var assert = require('assert'); var babel = require('babel-core'); var clear = require('clear'); var diff = require('diff'); var fs = require('fs'); var jsonfile = require('jsonfile'); var path = require('path'); var Mocha = require('mocha'); require('babel-register'); var pluginPath = require.resolve('../src'); function runTests() { var testsPath = __dirname + '/fixtures/'; fs.readdirSync(testsPath).map(function(item) { return { path: path.join(testsPath, item), name: item, }; }).filter(function(item) { return fs.statSync(item.path).isDirectory(); }).forEach(runTest); runMocha(); } function runMocha() { // Instantiate a Mocha instance. var mocha = new Mocha(); var testDir = path.join(__dirname, 'mocha') var suite = path.join(testDir, 'suite.js') var output = babel.transformFileSync(suite, { plugins: [pluginPath] }); var suiteCompiled = path.join(testDir, '.suite_compiled.js'); fs.writeFileSync(suiteCompiled, output.code); delete require.cache[require.resolve(suiteCompiled)]; mocha.addFile(suiteCompiled); // Run the tests.; } function runTest(dir) { var babelOptions = { plugins: [pluginPath] } babelRcPath = path.join(dir.path, '.babelrc'); try { fs.accessSync(babelRcPath); babelOptions = jsonfile.readFileSync(babelRcPath); } catch(e) {} var output = babel.transformFileSync(dir.path + '/actual.js', babelOptions); var expected = fs.readFileSync(dir.path + '/expected.js', 'utf-8'); function normalizeLines(str) { return str.trimRight().replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); } process.stdout.write(; process.stdout.write('\n\n'); diff.diffLines(normalizeLines(output.code), normalizeLines(expected)) .forEach(function (part) { var value = part.value; if (part.added) { value = part.value; } else if (part.removed) { value = part.value; } process.stdout.write(value); }); process.stdout.write('\n\n\n'); } if (process.argv.indexOf('--watch') >= 0) { require('watch').watchTree(__dirname + '/..', { ignoreDotFiles: true }, function () { delete require.cache[pluginPath]; clear(); console.log('Press Ctrl+C to stop watching...'); console.log('================================'); try { runTests(); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack); } }); } else { runTests(); }