schema author for the same field. | [optional] | | **item_validation_fields** | **Array<String>** | Specific to the \"tag\" core type, this is an array of strings naming the tag item fields of the core type subject to validation | [optional] | | **item_validation_limits** | [**ItemValidationLimits**](ItemValidationLimits.html) | A structure denoting the system-imposed minimum and maximum string length for string-array based core types such as \"tag\" and \"enum\". Forexample, the validationLimits for a schema field using a tag core type specify the min/max values for a minimum string length (minLength) constraint supplied by a schema author on individual tags. Similarly, the maxLength's min/max specifies maximum string length constraint supplied by a schema author for the same field's tags. | [optional] | | **self_uri** | **String** | The URI for this object | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"}