require 'open3' require 'pg' require 'set' module Prodder class PG PGDumpError = attr_reader :credentials def initialize(credentials = {}) @credentials = credentials end def create_role(role, opts = []) arguments = [ 'createuser', '--no-password', '--no-superuser', '--no-createrole', '--no-createdb' ] arguments.push *opts, role run arguments end def drop_role(role) run ['dropuser', role] end def create_db(db_name, sql = nil) run ['createdb', db_name] psql db_name, sql if sql end def drop_db(db_name) run ['dropdb', db_name] end def psql(db_name, sql) run ['psql', db_name], sql end def dump_settings(db_name, filename) db_settings = pg_conn(db_name) { |conn| conn.exec(<<-SQL).map { |setting| setting['config'] } } select unnest(setconfig) as config from pg_catalog.pg_db_role_setting join pg_database on pg_database.oid = setdatabase -- 0 = default, for all users where setrole = 0 and datname = '#{db_name}' SQL, 'w') do |f| db_settings.each do |setting| # wipe out all spaces setting.gsub!(/\s+/, '') # if the setting is empty, ignore it unless setting.empty? # else, drop carriage returns/new lines setting.chomp! # and append an empty string if the setting was being assigned a value of nothing setting += "''" if setting.match(/=$/) # using the magic of psql variables through :DBNAME f.puts "ALTER DATABASE :DBNAME SET #{setting};" end end end end def dump_structure(db_name, filename, options = {}) arguments = [ '--schema-only', '--no-privileges', '--no-owner', '--host', credentials['host'], '--username', credentials['user'] ] if options[:exclude_schemas].respond_to? :map arguments.concat options[:exclude_schemas].map { |schema| ['--exclude-schema', schema] }.flatten end if options[:exclude_tables].respond_to? :map arguments.concat options[:exclude_tables].map { |table| ['--exclude-table', table] }.flatten end pg_dump filename, arguments.push(db_name) end def dump_tables(db_name, tables, filename) pg_dump filename, [ '--data-only', '--no-privileges', '--no-owner', '--disable-triggers', '--host', credentials['host'], '--username', credentials['user'], * { |table| ['--table', table] }.flatten, db_name ] end def dump_permissions(db_name, filename, options = {}) perm_out_sql = "" user_list = [] perm_out_sql << dump_db_access_control(db_name, user_list, options) perm_out_sql.prepend pg_dumpall db_name, user_list, options perm_out_sql.prepend(alter_role_function) perm_out_sql.prepend(create_role_function) perm_out_sql.prepend(granted_by_function) perm_out_sql.prepend("SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;\n") perm_out_sql << drop_role_create_function perm_out_sql << drop_role_alter_function perm_out_sql << drop_granted_by_function, 'w') { |f| f.write perm_out_sql } end #From pg_dump ACL_GRANT = /^GRANT / ACL_REVOKE = /^REVOKE / DEFAULT_PRIVILEGES = /^ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES / SET_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP = /.* OWNER TO / def dump_db_access_control(db_name, user_list, options) perm_out_sql = "" arguments = [ '--schema-only', '--host', credentials['host'], '--username', credentials['user'] ] if options[:exclude_schemas].respond_to? :map arguments.concat options[:exclude_schemas].map { |schema| ['--exclude-schema', schema] }.flatten end if options[:exclude_tables].respond_to? :map arguments.concat options[:exclude_tables].map { |table| ['--exclude-table', table] }.flatten end arguments.push db_name white_list = options[:included_users] || [] irrelevant_login_roles = irrelevant_login_roles(db_name, white_list).map { |user| user['rolname'] } run ['pg_dump', *arguments] do |out, err, success| out.each_line do |line| if line.match(ACL_GRANT) || line.match(ACL_REVOKE) || line.match(DEFAULT_PRIVILEGES) || line.match(SET_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP) unless irrelevant_login_roles.include?(line.match(/ (\S*);$/)[1]) perm_out_sql << line user_list << (line.match(/ (\S*);$/)[1]).gsub(/"/, '') end end end raise if !success end user_list.uniq! perm_out_sql end private def pg_conn(db_name) conn = ::PG.connect( dbname: db_name, host: credentials['host'], user: credentials['user'], password: credentials['password'] ) res = yield(conn) conn.close res end def irrelevant_login_roles(db_name, white_list) white_list ||= [] login_role_list = pg_conn(db_name) do |conn| conn.exec('SELECT oid, rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolcanlogin AND NOT rolsuper').map do |role| {'oid' => role['oid'], 'rolname' => role['rolname'] } end end login_role_list.reject! { |user| white_list.include?(user['rolname']) } login_role_list end def run(cmd, stdin_data = nil, &block) # TODO use a tmp .pgpass file instead of $PGPASSWORD env = { 'PGPASSWORD' => credentials['password'] } Open3.popen3(env, *cmd) do |stdin, out, err, thr| if stdin_data stdin.write stdin_data stdin.close end out, err =, puts err if err, err, thr.value.success?) if block out end end def pg_dump(filename, cmd) run ['pg_dump', *cmd] do |out, err, success| raise if !success, 'w') { |f| f.write out } end end def pg_dumpall(db_name, user_list, options) white_list = options[:included_users] || [] irrelevant_login_roles = irrelevant_login_roles(db_name, white_list).map { |user| user['oid'] } roles_and_memberships = pg_conn(db_name) { |conn| conn.exec smart_pgdumpall(user_list, irrelevant_login_roles) } rolcreate_sql, rolalter_sql, rolgrant_sql = "", "", "" created_roles = roles_and_memberships.each do |role| unless created_roles.member? role['rolname'] created_roles << role['rolname'] tmp_sql = "" rolcreate_sql << "SELECT * FROM create_role_if_not_exists('#{role['rolname']}');\n" tmp_sql << "ALTER ROLE \"#{role['rolname']}\" WITH" [ ['rolsuper', 'SUPERUSER'], ['rolinherit', 'INHERIT'], ['rolcreaterole', 'CREATEROLE'], ['rolcreatedb', 'CREATEDB'], ['rolcanlogin', 'LOGIN'], ['rolreplication', 'REPLICATION'] ].each do |key, modifier| tmp_sql << if role[key].eql? 't' " #{modifier}" else modifier.prepend ' NO' end end tmp_sql << " CONNECTION LIMIT #{role['rolconnlimit']}" unless role['rolconnlimit'].eql?("-1") tmp_sql << " VALID UNTIL '#{role['rolvaliduntil']}'" unless role['rolvaliduntil'].nil? tmp_sql << ";\n" tmp_sql << "COMMENT ON ROLE \"#{role['rolname']}\" IS '#{role['rolcomment']}';\n" unless role['rolcomment'].nil? rolalter_sql << "SELECT * FROM alter_role('#{role['rolname']}', $$#{tmp_sql}$$);\n" end unless role['member'].nil? tmp_sql = "" rolgrant_sql << "GRANT \"#{role['roleid']}\" TO \"#{role['member']}\"" rolgrant_sql << " WITH ADMIN OPTION" if role['admin_option'].eql?('t') rolgrant_sql << ";\n" tmp_sql << "GRANT \"#{role['roleid']}\" TO \"#{role['member']}\"" tmp_sql << " WITH ADMIN OPTION" if role['admin_option'].eql?('t') tmp_sql << " GRANTED BY #{role['grantor']}" if role['grantor'].eql?('t') tmp_sql << ";" rolgrant_sql << "SELECT * FROM granted_by('#{role['grantor']}', $$#{tmp_sql}$$);\n" end end rolcreate_sql << rolalter_sql << rolgrant_sql end def smart_pgdumpall(user_list, irrelevant_login_roles) irrelevant_login_roles << -1 if irrelevant_login_roles.respond_to?(:empty?) && irrelevant_login_roles.empty? replace_bind_variables(<<-SQL, [user_list, irrelevant_login_roles]) WITH RECURSIVE memberships(roleid, member, admin_option, grantor) AS ( SELECT ur.oid AS roleid, NULL::oid AS member, NULL::boolean AS admin_option, NULL::oid AS grantor FROM pg_roles ur WHERE ur.rolname IN (?) UNION SELECT COALESCE(a.roleid, r.oid) AS roleid, a.member AS member, a.admin_option AS admin_option, a.grantor AS grantor FROM pg_auth_members a FULL OUTER JOIN pg_roles r ON FALSE JOIN memberships ON (memberships.roleid = a.member) OR (memberships.roleid = r.oid OR memberships.member = r.oid) OR (memberships.roleid = a.roleid AND COALESCE(memberships.member, 0::oid) <> a.member AND a.member NOT IN(?)) ) SELECT DISTINCT ON(ur.rolname, um.rolname) ur.rolname AS roleid, um.rolname AS member, memberships.admin_option, ug.rolname AS grantor, ur.rolname, ur.rolsuper, ur.rolinherit, ur.rolcreaterole, ur.rolcreatedb, ur.rolcanlogin, ur.rolconnlimit, ur.rolvaliduntil, ur.rolreplication, pg_catalog.shobj_description(memberships.roleid, 'pg_authid') as rolcomment FROM memberships LEFT JOIN pg_roles ur on ur.oid = memberships.roleid LEFT JOIN pg_roles um on um.oid = memberships.member LEFT JOIN pg_roles ug on ug.oid = memberships.grantor ORDER BY 1,2 NULLS LAST; SQL end def replace_bind_variable(value) if value.respond_to?(:map) if value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty? quote(nil) else { |v| quote(v) }.join(',') end else quote(value) end end def quote_string(s) s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''") end def quote(value) "'#{quote_string(value.to_s)}'" end def replace_bind_variables(statement, values) values.each do |value| statement.sub!(/\?/) do replace_bind_variable(value) end end statement end def alter_role_function <<-SQL CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.alter_role(rolename VARCHAR, sql TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $alter_role$ DECLARE r RECORD; compensating_sql TEXT := '**!!**ALTER ROLE '; BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT rolsuper, rolinherit, rolcreaterole, rolcreatedb, rolcanlogin, rolconnlimit, rolvaliduntil, rolreplication, pg_catalog.shobj_description(oid, $1) as rolcomment FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = $2' INTO r USING 'pg_authid', rolename; compensating_sql := compensating_sql || '"' || rolename || '" WITH'; IF r.rolsuper THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' SUPERUSER'; ELSE compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' NOSUPERUSER'; END IF; IF r.rolinherit THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' INHERIT'; ELSE compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' NOINHERIT'; END IF; IF r.rolcreaterole THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' CREATEROLE'; ELSE compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' NOCREATEROLE'; END IF; IF r.rolcreatedb THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' CREATEDB'; ELSE compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' NOCREATEDB'; END IF; IF r.rolcanlogin THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' LOGIN'; ELSE compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' NOLOGIN'; END IF; IF r.rolreplication THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' REPLICATION'; ELSE compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' NOREPLICATION'; END IF; IF r.rolconnlimit <> -1 THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' CONNECTION LIMIT ' || r.rolconnlimit; END IF; IF r.rolvaliduntil IS NOT NULL THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ' VALID UNTIL ' || r.rolvaliduntil; END IF; compensating_sql := compensating_sql || ';\n'; IF r.rolcomment IS NOT NULL THEN compensating_sql := compensating_sql || 'COMMENT ON ROLE "' || rolename || '" IS ' || r.rolcomment || ';\n'; END IF; compensating_sql := compensating_sql || '**!!**'; EXECUTE sql; RETURN compensating_sql; END; $alter_role$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; SQL end def drop_role_alter_function <<-SQL \n DROP FUNCTION public.alter_role(VARCHAR, TEXT); \n SQL end def granted_by_function <<-SQL \n CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.granted_by(rolename VARCHAR, sql TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $role_exists$ DECLARE BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE rolname = rolename) THEN EXECUTE sql; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'Rolename % does not exist, cannot set granted by', rolename; RETURN FALSE; END IF; END; $role_exists$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; \n SQL end def drop_granted_by_function <<-SQL \n DROP FUNCTION public.granted_by(VARCHAR, TEXT); \n SQL end def create_role_function <<-SQL \n CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.create_role_if_not_exists(rolename VARCHAR) RETURNS TEXT AS $create_role_if_not_exists$ DECLARE BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE rolname = rolename) THEN EXECUTE 'CREATE ROLE ' || quote_ident(rolename) || ' ;'; RETURN '**!!**DROP ROLE ''' || rolename || ''';**!!**'; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END; $create_role_if_not_exists$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; \n SQL end def drop_role_create_function <<-SQL \n DROP FUNCTION public.create_role_if_not_exists(VARCHAR); \n SQL end end end