# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rake' require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rake/testtask' require 'flay' require 'flay_task' require 'flog' require 'flog_task' require 'inch/rake' require 'reek/rake/task' require 'rubocop/rake_task' require 'fileutils' Dir.glob('lib/tasks/*.rake').each { |r| load r } class FlogTask < Rake::TaskLib attr_accessor :methods_only end namespace :test do Rake::TestTask.new(:unit) do |t| t.description = 'Run unit tests using Entities and a dummied Repository' t.pattern = ['test/crypt_ident_test.rb', 'test/crypt_ident/**/*_test.rb'] t.libs << 'test' t.warning = false end Rake::TestTask.new(:integration) do |t| t.description = 'Run integration tests using an actual Hanami Repository ' \ 'and Entity' t.pattern = 'test/integration/**/*_test.rb' t.libs << 'test' t.warning = false end end FlogTask.new do |t| t.verbose = true t.threshold = 400 # default is 200 t.methods_only = true t.dirs = %w(lib) # Look, Ma; no tests! Run the tool manually every so often for those. end Inch::Rake::Suggest.new do |suggest| suggest.args = '--pedantic' end Reek::Rake::Task.new do |t| t.config_file = 'config.reek' t.source_files = '{apps,db,lib}/**/*.rb' t.reek_opts = '--sort-by smelliness --no-progress -s' end RuboCop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |task| task.patterns = [ 'apps/**/*.rb', 'db/**/*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'spec/**/*.rb' ] task.formatters = ['progress'] task.fail_on_error = true # task.options << '--rails' task.options << '--config=.rubocop.yml' task.options << '--display-cop-names' end namespace :minitest do desc 'Reset mean-time reporter stats by removing previous-runs data file' task :reset_statistics do # *DO NOT* call `Minitest::Reporters::MeanTimeReporter.reset_statistics!`. # Ever. Or at least until it's officially fixed. It writes an empty file to # the previous-runs file, which crashes any future run of this reporter. # FIXME! require 'minitest/reporters/mean_time_reporter' mtr = Minitest::Reporters::MeanTimeReporter.new prfile = mtr.send :previous_runs_filename _unlinked = FileUtils.rm_f prfile puts 'The mean time reporter statistics have been reset.' end end desc 'Run both integration and unit tests' task test: ['test:integration', 'test:unit'] # FlayTask.new do |t| # t.verbose = true # t.dirs = %w(lib) # end desc 'Flay run via command line since FlayTask searches *all* as of v2.12.1' task :flay do system('bin/flay lib') end task default: [:test, 'test:integration', :flog, :flay, :reek, :rubocop, :inch] task spec: :test