# frozen_string_literal: true require "pg_query" require "pg" module PgOnlineSchemaChange class Query extend Helper INDEX_SUFFIX = "_pgosc" DROPPED_COLUMN_TYPE = :AT_DropColumn RENAMED_COLUMN_TYPE = :AT_RenameColumn LOCK_ATTEMPT = 4 class << self def alter_statement?(query) PgQuery.parse(query).tree.stmts.all? do |statement| statement.stmt.alter_table_stmt.instance_of?(PgQuery::AlterTableStmt) || statement.stmt.rename_stmt.instance_of?(PgQuery::RenameStmt) end rescue PgQuery::ParseError false end def same_table?(query) tables = PgQuery.parse(query).tree.stmts.filter_map do |statement| if statement.stmt.alter_table_stmt.instance_of?(PgQuery::AlterTableStmt) statement.stmt.alter_table_stmt.relation.relname elsif statement.stmt.rename_stmt.instance_of?(PgQuery::RenameStmt) statement.stmt.rename_stmt.relation.relname end end tables.uniq.count == 1 rescue PgQuery::ParseError false end def table(query) from_rename_statement = PgQuery.parse(query).tree.stmts.filter_map do |statement| statement.stmt.rename_stmt&.relation&.relname end[0] PgQuery.parse(query).tables[0] || from_rename_statement end def run(connection, query, reuse_trasaction = false, &block) connection.cancel if [PG::PQTRANS_INERROR, PG::PQTRANS_UNKNOWN].include?(connection.transaction_status) logger.debug("Running query", { query: query }) connection.async_exec("BEGIN;") result = connection.async_exec(query, &block) rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException connection.cancel if connection.transaction_status != PG::PQTRANS_IDLE connection.block logger.info("Exception raised, rolling back query", { rollback: true, query: query }) connection.async_exec("ROLLBACK;") connection.async_exec("COMMIT;") raise else connection.async_exec("COMMIT;") unless reuse_trasaction result end def table_columns(client, table = nil, reuse_trasaction = false) sql = <<~SQL SELECT attname as column_name, format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) as type, attnum as column_position FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = \'#{table || client.table}\'::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped ORDER BY attnum; SQL mapped_columns = [] run(client.connection, sql, reuse_trasaction) do |result| mapped_columns = result.map do |row| row["column_name_regular"] = row["column_name"] row["column_name"] = client.connection.quote_ident(row["column_name"]) row["column_position"] = row["column_position"].to_i row end end mapped_columns end def alter_statement_for(client, shadow_table) parsed_query = PgQuery.parse(client.alter_statement) parsed_query.tree.stmts.each do |statement| statement.stmt.alter_table_stmt.relation.relname = shadow_table if statement.stmt.alter_table_stmt statement.stmt.rename_stmt.relation.relname = shadow_table if statement.stmt.rename_stmt end parsed_query.deparse end def get_indexes_for(client, table) query = <<~SQL SELECT indexdef, schemaname FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = \'#{client.schema}\' AND tablename = \'#{table}\' SQL indexes = [] run(client.connection, query) do |result| indexes = result.map { |row| row["indexdef"] } end indexes end def get_all_constraints_for(client) query = <<~SQL SELECT conrelid::regclass AS table_on, confrelid::regclass AS table_from, contype as constraint_type, conname AS constraint_name, convalidated AS constraint_validated, pg_get_constraintdef(oid) AS definition FROM pg_constraint WHERE contype IN ('f', 'p') SQL constraints = [] run(client.connection, query) do |result| constraints = result.map { |row| row } end constraints end def get_primary_keys_for(client, table) get_all_constraints_for(client).select do |row| row["table_on"] == table && row["constraint_type"] == "p" end end def get_foreign_keys_for(client, table) get_all_constraints_for(client).select do |row| row["table_on"] == table && row["constraint_type"] == "f" end end def referential_foreign_keys_to_refresh(client, table) references = get_all_constraints_for(client).select do |row| row["table_from"] == table && row["constraint_type"] == "f" end references.map do |row| add_statement = if row["definition"].end_with?("NOT VALID") "ALTER TABLE #{row["table_on"]} ADD CONSTRAINT #{row["constraint_name"]} #{row["definition"]};" else "ALTER TABLE #{row["table_on"]} ADD CONSTRAINT #{row["constraint_name"]} #{row["definition"]} NOT VALID;" end drop_statement = "ALTER TABLE #{row["table_on"]} DROP CONSTRAINT #{row["constraint_name"]};" "#{drop_statement} #{add_statement}" end.join end def self_foreign_keys_to_refresh(client, table) references = get_all_constraints_for(client).select do |row| row["table_on"] == table && row["constraint_type"] == "f" end references.map do |row| add_statement = if row["definition"].end_with?("NOT VALID") "ALTER TABLE #{row["table_on"]} ADD CONSTRAINT #{row["constraint_name"]} #{row["definition"]};" else "ALTER TABLE #{row["table_on"]} ADD CONSTRAINT #{row["constraint_name"]} #{row["definition"]} NOT VALID;" end add_statement end.join end def get_foreign_keys_to_validate(client, table) constraints = get_all_constraints_for(client) referential_foreign_keys = constraints.select do |row| row["table_from"] == table && row["constraint_type"] == "f" end self_foreign_keys = constraints.select do |row| row["table_on"] == table && row["constraint_type"] == "f" end [referential_foreign_keys, self_foreign_keys].flatten.map do |row| "ALTER TABLE #{row["table_on"]} VALIDATE CONSTRAINT #{row["constraint_name"]};" end.join end def dropped_columns(client) PgQuery.parse(client.alter_statement).tree.stmts.map do |statement| next if statement.stmt.alter_table_stmt.nil? statement.stmt.alter_table_stmt.cmds.map do |cmd| cmd.alter_table_cmd.name if cmd.alter_table_cmd.subtype == DROPPED_COLUMN_TYPE end end.flatten.compact end def renamed_columns(client) PgQuery.parse(client.alter_statement).tree.stmts.map do |statement| next if statement.stmt.rename_stmt.nil? { old_name: statement.stmt.rename_stmt.subname, new_name: statement.stmt.rename_stmt.newname, } end.flatten.compact end def primary_key_for(client, table) query = <<~SQL SELECT pg_attribute.attname as column_name FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_namespace WHERE pg_class.oid = \'#{table}\'::regclass AND indrelid = pg_class.oid AND nspname = \'#{client.schema}\' AND pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary SQL columns = [] run(client.connection, query) do |result| columns = result.map { |row| row["column_name"] } end columns.first end def storage_parameters_for(client, table, reuse_trasaction = false) query = <<~SQL SELECT array_to_string(reloptions, ',') as params FROM pg_class WHERE relname=\'#{table}\'; SQL columns = [] run(client.connection, query, reuse_trasaction) do |result| columns = result.map { |row| row["params"] } end columns.first end # This function acquires the lock and keeps the transaction # open. If a lock is acquired, its upon the caller # to call COMMIT to end the transaction. If a lock # is not acquired, transaction is closed and a new transaction # is started to acquire lock again def open_lock_exclusive(client, table) attempts ||= 1 query = <<~SQL SET lock_timeout = '#{client.wait_time_for_lock}s'; LOCK TABLE #{client.table} IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE; SQL run(client.connection, query, true) true rescue PG::LockNotAvailable, PG::InFailedSqlTransaction if (attempts += 1) < LOCK_ATTEMPT logger.info("Couldn't acquire lock, attempt: #{attempts}") run(client.connection, "RESET lock_timeout;") kill_backends(client, table) retry end logger.info("Lock acquire failed") run(client.connection, "RESET lock_timeout;") false end def kill_backends(client, table) return unless client.kill_backends logger.info("Terminating other backends") query = <<~SQL SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype = 'relation' AND relation = \'#{table}\'::regclass::oid AND pid <> pg_backend_pid() SQL run(client.connection, query, true) end def copy_data_statement(client, shadow_table, reuse_trasaction = false) select_columns = table_columns(client, client.table, reuse_trasaction).map do |entry| entry["column_name_regular"] end select_columns -= dropped_columns_list if dropped_columns_list.any? insert_into_columns = select_columns.dup if renamed_columns_list.any? renamed_columns_list.each do |obj| insert_into_columns.each_with_index do |insert_into_column, index| insert_into_columns[index] = obj[:new_name] if insert_into_column == obj[:old_name] end end end insert_into_columns.map! do |insert_into_column| client.connection.quote_ident(insert_into_column) end select_columns.map! do |select_column| client.connection.quote_ident(select_column) end <<~SQL INSERT INTO #{shadow_table}(#{insert_into_columns.join(", ")}) SELECT #{select_columns.join(", ")} FROM ONLY #{client.table} SQL end end end end