# Fog::Dtdream Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file `lib/fog/dtdream`. To experiment with that code, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'fog-dtdream' ``` And then execute: ```shell $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```shell $ gem install fog-dtdream ``` ## Usage Before you can use fog-dtdream, you must require it in your application: ```ruby require 'fog/dtdream' ``` Since it's a bad practice to have your credentials in source code, you should load them from default fog configuration file: ```~/.fog```. This file could look like this: ``` default: :aliyun_accesskey_id: , :aliyun_accesskey_secret: , :aliyun_oss_endpoint: , :aliyun_oss_location: , :aliyun_oss_bucket: ``` ### Connecting to OSS ```ruby conn = Fog::Storage[:dtdream] ``` If you haven't modified your default fog configuration file or you don't want to use it, you can load your credentials by this way: ```ruby opt = { :provider => 'dtdream', :aliyun_accesskey_id => , :aliyun_accesskey_secret => , :aliyun_oss_endpoint => , :aliyun_oss_location => , :aliyun_oss_bucket => , } conn = Fog::Storage.new(opt) ``` ## Fog::Dtdream Abstractions Fog::Dtdream provides both a **model** and **request** abstraction. The request abstraction provides the most efficient interface and the model abstraction wraps the request abstraction to provide a convenient `ActiveModel` like interface. ### Request Layer The Fog::Storage object supports a number of methods that wrap individual HTTP requests to the OSS API. To see a list of requests supported by the storage service: conn.requests This returns: ``` [[nil, :copy_object], [nil, :delete_bucket], [nil, :delete_object], [nil, :get_bucket], [nil, :get_object], [nil, :get_object_http_url], [nil, :get_object_https_url], [nil, :head_object], [nil, :put_bucket], [nil, :put_object], [nil, :list_buckets], [nil, :list_objects], [nil, :get_containers], [nil, :get_container], [nil, :delete_container], [nil, :put_container]] ``` #### Example Requests(list_buckets) To request all of buckets: ```ruby conn.list_buckets ``` And this returns like the flowing; ``` [{"Location"=>"oss-cn-beijing", "Name"=>"dt1", "CreationDate"=>"2015-07-30T08:38:02.000Z"}, {"Location"=>"oss-cn-shenzhen", "Name"=>"ruby1", "CreationDate"=>"2015-07-30T02:22:34.000Z"}, {"Location"=>"oss-cn-qingdao", "Name"=>"yuanhang123", "CreationDate"=>"2015-05-18T03:06:31.000Z"}] ``` You can also request in this way; ```ruby conn.list_buckets(:prefix=>"pre") ``` Here is a summary of the optional parameters:
Parameters Description
:prefix The bucket name of the results must start with 'prefix'.It won't filter prefix information if not set
Data Types: String
:marker The result will start from the marker alphabetically.It wil start from the first if not set.
Data Types: String
Defaults: none
:maxKeys Set the max number of the results. It will set to 100 if not set. The max value of maxKeys is 1000.
Data Types: String
Defaults: 100
To learn more about `Fog::Dtdream` request methods, you can refer to our source code. To learn more about OSS API, refer to [AliYun OSS API](https://docs.aliyun.com/?spm=5176.383663.9.2.jpghde#/pub/oss/api-reference/abstract). ### Model Layer Fog models behave in a manner similar to `ActiveModel`. Models will generally respond to `create`, `save`, `destroy`, `reload` and `attributes` methods. Additionally, fog will automatically create attribute accessors. Here is a summary of common model methods:
Method Description
create Accepts hash of attributes and creates object.
Note: creation is a non-blocking call and you will be required to wait for a valid state before using resulting object.
save Saves object.
Note: not all objects support updating object.
destroy Destroys object.
Note: this is a non-blocking call and object deletion might not be instantaneous.
reload Updates object with latest state from service.
attributes Returns a hash containing the list of model attributes and values.
identity Returns the identity of the object.
Note: This might not always be equal to object.id.
The remainder of this document details the model abstraction. **Note:** Fog sometimes refers to OSS containers as directories. ## List Directories To retrieve a list of directories: ```ruby conn.directories ``` This returns a collection of `Fog::Storage::Dtdream::Directory` models: ## Get Directory To retrieve a specific directory: ```ruby conn.directories.get "dir" ``` This returns a `Fog::Storage::Dtdream::Directory` instance: ## Create Directory To create a directory: ```ruby conn.directories.create :key => 'backups' ``` ## Delete Directory To delete a directory: ```ruby directory.destroy ``` **Note**: Directory must be empty before it can be deleted. ## Directory URL To get a directory's URL: ```ruby directory.public_url ``` ## List Files To list files in a directory: ```ruby directory.files ``` **Note**: File contents is not downloaded until `body` attribute is called. ## Upload Files To upload a file into a directory: ```ruby file = directory.files.create :key => 'space.jpg', :body => File.open "space.jpg" ``` **Note**: For files larger than 5 GB please refer to the [Upload Large Files](#upload_large_files) section. ### Additional Parameters The `create` method also supports the following key values:
Key Description
:content_type The content type of the object. Cloud Files will attempt to auto detect this value if omitted.
:origin The origin is the URI of the object's host.
:etag The MD5 checksum of your object's data. If specified, Cloud Files will validate the integrity of the uploaded object.
## Upload Large Files OSS requires files larger than 5 GB (the OSS default limit) to be uploaded into segments along with an accompanying manifest file. All of the segments must be uploaded to the same container. Segmented files are downloaded like ordinary files. See [Download Files](#download-files) section for more information. ## Download Files The most efficient way to download files from a private or public directory is as follows: ```ruby File.open('downloaded-file.jpg', 'w') do | f | directory.files.get("my_big_file.jpg") do | data, remaining, content_length | f.syswrite data end end ``` This will download and save the file. **Note**: The `body` attribute of file will be empty if a file has been downloaded using this method. If a file object has already been loaded into memory, you can save it as follows: ```ruby File.open('germany.jpg', 'w') {|f| f.write(file_object.body) } ``` **Note**: This method is more memory intensive as the entire object is loaded into memory before saving the file as in the example above. ## File URL To get a file's URL: ```ruby file.public_url ``` ## Copy File Cloud Files supports copying files. To copy files into a container named "trip" with a name of "europe.jpg" do the following: ```ruby file.copy("trip", "europe.jpg") ``` To move or rename a file, perform a copy operation and then delete the old file: ```ruby file.copy("trip", "germany.jpg") file.destroy ``` ## Delete File To delete a file: ```ruby file.destroy ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).